Paul Starr and The Fog of Health Care
PHILADELPHIA -- Among other peculiarities of its tortured health care history, the United States long ago became the only country in the world whose conservatives equate the public funding of health care with a loss of personal freedom, author Paul Starr told the 2012 Wharton Alumni Health Care Conference. The Pulitzer Prize winner's keynote remarks reprised his latest book, "Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle Over Health Care Reform," which chronicles the century of political struggles that have made the U.S. the only advanced society that fails to provide universal health care to all its citizens. As a result, he said, generations of Americans have "experienced forms of economic insecurity virtually unknown in the other advanced nations: 'medical uninsurability,' 'medial bankruptcy,' and 'job lock.'" This video is a five-minute excerpt from his presentation in The Wharton School's Huntsman Hall. [ -- Conference session: Main Keynote Session. -- ]

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