Photos: Penn-CMU Roybal Center Retreat November 17 & 18, 2011, Lambertville, N.J. |
 The Inn at Lambertville Station on the Delaware River was the site of the 2011 Penn-CMU/Roybal Retreat, an annual event bringing together research scholars from both Penn's LDI Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics, and Carnegie Mellon University's Center for Behavioral Decision Research.
Both centers are partners in the larger Roybal program that conducts research on health-related behavioral economics and aging.
 Kevin Volpp, Director of Penn's Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE) at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, spoke of the upcoming innovation tournament.
 Heather Schofield, of the Harvard School of Public Health spoke on the use of web-based game technology to promote mental acuity.
 Iwan Barankay, Associate Professor at the Wharton School discussed economic incentives for habit formation.
 Scott Halpern, Deputy Director of CHIBE talked about default options for end-of-life advance directives.
 Alison Buttenheim, Assistant Professor at Penn's School of Nursing, manned one of the breakout charts.
 Convening a fireside breakout session are (l to r) Julia Minson, a post-doctoral scholar from the Wharton School; Katy Milkman, an Assistant Professor at Wharton; and Laurie Norton, CHIBE project manager.
 George Loewenstein, Professor at Carnegie Mellon University and CHIBE Director of Behavioral Economics (left), chats with Kevin Volpp.
 LDI Executive Director David Asch (far right), talks with (l to r) Beth Cooney a CHIBE project manager, Heather Schofield, and Judd Kessler, Assistant Professor at Wharton.
 Eric Van Epps, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon, discussed the latest study of consumer response to menu labeling.
 Vice Dean for Integrative Services at the Perelman School of Medicine Kevin Mahoney (right) chats with Kevin Volpp.
 Jason Karlawish, Professor at the Perelman School of Medicine, gave a presentation on a pedometer-monitored incentive program for daily walking.
 Jeffrey Kullgren, Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar, talked about employer weight loss programs.
 Braving the wilds on a mid-day break along the Delaware River, the Washington Crossing contingent hikes on.
 On the banks of the river, are (l to r) Beth Cooney, Alison Buttenheim, Mark Weiner, Associate Professor at the Perelman School of Medicine; Mark Pauly, Professor at the Wharton School; Joelle Friedman of CHIBE; Laurie Norton; Beth Stearman, CHIBE Project Director; and Jingsan Zhu, CHIBE's Assistant Director of Data and Analytics.

Group shot: Penn CMU Roybal retreat attendees. Click to DOWNLOAD a high-resolution copy of this image.
Eric Van Epps
Calorie Labeling: The Latest Findings
Kevin Volpp
Upcoming Innovation Tournament
Heather Schofield
Using Games to Promote Mental Acuity
Jeffrey Kullgren
Testing Strategies for Weight Loss in an Employer Setting
Jason Karlawish
A Pedometer-Tracked Incentive Program for Daily Walking
Ezekiel Emanuel
October, 2011 Policy Retreat
Brendan Carr
Tracking the 'Golden Hour' of Trauma Care
David Grande
Unspinning the Health Reform Opinion Polls
Zachary Meisel
Stricter Limits on Emergency Dept. Care?
Ezekiel Emanual
Rethinking Academic Conflict-of-Interest Rules
Stehpanie Lamb
LDI SUMR Student Project: Mapping Philadelphia's Bed Bug Epidemic
Global Health: Easy to Promise; Difficult to Achieve
Amy Gutmann, J. Sanford Schwartz, et. al.