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By: U. Sulfock, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Indiana University School of Medicine

There are excellent practical chapters describing the care and use of eye surgical equipment and instruments as well as the appropriate sterilisation techniques and an emphasis on safety erectile dysfunction medication cheap cheap malegra fxt plus 160 mg. This is an essential practical manual for Eye Health Professionals working in Operating Theatres in low and middle income countries erectile dysfunction doctors in pa order malegra fxt plus paypal. In the context of eye care impotence your 20s buy discount malegra fxt plus 160 mg, this manual provides the knowledge that leads to good care strongest erectile dysfunction pills purchase cheap malegra fxt plus on-line. It arms the ophthalmic team with important information and skills required to enhance their ability to care for patients with eye problems in a surgical environment. The special challenges of working on an organ so small and so complex is also important to understand, and successful surgery can recover both lost sight, and prevent sight loss in others. Therefore, it is important that everyone on the team is working towards the success of that surgery. It is about the whole process - from the presentation of the patient, to the prioritisation of their problem and diagnosis. It is also about the environment in which surgery is undertaken along with safety and cleanliness; the instruments used and the care of the patient and those providing the care. Just as important is knowledge of infection prevention and control, equipment management, instrumentation and the management of the supply chain and the people involved in the service. By working through this manual, members of the ophthalmic team will be provided with a working knowledge of ophthalmology and the importance of providing individualised and effective care to their patients. Little did they know at that time, the text would become a staple training tool for many nurses and technicians around the world, who would come to rely on its teaching as the basis of their daily practice. And so, I began the journey to find out what we could do about it as a global community. Emphasising responsible practice, unity and equitable input, the aim was to ensure that this text truly reflects team integration, empowerment and progression, and the degree of success needed in health systems of today. We also made the decision to engage an extensive range of professionals to ensure the text could be used in a wide range of settings throughout the world. If developed effectively, systems can support and empower professionals at all levels and ensure services are followed through for the betterment of the patient and those working in the system. Those involved in this edition have worked to integrate these key elements alongside original aspects from edition one, to provide teaching on; daily management, management of self, understanding common eye conditions requiring surgical intervention, how to work within the operating theatre facility, and how to safely care for the patient. For example hand washing, completing documentation and working safely, can take place regardless of the sector, work environment and level of resource. The text can also be utilised by existing professionals requiring a refresher, and those new to the profession. It also provides an introduction to non-medically-trained development professionals and support staff who may find themselves involved in ophthalmic or operating theatre programs or organisations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the original authors, the current contributors who adapted and up-dated the original text, all the peer reviewers and supporters, and the team at the Community Eye Health Journal, who volunteered their time and expertise towards edition two. It has been a true global collaborative effort and one that I have personally enjoyed being a part of. I have learnt a great deal from their participation, knowledge and dedication and could not have achieved it without them. Finally, if you or your organisation has found this text useful, then we would love to hear from you. Knowing if it has changed the outcomes of just one patient or taught one new technique or improved the services in one facility or team, means a great deal to those involved. Contributors: David Lewis, Heather Machin and Babar Qureshi Section 1: Something everyone should know 10 No matter where a nurse or technician works, or what type of facility they are working in - be it a public, private or university hospital, day surgery, mobile clinic, or community health department, or if they live in a high or low resource location, or in the city or the country - there are some things which all nurses and technicians need to know and be mindful of. This section will outline important points regarding professionalism, and taking care of ourselves. It will conclude with an exploration of the current global initiatives for implementation into routine practice. Professionalism Professionalism includes more than just having a title or a position in the organisation.

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