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By: C. Renwik, M.S., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

These are called facultative systems Those that acne 5 order discount acnetrex, once formed skin care youtube buy 30 mg acnetrex otc, do not disband acne jeans shop buy 10mg acnetrex with amex, are called skin care kiehls purchase acnetrex on line amex. Although most higher organisms are 112 examples Chapter 7 of obligate systems, examples of facultative systems include both colonies of bacteria that disperse to form new colonies, and the slime mold, which self - organizes into a slug during times of scarcity to access otherwise inaccessible food sources, and then breaks up again into individual independent amoebas. I will argue that intentions and actions should be taken to be facultative, self - organized dynamical systems. Living organisms, on the other hand, self - assemble, and as such are examples of autopoietic (self - organizing) systems. As we saw in an earlier chapter, this self - organizing feature of living things occupied Kant in the third Critique. Considering the popularity of theories that have attempted to reduce purposive behavior to cybernetics (Wiener, Rosenblueth, and Bigelow 1943), the significance of the distinction between autopoiesis and allopoiesis should not be overlooked. No thermostat originates that function on its own, nor are its parts self - produced. Concreteversus Property Systems Mario Bunge calls systems made up of components which are themselves things concrete systems the solar system is a concrete system. In some cases the relationships among the components are processes, such as " interaction, production, transformation and destruction " (Zeleny 1980, 5). Persons, intentions, and actions are also information systems, as is the genetic system. Because by definition, all, systems consist of at least two organizational levels (the level of the components and the level of the global system), the term hierarchy is usually reserved for systems with several nested levels. Decomposable Systems the levels of organization of some hierarchical systems are as neatly sealed off from each other as ice cream flavors in a parfait. Natural levels of organization can often be identified by their bond strengths and time scales. Systems whose levels of organization are clearly separated in this fashion are called decomposable systems. The onto logical basis of decomposability justifies the change in level of discourse: decomposability allows us to think of and study molecules in ignorance of what 114 Chapter 7 is happening at the atomic level. Each description specifies more precisely the goings on at the previous level (see Salthe 1993b and its discussion of " specification hierarchy "). Structural and Control Hierarchies Howard Pattee (1973) distinguished structural from control hierarchies. In contrahierarchie, on the other hand, the upper level exerts an " active authority relation " on the components of the lower levels (hence the term " hierarchy "): In a control hierarchy, the upper level exerts a specific, dynamic constraint on the details of the motion at the lower level, so that the fast dynamics of the lower level cannot simply be averaged out. The collection of subunits that forms the upper level in a structural hierarchy now also acts as a constraint on the motions of selectedindividual subl-inits. Nearly Decomposable Systems In control hierarchies with this sort of leakage between levels, a clean dynamic theory referring to one level at a time cannot be formulated. Multilevel, dynamic coupling of components, both at the same level and between levels (such as one finds in the cells, tissues, organs, and so forth of biological organisms) " maintains a certain autonomy at all hierar chical levels " (Jantsch 1980, 247). Components at different levels are not subsumed or fused into the highest level, but they do interact. Such inter - SomeNew Vocabulary 115 level relationshipspresent tremendousdifficulties in explaining these systems, asKant noted to his dismay. The crucial questions for purposes of action theory, of course are, "How do irreversible process produce natural, es hierarchicalsystems and, in particular, "How does interlevel, particularly? Consider the well -known engineering phenomenoncalled rllutual entrainmentEntrainment occurs when "two or. The picture on the television tube is created by a scanning electron beam which goes row by row across the picture from top to bottom. This beam is control led by two oscillators, one for the vertical and the other for the horizontal direction. The picture remains stationary only when these oscillators are " locked in" or entrained to pulsars originating from the transmitter. As all television viewers know, occasionally the oscillators can "break out" of synchrony, causing the picture to " rotate. Entrainmentconfers a measureof stability on the coupled oscillators that they would not have on their own. In thermostats and generators, however, the governor is an external control device added specifically to achievethis effect (which makesgeneratorsand thermostatsallopoietic). The important point is that in these cases no externally imposed control mechanism exists.

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The framework for Dhamma practice is the Four Noble Truths: suffering (dukkha) skin care brands buy generic acnetrex 30 mg, the origin of suffering (samudaya) skin care for winter buy acnetrex with american express, the cessation of suffering (nirodha) and the Path leading to the cessation of suffering (magga) acne dark spots order acnetrex 30 mg without a prescription. Their true meaning is not to be found in these words but dwells in the depth of our hearts acne free buy acnetrex visa. The Noble a Eightfold Path will envelop any sight, sound, smell, taste, bodily sensation, or object of mind that arises. However, if the factors of the Eightfold Path are weak and timid, the defilements will possess our minds. If the Noble Path is strong and courageous, it will conquer and destroy the defilements. As Dhamma practice develops in the heart, these two forces have to battle it out every step of the way. As long as we are able to contemplate accurately, the defilements will be losing ground. But if we are shaky, whenever defilements regroup and regain their strength, the Path will be routed as defilements take its place. The two sides will continue to fight it out until eventually there is a victor and the whole affair is settled. If we focus our endeavor on developing the way of Dhamma, defilements will be gradually and persistently eradicated. When they dominate, the Second Noble Truth comes into play, and it gives rise to all sorts of suffering. Once we are suffering, those qualities which are able to quell the suffering disappear. When they have a attained full strength, the Path of Dhamma is unstoppable, advancing uncessingly to overcome the attachment and clinging that bring us so much anguish. We only have to see the trunk of one mango tree to know the characteristics of them all. What you wanted was to reach the monastery, but you needed the road for the journey. Such powers, however, do exist and may be possible to develop, but this facet of Dhamma is deluding, so the Buddha did not advocate or encourage it. The only people he praised were the ones who were able to liberate themselves from suffering. This Path cannot mature if the mind is encrusted with defilements, but if we are stout-hearted and strong, the Path will eliminate these impurities. Dhamma practice simply involves these two forces battling it out incessantly until the end of the road is reached. The Dangers of Attachment Using the tools of practice entails hardship and arduous challenges. If the scholars try to clutch their theory and drag it into their meditation, sitting and pondering, "Hmmm. Otherwise everything becomes a big mess, because nothing in those books corresponds precisely to the reality of the way things truly are. When I tried to control the breath to be shallow or deep, it just brought on more stress than I had before. All that frustration and hardship was coming up because I was bringing craving into the meditation. Unshakeable Peace I once stayed in a forest monastery that was half a mile from a village. One night the villagers were celebrating with a loud party as I was walking meditation. I did walking meditation until I was tired and then went to sit in my grass-roofed hut. As I sat down I barely had time to cross my legs before, amazingly, my mind just wanted to delve into a profound state of peace. It was like there were two objects in my mind that were placed side by side but not touching. When sound was perceived, I could see that the knowing and the sound were distinctly different. I continued on investigating like this until my understanding deepened even further: "Ah, this is important. The mind at that time was focused solely on the meditation, indifferent to everything else.

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