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By: U. Pyran, M.S., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

Ulcers may result from contact with animal products or from insect bites (ulceroglandular tularemia) treatment 3 antifungal discount epivir-hbv 100 mg with amex. After attaching to and colonizing the respiratory mucosa treatment yeast infection buy epivir-hbv 100 mg overnight delivery, the infection can become systemic medications via peg tube purchase epivir-hbv mastercard, with bacteria spreading via the blood to the central nervous system medications at 8 weeks pregnant proven epivir-hbv 100mg. Treatment and Prevention Laboratory Identification · Treatment: Antibiotic sensitivity · H. Generally, a third-generation cephalosporin such as cefotaxime or ceftriaxone is effective in the treatment of meningitis. Helicobacter species Helicobacter pylori Common characteristics · · · · · Gram-negative Curved or spiral rods Multiple polar flagella give the organism rapid, corkscrew motility Urease-positive Culture on selective medium containing antibiotics to inhibit growth of other fecal flora Pathogenesis/Clinical Significance H. Transmission is thought to be from person to person (the organism has not been isolated from food or water). The organism is noninvasive, but recruits and activates inflammatory cells, thus causing a chronic inflammation of the mucosa. Ammonia can damage the gastric mucosa, and may also potentiate the effects of a cytotoxin produced by H. Treatment and Prevention Laboratory Identification pylori · Treatment: Elimination of H. The organism appears to be a risk factor for development of gastric carcinoma and gastric Bcell lymphoma. Summary of Clinically Important Microorganisms Legionella species Legionella pneumophila Common characteristics · · · · · Gram-negative (faintly staining) Slender rod in nature; coccobacillary in clinical material Facultative, intracellular parasite Organisms are unencapsulated with monotrichous flagella Culture on specialized medium Pathogenesis/Clinical Significance L. The resulting pathology is therefore initially confined primarily to the respiratory tract. Instead, the organisms multiply within this protected environment until the cell ruptures, releasing increased numbers of infectious bacteria. Measures direct fluorescent antibody such as flushing the water supply with extremely hot water decrease the chance of contamination. Predisposing factors include immunocompromise, pulmonary compromise (due, for example, to heavy smoking or chronic lung disease), and debilitation brought on by excessive alcohol consumption, age, or surgery. Pneumonia (associated with a cough that is only slightly productive) is the predominant symptom. Leptospira species Leptospira interrogans Common characteristics · · · · Gram-negative, but stains poorly, and needs to be visualized by other means Long, very slender, flexible, spiral- or corkscrew-shaped rods Highly motile Culture on specialized medium Pathogenesis/Clinical Significance A number of wild and domestic animals serve as reservoirs for L. Transmission to humans occurs following ingestion of food or water contaminated, for example, by animal urine containing the spirochete. These organisms can survive for several weeks in stagnant water, but are sensitive to drying. Treatment and Prevention Laboratory Identification Penicillin G or · Treatment:as doxycycline a tetra- · L. The organisms next infect various organs, particularly the liver and kidneys, resulting in jaundice, hemorrhage, and tissue necrosis. The second phase of the disease involves a rise in IgM antibody titer accompanied by aseptic meningitis. Prevention of exposure to contaminated water, and rodent control, can both help decrease the chance of infection. Once inside the cell, it escapes from the phagocytic vacuole by producing a membrane-damaging toxin, listeriolysin. Listeria grows in the cytosol, and stimulates changes in cell function that facilitate its direct passage from cell to cell. Treatment and Prevention Laboratory Identification · Treatment: A variety of antibiotics · L. Prevention of Listeria infections can be accomplished by proper food preparation and handling. The organism can be transmitted from an infected mother to her newborn (Listeria is a relatively common cause of newborn meningitis), or to the fetus, initiating abortion. Immunocompromised individuals, especially those with defects in cellular immunity, are susceptible to serious, generalized infections. Mycobacterium species Mycobacterium leprae Mycobacterium tuberculosis Common characteristics · · · · · Not colored by Gram stain due to lipid-rich cell walls Long, slender, nonmotile rods Aerobic Resistant to drying Culture M.

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Hypersensitivity Diseases Humans are continually exposed to air-borne fungal spores and other fungal elements present in the environment symptoms thyroid problems order 150 mg epivir-hbv free shipping. Rhinitis treatment shingles 150 mg epivir-hbv with visa, bronchial asthma treatment in statistics generic epivir-hbv 100 mg visa, alveolitis symptoms of anemia purchase epivir-hbv canada, and various forms of atopy are the clinical manifestations of hypersensitive pneumonitis. The clinical manifestations of the hypersensitivity disease are seen only in sensitized person, after repeated exposure to the fungus, fungal metabolites, or other cross-reactive materials. Allergies to the fungal spores are manifested primarily by an asthmatic reaction including rapid bronchial constriction mediated by IgE, eosinophilia, and positive hypersensitivity skin test reaction. These are caused due to immediate hypersensitivity reactions of the host to fungal spores. Direct Microscopy Direct microscopic examination depends on demonstration of characteristic asexual spores, hyphae, or yeast in various clinical specimens by light microscopy. The commonly used clinical specimens are sputum, lung biopsy material, and skin scrapings. Calcofluor dye is a fluorescent dye that combines with fungal cell wall and is useful in identification of fungi in tissue specimens. Gram staining is also useful to demonstrate Gram-positive Candida species in the specimen. The disadvantages of microscopy are that it shows low sensitivity and requires an experienced microscopist for specific identification. Diseases Caused by Fungal Toxins Mycotoxicosis is caused by ingested fungal toxins. Mycotoxicosis caused by eating amanita mushroom is the best example of mycotoxicosis. Aflatoxin is another fungal toxin produced by Aspergillus flavus that causes disease in humans. Aflatoxin-B causes a mutation in the P53 tumor-suppressor gene, resulting in a loss of P53 protein, thereby in a resultant loss of growth control in the hepatocytes. Hence, it causes damage to liver, and it induces tumor in liver in animals and is associated with hepatic carcinomas in humans. Claviceps purpurea is a mold that infects brain and produces alkaloids, such as ergotamine and lysergic acid diethyl amide. Yellow rice toxicosis in Japan and elementary toxic aleukia in the former Soviet Union are the examples of other mycotoxicoses. The transmission and habitat of some important fungi in India are described in Table 71-2. Culture Fungal culture is a frequently used method for confirming the diagnosis of fungal infection. The low pH of the medium and addition of chloramphenicol and cycloheximide to the medium inhibit the growth of bacteria in the specimen and thereby facilitate the appearance of slow-growing fungi. Fungal colony is identified by rapidity of growth, color, and morphology of the colony at the obverse and pigmentation at the reverse. The appearance of the mycelium and the nature of the asexual spores are very much helpful to identify the fungus. Culture, however, is time-consuming in most cases and also the yield is not very good. Gas liquid chromatography is being used to quantify arabinitol for diagnosis of C. Blood lysed by addition of certain substances, followed by centrifugation, increases yield of fungi by culture. A significant rise of antibody titer in a paired sera sample confirms the diagnosis. The complement fixation test was the earliest test used in fungal serology and is still used in the diagnosis of suspected cases of histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, or coccidiomycosis. Antifungal Drugs A few drugs are available for therapy of systemic fungal infection, unlike a large number of antibiotics available to treat bacterial infections. They act on the ergosterol of fungal cell membrane that is not found in bacterial or human cell membrane. Similarly, caspofungin inhibits synthesis of beta-glucan, which is found only in fungal membrane but not in bacterial or human cell membrane. Table 71-3 summarizes the common antifungal agents and their primary sites of activity. Nonculture Methods these methods include (a) detection of fungal antigen, (b) detection of fungal cell wall markers, and (c) detection of fungal metabolites.

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In these animals medicine wheel native american cheap 150 mg epivir-hbv with mastercard, the virus would have mutated medicine games 150 mg epivir-hbv with visa, subsequently being transmitted medicine chest discount epivir-hbv 150mg on-line, thereby causing infection in humans medicine synonym order epivir-hbv 150mg free shipping. The transmission to humans is facilitated possibly by the proximity in which humans and livestock live in rural southern China. The avian flu epidemic in Hong Kong in 1977, which originated in poultry and spread to humans (resulting in the slaughter of millions of chickens), is a classical example of this type of zoonotic transmission. Specimens Specimens include respiratory secretions for isolation of virus, and serum for testing of antibodies. Treatment is mostly symptomatic as given for a serious community-acquired pneumonia. These scanners identify potentially febrile passengers by measuring their body heat. The software in the scanner is color-coded in temperature ranges; as skin temperature increases, the colors on the scanner change, such as black to green to yellow and, finally, to red. This, however, shows a lot of false-positive reactions, as many other noninfectious conditions (sunburn, ingestion of alcoholic beverages, recent cigarette smoking, or brisk exercise, etc. After 2 days of dining in the hotel, all of them complained of mild fever, nausea, vomiting, and watery diarrhea. What are the laboratory tests used for establishing the diagnosis of the condition? The fungi are eukaryotic organisms and they differ from the bacteria, which are prokaryotic organisms, in many ways (Table 71-1). The fungi possess rigid cell walls, which possess two characteristic cell structures: chitin and ergosterol. Chitin: the fungi consist primarily of chitin, unlike peptidoglycan present in cell wall of bacteria. Hence, fungi are not sensitive to action of penicillin and other antibiotics that inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis. In addition to chitin, the fungal cell wall also contains mannan and other polysaccharides. Of these, beta-glucan is most important, because it is the target of antifungal drug caspofungin. Ergosterol: the cell membrane of fungus contains ergosterol, unlike human cell membrane which contains cholesterol. The antifungal agents, such as amphotericin B, fluconazole, and ketoconazole have selective action on the fungi due to this basic difference in membrane sterols. Morphological Classification the fungi can be classified into the following four main groups based upon the morphology: (a) yeast, (b) yeast-like form, (c) molds, and (d) dimorphic fungi. Key Points Yeast: Yeasts are round or oval unicellular fungi that reproduce by asexual budding. Some hyphae form transverse walls and hence they are called septate hyphae, whereas others do not produce walls, hence are called nonseptate hyphae. The part of the mycelium that projects above the surface in culture medium is called aerial mycelium. They occur as yeasts or other structures in human tissue and in the culture at 37°C. Examples include Coccidioides immitis, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and Sporothrix schenckii. Classification of Fungi the fungi can be classified as follows: Taxonomical Classification the fungi are placed in the phylum Thallophyta. There are four classes of fungi: Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycetes or Fungi Imperfecti. Ascospores are formed in a sac called ascus, whereas basidiospores are formed outside on the tip of a pedestal called a basidium. The fungi that do not produce sexual spores are called imperfect and are classified as Fungi imperfecti.

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