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By: O. Aila, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, West Virginia University School of Medicine

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Incidence odds ratio the incidence odds ratio is the ratio of odds of disease in exposed persons to the odds of disease in unexposed persons skin care qualifications buy cuticilin 10mg otc. When the risk is small skin care questions order generic cuticilin pills, risk and odds are nearly equal acne meds buy cheapest cuticilin and cuticilin, and the odds ratio approximates the rate ratio and risk ratio acne treatments that work discount cuticilin online american express. Since the odds ratio can be estimated in a case-control study even where no other measure of relative risk is directly available, the odds ratio is of great practical importance for epidemiolgists. The prevalence odds ratio (from a cross-sectional study) also approximates the rate ratio when the duration of the condition is unrelated to exposure status. The prevalence ratio can also be the measure of primary interest, when duration is itself the outcome, such as in the treatment of depressive disorder. However, mathematically (see Greenland) there is no direct individual-level interpretation for the odds ratio (whereas the incidence proportion is the sum of the risks across all Where we cannot estimate either of those directly, then we usually try to design the study so that we can estimate the odds ratio and use it to estimate the rate ratio or risk ratio. We may also want to estimate a measure of impact, to quantify the importance of the relationship we are studying should it turn out to be causal. In the table below are listed the kinds of measures of association and impact that can be derived from the basic epidemiologic study designs: Measures of association for basic epidemiologic study designs Type of study design Follow-up, person denominator Follow-up, person-time denominator Case-control Cross-sectional Measure of association Risk ratio Rate ratio Odds ratio Prevalence odds ratio or prevalence ratio Measure of impact Absolute Relative Absolute Relative Relative Relative Formulas for and examples of computation Construct (2x2, four-fold) table: Exposure Disease Yes No Total Yes a c n1 (a + c) No b d n0 (b + d) Total m1 m2 n (a + b) (c + d) Example: the following are hypothetical data involving subjects who have been determined to be either hypertensive (diastolic blood pressure >90 mmHg) or normotensive (diastolic blood pressure <=90 mmHg) and were classified into one of two categories of dietary salt intake, high or low. However, the prevalence odds ratio (see below) would generally be preferred as a measure of association, since under the assumption of no difference in duration of hypertension between highand low-salt people, the prevalence odds ratio estimates the incidence density ratio in the population. If these data came from a case-control study, the above calculations would not be meaningful. Since a case-control study samples subjects on the basis of their disease status, proportion of exposed who are cases does not estimate anything. Thanks to the odds ratio, we can estimate the rate ratio in the population from which the cases arose: Odds of Exposure in Cases (D): Proportion of cases exposed - Proportion of cases not exposed a / (a + b) a - = - b / (a + b) b Odds = = Odds of Exposure in Controls (D): Proportion of controls exposed - Proportion of controls not exposed c / (c + d) c - = - d / (c + d) d Odds = = In contrast to nonexperimental, observational epidemiologic studies, experimental studies permit the scientist to manipulate conditions to ascertain what effect such manipulations have on the outcome. The objective of an experiment is the creation of duplicate sets of circumstances in which only one factor that affects the outcome varies. An example is laboratory animal studies such as those which evaluate potential carcinogens. In such studies, the investigator has a great deal of control over the experimental units, their environment, measurements taken, and exposure to the study factors. Experiments provide a means to disentangle complex problems in stepwise fashion, to reduce macro-level phenomena into collections of low-level mechanisms. This reductionist approach, made possible by laboratory experimentation, has made possible the remarkable advances in knowledge and technology of the past few centuries. Laboratory experimentation on humans is greatly constrained, and extrapolation from animals to humans often problematic. Also, many conditions of interest cannot be manipulated and it is generally impossible to recreate real-life situations in the laboratory. In epidemiology, intervention trials are the closest analog of a laboratory experiment. What distinguishes intervention trials from other types of epidemiologic studies is the manipulation of the study factor. This manipulation may be governed by random assignment, creating a true experiment, or if not, a quasi-experiment. Randomization offers the greatest opportunity to create groups that are equivalent in all regards, with the corresponding opportunity to isolate the effect of the intervention. The potential for achieving such isolation in a study with nonrandom assignment depends on the ability to adjust for differences in the analysis. For example, no analytic technique could correct a study where all patients with a better prognosis were assigned a new drug instead of an old drug. The strengths of multi-center studies are more representative patient populations, larger sample size, and shorter study period (or duration of patient intake). Planning phase Study Design Clinical trials can be randomized controlled studies or nonrandomized studies (quasi-experiments). If the latter they can have concurrent controls (a group or groups that are regarded as similar to the experimental group and whose experience is observed during the same period of time as that of the experimental group), historical controls (a group regarded as similar and for which data are already available), or sometimes no controls.

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Which of the following metabolic pathways is most likely involved in this lens abnormality Which of the following features of diabetes is the most important contributing factor in the development of flank pain and fever in this patient Which of the following is the most likely abnormality that might be encountered in this child at birth The disease is characterized by few acne treatment for sensitive skin purchase cuticilin 40mg with amex, if any skin care associates buy cuticilin with american express, remaining functional cells in the islets of Langerhans and limited or absent insulin secretion acne in pregnancy cheap 20 mg cuticilin mastercard. The most characteristic early lesion in the pancreas is a lymphocytic infiltrate in the islets (insulitis) skincare for 40 year old woman order cuticilin cheap, sometimes accompanied by a few macrophages and neutrophils. Circulating antibodies (choice A) against components of the -cells of the islets, including insulin itself, are identified in most newly diagnosed patients with diabetes. However, these antibodies are regarded as a response to -cell injury, rather than the initial cause of -cell depletion. Evidence for viral causes of diabetes mellitus type 1 (choice C) remains controversial. Diagnosis: Diabetes mellitus, type 1 the answer is D: Peripheral insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes mellitus results from a complex interplay between underlying resistance to the action of insulin in its metabolic target tissues (liver, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue) and a reduction in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, which fails to compensate for the increased demand for insulin. In obese persons, the release of inhibitory mediators from adipose tissue interferes with intracellular signaling by insulin. Hyperinsulinemia secondary to insulin resistance also downregulates the number of insulin receptors on the plasma membrane. The extent and severity of atherosclerotic lesions in medium-sized and large arteries are increased in patients with long-standing diabetes. Leg pain during walking or exercise, which forces the patient to stop or limp (intermittent claudication) is typically a complication of atherosclerosis involving the major arteries of the lower extremities. Peripheral neuropathy (choice D) is a complication of diabetes but is an unlikely cause of claudication. This process, termed glycosylation, occurs roughly in proportion to the severity of hyperglycemia. Unfortunately, trials in which blood glucose levels were carefully controlled did not necessarily prevent all complications of diabetes. A specific fraction of glycosylated hemoglobin in circulating red blood cells (hemoglobin A1c) is measured routinely to monitor the overall degree of hyperglycemia that occurred during the preceding 6 to 8 weeks. Nonenzymatic glycosylation of hemoglobin is irreversible, and the level of hemoglobin A1c, therefore, serves as a marker for glycemic control. Microvascular disease, a characteristic complication of diabetes, causes ischemia and is, in part, responsible for the slow healing of wounds in the diabetic patient. In addition to microvascular disease, aggregation of platelets in the smaller blood vessels and impaired fibrinolytic mechanisms have also been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetic microvascular disease. The susceptibility of diabetics to infection is a complex problem, but it does not seem that the functions of polymorphonuclear leukocytes are directly affected (choice B). The tissue concentration of insulin (choice C) does not influence the healing process. Increased deposition and glycosylation of basement membrane proteins contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic microvascular disease. Thus, control of blood glucose remains the major means by which the development of microvascular diabetic complications can be minimized. The other choices do not preferentially accumulate in small vessels affected by diabetes. This type of amyloid derives from a polypeptide molecule known as amylin, which is secreted with insulin by the -cell. As many as 20% of aged nondiabetic persons also have amyloid deposits in the pancreas, which is a finding that has been attributed to the aging process itself. None of the other choices show Congo red staining and apple-green birefringence under polarized light. Microvascular disease is the major cause of renal failure and blindness in diabetics. Hyaline arteriolosclerosis and capillary basement membrane thickening are characteristic vascular changes in those with diabetes.

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