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By: R. Sven, M.A., M.D.

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Pilocarpine Pontine Lesions ­ pinpoint pupils Damage to Sympathetic Pathways in Hypothalamus Diencephalon Lesions ­ small but reactive Metabolic or Medical Encephalopathy / Coma ­ small pupils but still reactive Click to Return To Links 2. Bilateral Mydriasis Systemic Medications: anticholinergic (atropine) sympathomimetics (amphetamines, cocaine, etc. Topical Medications or Natural Products ­ atropine, cyclopentolate, Jimson Weed pollen Familial Bilateral Congenital Mydriasis Tectal and Midbrain Lesions ­ inflammatory, neoplastic Severe Anoxia of Brain. Cat Scratch, Tularemia, Mycobacterial Infections) Lyme, Newcastle, sometimes some bacterial: Strep, Neisirria, Moraxella Children ­ benign lymphoid folliculosis Conjunctival Lymphoma Conjunctival Papillary Reaction Non-specific, seen with inflammation from allergic and infectious conjunctivitis, topical medication toxicity, staph marginal disease, mucous fishing, and many other sources. Heart Failure, Nephrotic syndrome (Plasma protein low), Chronic Ventilator Patient Conjunctivochalasis ­ not to be confused with chemosis ­ redundant conjunctiva secondary to aging, but also associated with Blepharitis and lid malpositions. More commonly seen inferiorly, but can be 360o - Symptoms ­ irritation, tearing Injected, Congested or Prominent Vessels on the Globe Usually Conjunctival Vessels, but look for underlying Episcleral/Scleral Vessels Conjunctivitis and other External Problems ­ allergic, irritation. Vitamin A deficiency, xerosis Spots on the "White of the Eye" Scleral Lesions: · Scleral Dellen ­ depression or dimple, loss of epithelium over defect in sclera. Simplex, Zoster) Other Infectious: Staph, Strep, Syphilis, Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium, Acanthamoeba Area of dehydration Dell (depression with loss of overlying epithelium) Staphyloma Age Related Changes ­. It can occur as a result of strabismus surgery, cataract surgery, swelling at the limbus (as in chemosis, episcleritis or pterygium), rigid contact lens wear or senility* Respond to patching or lubrication. Corneal Epithelial Defects- Chronic or Non Healing - Trauma (Mechanical, Thermal, Chemical) -most common cause, but when the history is unclear consider: - Exposure - consider tear volume and quality; eyelid malposition, trichiasis and lagophthalmos Neuro-paralytic ­. Early Corneal Ulcer - early there may not be much of an infiltrate, but there can be some stromal edema as a clue. Exposure Problems Eyelid malpositions ­ entropion, trichiasis, ectropion, lid retraction, notching, Floppy eyelid, etc. Masquerade Syndrome ­ Lymphoma, Intraocular Tumors Cells in the A/C Uveitis Anterior, Panuveitis, Endophthalmitis Keratitis ­. Chronic Retinal Detachment Chronic Uveitis, Endophthalmitis, Hypotony Previous Trauma, Surgery or other Insult. Nevi ­ usually flat, variable pigmentation Melanoma of Iris or Ciliary Body Nodules - raised: Lisch nodules (Neurofibromatosis) Granulomatous Uveitis Scarred Foreign Body 4. Iris Cysts ­ traumatic, post-op, congenital or acquired stromal cysts, pigmented epithelial cysts 5. Primary Tumors: Juvenile Xanthogranuloma, Hemangiomas, Neurofibromas, Choristoma (Ectopic Lacrimal Gland) 7. Lens Coloboma - often associated with other ocular colobomas Ectopic Lens Trauma, Surgery Ectopia Lentis et pupillae ­ can be associated with other ocular abnormalities. Ischemic Optic Neuropathy, Papilledema - Optic Disc Drusen - Local retinal disease ­. Hypertension ­ Malignant Intracranial Tumor (by mere mass effect or by causing obstructive hydrocephalus), Carcinomatous Meningitis Medications -Vitamin A, Accutane, Tetracyclines, Contraceptives, Corticosteroid withdrawal, Thyroid Replacement, Growth Hormone Supplement,? Hydrocephalus, Significant Chiari Malformation or Dandy Walker Syndrome, Craniosynostosis 10. Methanol, Ethylene Glycol Medications ­ Amiodarone, Ethambutol, Chemotherapy · Compression, Infiltration ­ but less likely bilateral · · · Compressive ­ more likely unilateral Infiltrative Ocular (false localizing sign) -. Major Considerations: "Front to Back" · Refractive Longstanding Visual Loss Since Childhood or Young Adulthood Unappreciated Refractive Error: especially high Myopia, high Astigmatism, Anisometropia · Media Opacities Congenital or Developmental Cataracts, Persistent Fetal Vasculature.

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The newer neuraminidase inhibitor agents skin care books buy discount curakne on-line, zanamivir and oseltamivir acne quiz generic curakne 20mg fast delivery, given by inhalation or orally respectively acne adapalene cream 01 cheap curakne express, have an improved side-effect profile and so are better tolerated acne face chart curakne 10 mg on line. Furthermore, when used in the home as post-exposure prophylaxis, they are extremely effective in preventing influenza illness, with efficacies of 74% and 90%, respectively. When outbreaks occur it is always in the context of a wider community epidemic, which for parainfluenza virus usually runs from May to September each year. Thus, it is possible that what may appear to be an outbreak is merely the result of multiple introductions of virus into the ward by patients, staff and visitors. How virus may be transmitted is not easy to determine with absolute confidence, but transmission by unwashed hands, contaminated fomites and large droplets are all possible. This emphasises the absolute necessity for extreme vigilance when adhering to hand-washing and for prolonged periods when patients are immune-compromised. Indeed, virus excretion for 4 months has been demonstrated in this patient group (Zambon et al. What was also clear from this study, and another in Canada, is that hospital parainfluenza virus outbreaks can, unlike those due to influenza where the median duration is only 7 days, be protracted and ultimately only terminated by closure of the unit to new admissions (Moisiuk et al. When the first case of a parainfluenza virus is discovered on a ward, especially those with highrisk patients, full adherence to all necessary infection control measures (gowns, gloves, patient cohorting and hand-washing), including reiterating the standing instructions to staff not to come to work if unwell, must be rigorously enforced. All precautions against airborne, droplet and contact transmission must be employed. Further infection control measures include restricting visitors and supervising those in the use of protective equipment. It has also been suggested that the wearing of footwear that can be easily decontaminated should be considered. The removal of linen should be done by staff wearing full protective equipment (goggles, N95 or N100 masks, gloves, disposable gowns/aprons). It is also unfortunate that hospitals were unwittingly involved in amplifying the spread of the epidemic (Tomlinson and Cockram, 2003). Within just 3 weeks of admission of the index case, 156 further cases had been diagnosed, all capable of being traced back to this single case. A case-control study in five Hong Kong hospitals demonstrated that adhering to such precautions as use of a mask, gloves, gowns and hand-washing resulted in no secondary cases in 69 staff who followed these prevention-of-infection measures. When each of the four infection control measures were examined, however, only the wearing of N95 masks was shown to be essential for protection against infection. Unlike most of the other respiratory viruses, however, wearing an N95 mask capable of trapping 95% of all particles adds a further level of protection to staff. When a suspected case enters the hospital, droplet precautions must be strictly enforced, the patient must be isolated to a negative-pressure room and, after transfer to an appropriate facility capable of handling Category 4 pathogens, rapid diagnosis with the least invasive specimen should be attempted. To an individual they are of little consequence, as the illness is short-lived, self-limiting and only in exceptional cases does it lead to any complications. In hospitals, however, when outbreaks occur, almost without exception, ward closure and occasionally the entire closure of the hospital results (Stevenson et al. This is because there is often considerable spread to contacts (staff and patients), resulting in an attack rate of more than 50% (Caul, 1994). Indeed, it is our experience that by the time an outbreak is notified to the virology department, so many staff are absent from work because of illness that this alone results in ward closure. It is known from volunteer studies and outbreak investigations that the incubation period is short, often 12­48 h. Indeed, volunteers exposed to infectious virus orally have been found to be shedding virus in faeces only 15 h later (reviewed in Chadwick et al. The illness commences abruptly, with projectile vomiting in over half of cases and profuse watery diarrhoea. However, because the occasional case of vomiting and diarrhoea is not unusual among patients, many of whom are debilitated, elderly or on antibiotics, this may be initially overlooked. Fomite transmission is also possible because of the environmental stability of virus and it has even been suggested, although not actually confirmed, that infection may occur via airborne transmission (Caul, 1994). Although virus shedding in stool is maximal at 24­72 h after exposure, virus can be detected for almost 2 weeks in both symptomatic and asymptomatic persons (reviewed in Chadwick et al. Finally, because of the strain diversity among the noroviruses, there is incomplete cross-protection and no long-term immunity.

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