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By: X. Malir, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.
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The information about the policies of foreign militaries came directly from the policies of these countries as well as from research articles describing the policies and their implementation antimicrobial laminate cheap sumamed 100 mg with amex. Our findings on the effects of policy changes on readiness draw largely from research articles that have specifically examined this question using inrerviews and analyses of studies completed by the militaries themselves topical antibiotics for acne while pregnant discount sumamed line. Finally bacteria mod minecraft 125 discount sumamed 500mg with mastercard, our insights on best practices and lessons learned emerged both directly from research articles describing the evolurion of policy and the experiences of foreign militaries and indirectly from commonalities in the policies and experiences across our four case studies bacteria 1 negative hpf discount sumamed 100 mg on-line. This review and analysis of the policies in foreign militaries can serve as a reference for U. Policies on Transgender Personnel in Foreign Militaries According to a report by rhe H ague Center for Security Studies, there are 18 countries chat allow rransgender personnel to serve openly in their miliraries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (Polchar er al. This chapter describes the policies of the four countries- Australia, Canada, Israel, and the United Kingdom- with the most well-developed and publicly available policies on transgender military personnel. While the focus of the chapter is on the specific policies integrating openly transgender military personnel in these four foreign militaries, we also provide some information abom what happened after the policy change, including bullying and harassment, and summarize best practices and challenges that emerged from our four case studies. They do generally address such issues as the requirements for transitioning, housing assignments, restroom use, uniforms, identity cards, and physical standards. Finally, the policies address access to medical care and what is or is not covered by the military health care system. In addition to addressing these crucial issues, foreign military policies on transgender personnel typically lay our a gender transition plan, which describes che rimeline or steps in the transition process. The Netherlamis was the first country to aUow crausgender personnel to serve openly in its mi litary, opening its ranks in 1974. OverWatch, that provides support to lesbian, gay; bisexual, and transgender personnel (see Polchar et al. While some choose to undergo hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery, this is not required for gender transition. As a result, the timelines outlined in the policies are intended to be examples only. Australia In 2010, the Australian Defence Force revoked the defense instruction that prohibited rransgender individuals from serving openly, staring rhar excluding rransgender personnel from service was discrimination that could no longer be tolerated (Ross, 2014). The guide outlines five stages in the gender transition process: diagnosis, commencemenr of treatment, disclosure to commanders and colleagues, the post-transition experience, and, ifapplicable, gender reassignment surgery (Royal Australian Air Force, 2015). There is no public information on the number of transgender personnel in the Australian military or the costs associated with covering gender transition-related medical care. However, neither hormone therapy nor gender reassignment surgery is required for the administrative changes to occur. During the transition period, a service member may be downgraded in terms of physical readiness or declared unable to deploy for some rime. However, there is no public information available on the types of justifications a commander might give in making such a determination. The deployment starus of each individual will vary during the gender transition based on the transition path chosen (for example, whether hormone therapy or surgery is undertaken). In Australia, medical treatments associated with gender transition, including both hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery, are covered, but treatments considered "cosmetic' might nor be (Royal Australian Air Force, 2015). However, it is nor dear what is classified as cosmetic or what might be considered medically necessary. Importantly, gender transition-related medical procedures are provided only at certain facilities, so service members who wish to receive these treatments may need to make special requests for specific assignments where their needs can be met. In general, personnel are permitted to rake sick leave to facilitate their medical transition (Royal Australian Air Force, 2015). During the transition period, a service member may be considered medically exempt from meeting physical fitness standards, with a coinciding readiness classification of nondeployable. Once deemed medically able to complete the test by a medical professional, the service member may be asked to meet the standards of the target gender. H owever, which gender standards the individual is required co meet and when is determined by the medical officer overseeing the gender transition (Royal Australian Air Force, 2015). Thus, the point at which each transitioning service member is required co meet the target-gender standards varies. Canada In Canada, a 1992 lawsuit from a member of the armed forces resulted in the repeal of a regulation banning gay, lesbian, and transgender individuals from serving openly in the military (Okras and Scott, 2015). In 1998, the Canadian military explicitly recognized gender identity disorder and agreed to cover gender reassignment surgery. An updated policy, Military Personnel Instruction 01/11, "Management of Transsexual Members," was released in 2012 (Canadian Armed Forces, 2012).
Although seen mostly in older people (hence the name adult-onset diabetes) antibiotic resistance video youtube cheap sumamed 100 mg fast delivery, the incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing among younger generations antimicrobial stewardship program buy genuine sumamed online, presumably because of increased obesity virus and fever proven sumamed 500mg, poor diet virus of the heart discount generic sumamed canada, and sedentary habits. Exercise and weight loss for the overweight are the first approaches to treating type 2 diabetes, and these measures often lead to management of the disorder. Drugs for increasing insulin production or improving cellular responses to insulin may also be prescribed, with insulin treatment given if necessary. Women must be monitored during pregnancy for signs of diabetes mellitus, especially those with predisposing factors, because this condition can cause complications for both the mother and the fetus. Again, ensuring a proper diet is a first step to management, with insulin treatment recommended if needed. Excess insulin may result from a pancreatic tumor, but more often it occurs after administration of too much hormone to a diabetic patient. The resultant hypoglycemia leads to insulin shock, which is treated by administration of glucose. It is marked by darkening of the skin, weakness, and alterations in salt and water balance. It is associated with obesity, weakness, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and hirsutism (excess hair growth). It results in excessive thirst and production of large amounts of very dilute urine. The word mellitus comes from the Latin root for honey, referring to the sugar content of the urine. Protrusion of the eyeballs as seen in Graves disease Overgrowth caused by an excess of growth hormone from the pituitary during childhood; also called giantism Excess sugar in the urine Enlargement of the thyroid gland. Excess glucose in the blood Abnormally low level of glucose in the blood A condition resulting from an overdose of insulin, causing hypoglycemia Acidosis (increased acidity of body fluids) caused by an excess of ketone bodies, as in diabetes mellitus; diabetic acidosis A state of hyperglycemia caused by cellular resistance to insulin, as seen in type 2 diabetes, in association with other metabolic disorders; syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome A condition caused by hypothyroidism in an adult. Its function in humans is not clear, but it seems to regulate behavior and sexual development in response to environmental light. Usually results from deficiency or faulty metabolism of carbohydrates, as in cases of diabetes mellitus and starvation. A hereditary disorder that causes tumors in several endocrine glands; classified according to the combination of glands involved A usually benign tumor of the adrenal medulla or other structures containing chromaffin cells (cells that stain with chromium salts). Sudden massive hemorrhage and degeneration of the pituitary gland associated with a pituitary tumor. Common symptoms include severe headache, visual problems, and loss of consciousness. Hypofunction of the anterior pituitary (panhypopituitarism), usually because of an infarction; pituitary cachexia A sudden onset of the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis occurring in patients with hyperthyroidism who are untreated or poorly treated. Degeneration of bone caused by excess production of hormone from the parathyroid glands. Calculation based on the amount of T4 present and T3 uptake that is used to diagnose thyroid dysfunction A test that measures the binding of glucose to hemoglobin during the lifespan of a red blood cell. It reflects the average blood glucose level over 2 to 3 months and is useful in evaluating long-term therapy for diabetes mellitus. Measurement of glucose levels in blood plasma after administration of a challenge dose of glucose to a fasting patient. A value equal to or greater than 200 mg/dL in the 2-hour sample indicates diabetes. A test that measures thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine as an evaluation of thyroid function A method of measuring very small amounts of a substance, especially hormones, in blood plasma using radioactively labeled hormones and specific antibodies Visualization of the thyroid gland after administration of radioactive iodine Test that measures the main protein that binds T4 in the blood Removal of a pituitary tumor through the sphenoid sinus (space in the sphenoid bone). The gland under the brain that controls other glands is the. The gland in the neck that affects metabolic rate is the. The endocrine glands located above the kidneys are the. The hormone insulin is so named because it is produced by the.
Utilization-Based Approach to Estimating the Number of Gender Transition-Related Treatments in the U antibiotics cream cheap sumamed american express. Military While the prevalence-based approach provides a tractable means co estimate potential utilization of gender transition- related care antibiotic resistance controversy purchase sumamed with american express, there are a number of concerns regard+ For example antimicrobial diet buy 250mg sumamed with amex, a female-to-male uansicion might include both chest surgery and phalloplasty antibiotic resistance animals buy cheap sumamed on-line. Annual Major Surgeries 25 Annual Major Surgeries 15 40 45 20 25 45 50 25 30 90 100 50 55 130 140 70 80 a Based on estimates of prevalence from a California study (Conron, 2012}. Each of these data sources provides information on a different outcome, which makes understanding rhe results more complicated. Private Health Insurance Utilization Estimates Herman (20136) reports on the experiences of 34 employers chat provided gender transition- related health care benefits co their employees and dependents via their health insurance plans. This study specifically reports on the annual number of enrollees who accessed "transition-related care. Thus, not accounting for the role of dependents in these utilization estimates would overstate utilization by approximately 100 percent. If individuals in these firms utilized services that were not covered, thus paying for treatments our of pocket or through some other form of health imurance, these uti lization estimates wiU be biased downward. Ninety-two percent of firms covered bilateral mastectomy for female-to-male patients, but only 59 percenr covered female-to-male chest reconsrruction, and only 59 percent covered male-to-female augmentation marumoplasry (breast augmentation). We used rwo different data sources to determine the rypical number of dependents covered by the maiLl policyholder in private health insurance firms in the United Scates. The Economic Policy I nstirute also reports information on this question using data from the U. Using this information, we caJculared a policyholder-to-dependent ratio of l to 0. The second describes the number of firms in each category for which we had utilization estimates. For confidentiality reasons, some surveyed data sources report only ranges for the number of employees in a firm. Therefore, we used the midpoint of rhe range to impute the number of employees in a particular firm, then assigned the total number of dependents based on this employee value. For example, we had utilization data from two firms in the "private 1,000-9,999 employees" category. Since we assume the midpoint value for furn size, this implies that there are 5,000 employees in each furn. Assuming a one-ro-one employee-rodependent ratio implies an additional 10,000 covered individuals, resulting in a combined toi:al of 20,000 enrollees. To obtain a combined estimate of the differenc values, we conscrucced a weighted average using che existing utilization estimates, weighting by the number of covered individuals that generated each of the estimates in Table 4. A weighced average of all the estimates resulcs in an overall utilization estimate of 0. U nfortunately, we could not identify any sex-specific utilization estimates in the available private health insurance data; the aggregate cost and utilization estimates that we were able to idemify already included underlying prevalence differences between the sexes. We posited that utilization would be twice as large for male-to-female transitions than for female-to-male transitions based on an assumption of linearity between cransgender prevalence, for which we have sex-specific estimates. Combining this assumption about differing utilization rates with the fact that the male/female labor force participation in the civilian population is close to 50 percent male and 50 percent female, we were able to solve for the sex-specific utilization estimates implied by the aggregate lower-bound (0. Since the natal male-specific utilizatioD rate is assumed to be twice the n:ical female rare. Finally, the sociology and psychology literarure speculates that there is a higher transgender prevalence in the military compared with the civilian population (G. Gates and Herman (2014) also calculated that transgender prevalence in the military is approximately twice the civilian prevalence (Gates, 2011; Gares and Herman, 2014). Private Health Clinic Estimates A second source of information regarding gender transition-related health care utilization comes from a survey of surgical clinics conducted by Horton (2008). In 2001, Horton surveyed all major clinics in rhe United States known to provide transitionrelated care to determine the number of penecromies and bilateral mastectomies performed on transgender patients. Horton also developed lower- and upper-bound estimates via assumptions regarding treatmem counts for clinics with missing data, and these numbers are reported in the second and fourth columns of Table 4.