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By: U. Akrabor, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

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One of the questions the coordinator asked during that meeting was which schools to contact? Knowing that nearby #### Junior/Senior High School students had plentiful opportunities to engage with the university, I told him we should diversify and invite students from different socioeconomic and historically under-represented regions in the state of ####. I think this exemplifies my commitment to engage and advance community interest in the sciences. My time as a graduate student and postdoctoral researcher provided a well-rounded experience working with wonderful people from all backgrounds, a leap from the small, mostly white southern town outside of ####, where I grew up. I thrived living and working in one of the most culturally diverse areas in the United States while pursuing my doctorate at #### University. As founder of #### atmospheric chemistry outreach program on indoor and outdoor air quality and current mentor of three outstanding female graduate student researchers, one Hispanic and another with diagnosed narcolepsy, and a post-doctoral researcher from ####, I have learned how to effectively communicate with students from different educational backgrounds, abilities/disabilities, and from backgrounds that are very different from my own. I believe scientific communication is key and connections with people and institutions beyond our borders is just as important for a sustainable and prosperous research program. Having experience as a freelance contract editor for an international scientific editing service, I have helped numerous international researchers share their science in English as first language journals. I believe diversity inclusion in the classroom and research laboratory is critical for academic and research success. As long as students and faculty are committed to and engaged in the learning environment and promote the ideals for a diverse workplace, my philosophy is that all students should be given equal opportunity. My commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, as demonstrated by my past experiences, align well with this philosophy. As a woman in the sciences, I have seen firsthand how the academic environment can be unwelcoming, unfair and inequitable because of not fitting into a particular gender schema. I am committed to making a difference in ensuring that everyone is given opportunities to excel in their scholarly activities. I have mentored over one hundred students in my laboratory including twenty-two students who have received their PhDs under my guidance, 60% of these have been women. On the national level, in my commitment to honoring and promoting women students at all levels (undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral students), I was the National Director of Student Awards for Iota Sigma Pi, an honor society for women chemists, for three years. As the National Director of Student Awards for Iota Sigma Pi, I was responsible for expanding the application pool for the three awards given by the society. For the last four years, I have chaired the Diversity Committee within the Department of Chemistry at #####. In this role, I work with faculty toward increasing diversity within the department on all levels as a collective goal and to insure diverse representation on all important committees within the department. I also serve as the ##### Director for the Department as part of the ##### Foundation - University Center of Exemplary Mentoring #####. In addition, I have engaged in a number of outreach events as part of my role as community member. As a mother of two, I volunteered in the local Girl Scouts organization, and worked with middle schools, elementary schools and boy/girl scout organizations to bring exciting scientific demonstrations to school-aged children. Example 3 - As a Latino immigrant who lived in X, Y, and the United States, I am sensitive to the challenges that ethnic minorities face in academia. Thus, over the last years I have become determined to act towards creating an environment that is more inviting towards underrepresented minorities, women, and socioeconomically underprivileged students which I will expand as a Professor. As a graduate in X, I laid the groundwork for a scholarship program to bring Latino physics students to X. This program organizes a support structure for Latino undergraduate students to help them apprehend the entire academic process by talking directly to Latino graduate students, postdocs and perhaps ultimately professors (we are currently seeking their participation). We all hold office hours where students discuss their personal and academic struggles.

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Therefore prostate cancer survival rate order cheapest proscar, for the purposes of this review prostate cancer 51 generic 5 mg proscar with amex, the term severe sepsis/septic shock will be used prostate oncology youtube discount proscar amex. The initial reaction to infection is a neurohumoral man health be cheap proscar 5mg with mastercard, generalized pro- and antiinflammatory response. This begins with a cellular activation of monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils that interact with endothelial cells through numerous pathogen recognition receptors. These plasma substances include cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor, interleukins, caspase, proteases, leukotrienes, kinins, reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, arachidonic acid, platelet activating factor, and eicosanoids. Activation of the complement 22 and coagulation cascades further amplifies this elaborate chain of events. Key therapies that have led to mortality benefits in severe sepsis/septic shock are directed at reversing these pathogenic mechanisms. Physiology of Systemic Oxygen Transport and Utilization Because microvascular injury leads to decreased oxygen delivery and consumption at the cell and tissue level, the principles of oxygen transport physiology become requisite to an understanding of the pathogenic, diagnostic, and therapeutic implications of global tissue hypoxia. The initial response to an infecting organism is a systemic response, with release of inflammatory mediators and activation of the coagulation cascade. Microvascular injury, thrombosis, and diffuse endothelial disruption follow, resulting in imbalance between oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption. Global tissue hypoxia and cytopathic (cellular) hypoxia develop, leading to multiple organ dysfunction and irreversible shock. After oxygen is extracted at the tissue level, the remainder returns to the venous circulation. The product of systemic oxygen delivery and the percentage of oxygen extracted (normally 25%) by the tissues is the systemic oxygen consumption. The balance between systemic oxygen delivery and consumption is reflected by the mixed venous hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SvO2). Global tissue hypoxia results when there is an inability of systemic oxygen delivery to meet the oxygen requirements (ie, consumption) of the tissues and results in lactic acidosis. Cardiovascular Insufficiency and Global Tissue Hypoxia One of the most important events leading to morbidity and mortality in patients with sepsis is the development of cardiovascular insufficiency and resulting global tissue hypoxia. Second, even in the presence of a normal or high cardiac output in severe sepsis/septic shock, hypoperfusion abnormalities can still exist. This "distributive shock" refers to a state of either systemic or regional hypoperfusion as a result of derangements in blood flow distribution and loss of vasoregulatory control to the vascular beds. Third, myocardial depression reflecting a hypodynamic state with low cardiac output, thought to occur as a result of effects of inflammatory mediators, can be the predominant hemodynamic feature in up to 15% of patients presenting with severe sepsis/septic shock and may be especially profound in patients with preexisting cardiac disease. These derangements further contribute to the cardiovascular insufficiency and may occur independent of hemodynamic parameters, such as arterial blood pressure. Nguyen et al bandemia (ie, premature granulocytes) are typically associated with the presence of bacterial infection but have poor sensitivity and specificity and, thus, cannot be used alone to either exclude or confirm the diagnosis of bacterial infection. Because a hematocrit level less than 30% is a specific criterion for transfusion in resuscitation protocols to be discussed below, repeated evaluations are recommended. Thrombocytopenia, which frequently heralds the onset of disseminated intravascular coagulation, is an independent predictor of multiple organ failure and poor outcome. A standard chemistry panel that reveals acidosis may represent the presence of lactic acidosis. Of note, hyperlactatemia, along with systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria and suspected infection, was an enrollment criterion in one pivotal trial to be discussed below. The likelihood of arterial hyperlactatemia is reduced considerably by a normal peripheral venous lactate but is only slightly increased if the peripheral venous lactate is increased. The recommended findings and laboratory studies to detect severe sepsis/septic shock derive mainly from enrollment criteria of the pivotal clinical trials that will be discussed below (Grade E). Both epidemiologic (eg, contact risk for meningococcemia) and patient risk for infection must first be considered. The presence of immunocompromising conditions and prosthetic devices such as intravenous lines, heart valves, and urinary catheters increases infection risk.

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A medication with high mu-opioid receptor affnity requires lower concentrations to occupy the same number of mu-opioid receptors as a drug with lower mu-opioid receptor affnity androgen hormone kalin discount proscar line. Recovery: A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness androgen hormone balance proscar 5 mg line, live a self-directed life man health renew renew buy discount proscar line, and strive to reach their full potential prostate cancer and diet purchase proscar 5 mg without a prescription. Recovery-oriented care: A service orientation that supports individuals with behavioral health conditions in a process of change through which they can improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential. A comprehensive review of the psychometric properties of the Drug Abuse Screening Test. Measuring the heaviness of smoking: Using self-reported time to the frst cigarette of the day and number of cigarettes smoked per day. When "enough" is not enough: New perspectives on optimal methadone maintenance dose. Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone) sublingual flm: Full prescribing information. Pharmacokinetics of sublingual buprenorphine and naloxone in subjects with mild to severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh classes A, B, and C), in hepatitis C virus-seropositive subjects, and in healthy volunteers. Opioid maintenance and recovery-oriented systems of care: It is time to integrate (p. Methadone maintenance therapy versus no opioid replacement therapy for opioid dependence. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. University of Malaya Centre for Proteomics Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Department of Biomedical Science, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Onn Haji Hashim, Department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Key words: papillary thyroid cancer, molecular alteration, genetic signature, biomarker, diagnostics Introduction Thyroid tumours are now broadly classified as follicle-derived (thyroid epithelial) neoplasms, other epithelial tumours, non-epithelial tumours and secondary tumours based on pathological, clinical and genetic characteristics [1, 2]. These tumours can be benign, borderline or malignant, depending on their biological behaviour within the body. Some of the other epithelial tumours found in the thyroid gland include medullary carcinoma, salivary gland-type tumours, mucinous carcinoma and thymic tumours, whilst tumours like paraganglioma, peripheral nerve sheath, vascular, smooth muscle, solitary fibrous and histiocytic tumours, lymphoma and teratoma fall under the non-epithelial tumours of the thyroid (Figure 1). The well differentiated thyroid cancer such as follicular and papillary carcinomas account for 95% of all thyroid cancer cases and are generally associated with a good prognosis and/or survival rate when diagnosed early [3, 4]. On the other hand, the poorly or undifferentiated anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, albeit a rare cancer, is almost always fatal [5]. Among all cancers of the thyroid, papillary thyroid cancer is the most prevalent form of thyroid malignancy. It is also the most prevalent thyroid cancer subtype in countries having iodinesufficient or iodine-excess diets [7]. The reasons are unclear but may reflect improvements that contribute to earlier. Earlier studies comparing patients with multiple nodular goitre with those having a single thyroid nodule showed no difference in cancer prevalence [15]. Later studies suggested patients with a solitary thyroid nodule carry a higher risk of thyroid cancer than patients with multiple thyroid nodules [16]. Similar findings of higher risk of malignancy among young males with thyroid nodules have also been independently reported [18]. An aggressive approach in the management and treatment of the disease may render nearly 90% of the patients cancer-free [32]. The extent of surgery is dependent on the size of the primary tumour and absence or presence of lymph node metastasis [33]. In cases of malignancy with a diameter of more than 1 cm, total thyroidectomy is usually performed [34]. Oral administered radioiodine is usually recommended subsequent to surgery in all high-risk patients as this will ablate the remaining thyroid cells. A retrospective study performed by Mazzaferri [35] showed lower recurrence rates and improved survival when the remaining thyroid tissue was ablated with radioiodine therapy.


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Insert a 25-gauge prostate oncology jonesboro purchase generic proscar line, 25 mm needle at the junction of the mucoperiosteum of the gum and the cheek prostate testing procedure discount 5mg proscar, parallel to the axis of the tooth (Figure 5 prostate 5lx side effects order proscar 5 mg. Infiltrate the tissues with 1 ml of 1% lidocaine with adrenaline (epinephrine) and repeat the procedure on the other side of the tooth prostate size proscar 5 mg free shipping. While supporting the alveolus with thumb and finger of your other hand, apply the forceps to either side of the crown, parallel with the long axis of the root. Push the blades of the forceps up or down the periodontal membrane on either side of the tooth, depending on which jaw you are working on (Figure 5. Successful extraction occurs if you drive the blades of the forceps as far along the periodontal membrane as possible. Firmly grip the root of the tooth with the forceps and loosen the tooth with gentle rocking movements from buccal to lingual or palatal side. If the tooth does not begin to move, loosen the forceps, push them deeper, and repeat the rocking movements. A broken root is best removed by loosening the tissue between the root and the bone with a curved elevator. After the tooth has been completely removed, squeeze the sides of the socket together for a minute or two and place a dental roll over the socket. Arrest profuse bleeding that will not stop, even when pressure is applied, with mattress sutures of absorbable suture across the cavity. If gross dental sepsis occurs, administer penicillin for 48 hours and consider giving tetanus toxoid. Incision and drainage of peritonsillar abscess Peritonsillar abscess (quinsy) is a complication of acute tonsillitis. The neck is rigid, and there is fever, dysarthria, dysphagia, drooling, trismus, foul breath and lymphadenopathy. Local swelling causes the anterior tonsillar pillar to 5­22 Basic surgical procedures bulge and displaces the soft palate and uvula. Technique 1 Administer antibiotics and analgesics and place the patient in a sitting position with the head supported. A local anaesthetic is safer than general anaesthesia because of the potential for aspiration with general anaesthetic. Introduce the point of a pair of artery forceps or sinus forceps into the incision, and open the jaws of the forceps to improve drainage (Figure 5. Retropharyngeal abscess Retropharyngeal abscesses occur in children and may compromise the airway. They result from infection of the adenoids or the nasopharynx and must be differentiated from cellulitis. In the early stages of the abscess the pharynx may look normal but, with progression, swelling appears in the back of the pharynx. Obtain a white-cell count and differential, determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and test the skin reaction to tuberculin (Mantoux test). Incise the summit of 5­23 Surgical Care at the District Hospital 5 the bulge vertically. If the abscess is acute and clearly pointing, perform a simple incision and drainage. For small, superficial abscesses, aspirate the cavity using a syringe with a wide-bore needle. Perform incision and drainage under general anaesthesia for large abscess cavities. Because of the complexity of the neck, surgical intervention requires a qualified surgeon with adequate support. Place the incision in a skin crease centred over the most prominent or fluctuant part of the abscess. Spread the wound edges with a pair of sinus or artery forceps to facilitate drainage. Take a sample of pus for bacteriological tests, including an examination for tuberculosis.

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Reenactment of a universal law in Louisiana (after a cycle of repeals and reenactments since 1968) resulted in an increase in use among riders involved in crashes mens health boston 5mg proscar mastercard, from 42% before reenactment to 87% following (Gilbert prostate volume formula generic proscar 5 mg with visa, Chaudhary prostate oncology specialists in illinois purchase proscar paypal, Solomon prostate oncology specialists marina del rey order line proscar, Preusser, & Cosgrove, 2008). After Federal penalties were eliminated in 1975 for States failing to have a universal law, about half the States repealed their laws. Use: As of July 2009, 20 States and the District of Columbia had helmet laws covering all riders. Three States (Illinois, Iowa, and New Hampshire) do not have a motorcycle helmet law. A reduction in fatality rates among all ages was estimated for partial coverage laws compared to no law by Houston & Richardson (2008), but the effect was much smaller (7% to 8%) than that for universal coverage (22% to 33%). Moreover, when Florida eliminated the requirement that all motorcycle riders 21 and older wear helmets, there was an 81% increase in motorcyclist fatalities (Ulmer & Northrup, 2005). Fatalities even increased among riders under age 21 who were still covered by the helmet law. Hence, the preponderance of evidence is that universal coverage laws provide greater safety benefits than laws that cover only a specific age group. Costs: Once legislation requiring helmet use has been enacted, implementation costs are minimal. The inevitable controversy surrounding the legislation will help to publicize the new law extensively. See Jones and Bayer (2007) for an excellent history of opposition to helmet laws in the United States. Parallels from experiences to increase safety belt use through educational and promotional efforts are detailed. It was only after laws requiring use were enacted that seat belt use began to rise substantially. Use: There is no data available on how many States conduct helmet use promotion campaigns. However, there also are no examples of helmet use rates much over 50% in States without a universal helmet law. Time to implement: A good campaign, including market research, material development, and message placement, will require at least 6 months to plan and implement. This likely explains why helmet use rates are high in universal helmet law States (Chapter 5, Section 1. Thus, among riders who use helmets, over one-fifth use a helmet that is noncompliant. Some noncompliant helmets also have spikes or other protrusions that mark them noncompliant. Use: the extent of helmet law enforcement activities to identify and cite noncompliant-helmet wearers is not known. Effectiveness: the effectiveness of an active helmet law enforcement program on noncompliant helmet use has not been evaluated. Costs: Since helmet laws can be enforced during regular traffic patrols, the only costs will be for training law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and judges. Many States have conducted communications and outreach campaigns directed at drinking and motorcycling. The experience of drinking and driving campaigns directed at all drivers suggests that they are unlikely to have a positive effect unless they are carefully researched and planned, well funded, well executed, achieve high levels of target audience exposure (perhaps using paid advertising), use high-quality messages that are pre-tested for effectiveness, and are conducted in conjunction with enforcement activities directed at impaired motorcyclists. It concluded that many motorcyclists have strong feelings of freedom, independence, and individual responsibility and believe that drinking motorcyclists endanger only themselves. A program, "Riders Helping Riders," targets the expressed willingness of some motorcycle riders to help other riders by encouraging them to intervene to prevent other motorcycle riders from riding impaired and to create a stronger safety culture among motorcyclists. Longer-term evidence of attitude change, interventions actually carried out, or definitive safety effects will require exposure to large numbers of riders and longer follow-up of crashes (McKnight, Becker, & Tippetts, 2008; McKnight, Becker, Tippetts, & Hohn, 2009). Another program called "Green-Yellow-Red" was recently developed and tested in Wisconsin (Aguilar & Delehanty, 2009). The campaign sought to educate motorcycle riders about the dangers of drinking and riding, and to encourage them to make safer choices.

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