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By: Q. Akrabor, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

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Means followed by the same capital letter in the columns do not differ from each other by the statistical test at 5% probability. Obstructive sleep apnea and postoperative complications among patients undergoing gynecologic oncology surgery. Weight for-height indices to assess nutritional status - a new index on a slide-rule. Estimating the Prevalence of Sleep-Disordered Breathing Among Collegiate Football Players. The effect of vitamin D supplementation on insulin and glucosemetabolism in overweight and obese individuals: systematic review with meta-analysis. Prospective assessment of the risk of obstructive sleep apnea in patients attending a tertiary health facility in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sleep impairments in healthy seniors: roles of stress, cortisol, and interleukin-1 beta. Brief communication: Sleep curtailment in healthy young men is associated with ecreased leptin levels, elevated ghrelin levels, and increased hunger and appetite. The article will show the step -by-step construction of the HydroSmart prototype to test the feasibility of the system. The good performance of the system and the application is an excellent tool that uses the technology to preserve the environment. Although the Amazon region has high rainfall levels, reaching 900 mm during the transition months [4], climate change has also affected rainfall in the region, such as the 2005 drought that caused several rivers to dry up causing death of several aquatic species. On the other hand, the occurrence of torrential rainfall in large cities and the soil sealing process is a consequence of urbanization, which prevents rainwater from infiltrating, increasing surface runoff and causing flooding areas, urban drainage problems, and at the same time decreasing groundwater reserves [5], showing the other face of climate change. The technology is a strong ally of sustainable practices, having as one of the main tools automation systems [6][7] and applications for mobile phones [8]. HidroSmart is an interactive system that adds rainwater harvesting, controlling and directing the consumption of water in a residence through the use of a SmartPhones application, through which we will try to reduce the waste of water in the residence. Through the installation of HidroSmart in any SmartPhone the application will show the consumption of water to the day, month and even the year inside a residence, as it will reuse the rainwater, preserving and guaranteeing the preservation of the water sources. Therefore, Table 1 shows the list of materials used in the construction of the HydroSmart prototype and its respective cost in Manaus during the second half of 2018 (updated value with the value of the dollar on 09/05/2019). Its programming is carried out through C ++ Software which is responsible for performing the calculations of the passage of water in days, weeks and even months and years. The water used by the system can be used for washing and preparing food and washing clothes and at the end of this system has a flow Quantity 1 1 10 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 7 1 3 1 $ 6. Thus, the water will pass through the flow sensor that will count the consumption being controlled by a mobile application. Robotooth is a 100% free platform, with no ads or user information collection, at the same time, is limited to 5 items per interface (not counting the menu button, text fields and touch stoppers). At first, only the hydraulic system was tested, verifying the incoming and outgoing flows of water from the utility (Figure 5a) and the reservoir (Figure 5b). Through the flow valve it was possible to account for the water consumption of the two reservoirs. Figure 7a shows the result of the real-time estimate displayed on the Smartphone screen, in liters per minute of water consumption. In Figure 7a, float 1 is activated, releasing the water passage showing a consumption estimate of 2. The last two droughts in the southeastern and northern regions of the country led the big cities to think about alternative ways of preserving and collecting rainwater. Using materials that are easy to access and purchase for any user, the system has been constructed in a way that does not modify the characteristics of the original hydraulic system of the residence. At the same time, this information will be stored and made available at the end of each month showing the user the water consumption of the utility. Automation system for rainwater harvesting and residential water management using mobile application.

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Macedonia cholesterol levels canada vs usa 2.5mg prazosin amex, 1993 kresser cholesterol ratio discount prazosin 2.5 mg on-line, Getting It Right: American military reforms after Vietnam to the Persian Gulf and beyond does cholesterol medication thin your blood prazosin 5 mg with mastercard, W cholesterol calculator generic 5 mg prazosin fast delivery. The 1973 Mideast War shook up the American military brass perhaps more than the failure in Vietnam. In 1989 he has head of the Southern Command and led his reformed troops in Panama in Operation Just Cause (p. Chapter 6, On Structure and Structuring, starts with a citation from Jaques on hierarchy and reviews the near universal rejection of it - and Jaques - in the U. They see a reciprocal relationship between hierarchy and personal identity as the source of the power of hierarchy and why change is so often resisted. Elliott, John, late 1700s to present - several British and American authors of the same name. Trist, 1965, "The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments," Human Relations, 18:21-32. This is sometimes mixed in with contingency theory because it deals with the organization and its changing environment. This article is on role definition, discretion and level of capability for a role. Examined scientists engaged in three types of research: basic, applied and development. Tried to establish the real nature of three hierarchies inside organizations: skills, rewards and authority. Discovered the presence of an informal due process appeal system which indicates pressures to constitutionalize the corporation. Simmons, 1969, "Organization Effects of Inequitable Rewards: Two Experiments in Status Inconsistency," Administrative Science Quarterly, June, Laboratory Studies of Experimental Organizations, 14(2):224-237. The footnotes were quite skeptical about Jaques and the theory, even sniping, as if Evans had fallen out of love with them along the way. It is an absolute must read for any researcher in this theory (but only after you get a grip on the theory). Miller, 1968, "The Brunel Project," [Krimpas uses this title for this study in 1975]. Krimpas published results for the Glacier study and from 10 other organizations (p. It is not completely clear, but this looks like a revised figure from that reported by Jaques (1969), which was over +0. A cross-organizational study of 125 employees in ten organizations (industrial, research and local government authority) in Scotland, the midlands and the London area. Authors were at Brunel University, where Jaques was head of the Social Science School. Nelson, 1989, Wage Justice, Comparable Worth and the Paradox of Technocratic Reform, U. The authors see the Hay Point system as unbiased but Deming revealed the Hay system was not valid and Jaques showed it was subjective. Ask Helen Fallon, Ivan, 1991, Billionaire, Hutchinson / Random Century, London, U. The Project gave Glacier the time it needed to develop new products and markets while it fended off potentially fatal patent lawsuits. Talk that frames the bargaining games people play, but is not verifiable, is "cheap talk. In hiring and selection it appears to be related to the self-presentations of self-confident "articulate incompetents. Fehr, Ernst, Georg Kirchsteiger, and Arno Riedl, 1993, "Does Fairness Prevent Market Clearing? Findings provided experimental support for the fair wage-effort theory in voluntary unemployment. Blue collar workers place more value on pay, job security, and Craddock / Bibliography 62 rules. Memory reminds the worker that any prior productivity improvement resulted in layoffs.

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Martin 1959 (a reprint of Martin 1956) cholesterol ratio range order prazosin 2.5mg with amex, which may have been fast-follower research mimicking Jaques 1956 cholesterol levels statins buy prazosin 5mg with amex. It reflects whether or not the firm is rewarding the employee for the work he/she is doing cholesterol medication list discount prazosin 5 mg mastercard. No understanding of Jaques or Brown either cholesterol levels in king crab prazosin 5mg otc, yet they had cited both in earlier works. See the refutations of their findings in the research of their Berkeley colleague, Ghiselli 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972. Porter begins with the observation that operational effectiveness is not strategy. But tools are easily copied and do not contribute to a strategic or sustainable advantage. Following Vroom 1964, he stated all versions of equity theory were so alike they can not be separately measured (Homans, Jaques, Adams). He then concentrated on Adams and set forth a series of predictions that were at odds with those of Adams. Findings supported equity theory (people were less satisfied in both under- and overpayment situations than when equitably paid) but did not support the expectancy theory of Vroom 1964, and Porter and Lawler 1968. Job "satisfaction is not linearly related to equitable rewards as Porter and Lawler imply" (p. Turner, and Tom Lupton, 1963, "A Conceptual Scheme for Organizational Analysis," Administrative Science Quarterly, December, 8(3):289-315. This article was praised by Child, 1970, for being fruitful for subsequent research in organizational measurement. Turner, 1968, "Dimensions of Organisation Structure," Administrative Science Quarterly, June, 13(1):65-105. Found four basic dimensions on which organization structures could be measured empirically. Hinnings, 1983/5/9, Writers On Organizations, 3rd Edition, Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, U. Makes the case for participation for farmers in the development and management of a large irrigation system. Bureaucratic structures are necessary for large organizations to be efficient yet they can accommodate much participation also. Teach, 1993, "Putting Creativity to Work: Leader Influences on Subordinate Creativity," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, June, 55(1):120-151. Aware of problem solving and context but not strata, roles, or requisite distance. Identifies the threshold for problem-solving activity that, when crossed, spreads firefighting across the entire product development system. Why should a manager bother to design the operating system or the managerial structure? The key is how the effort interacts with the existing structures: physical, economic, social and psychological. The danger is falling into a capability gap between doing the work and improving the capability of the system. They took root at the Indian Institute of Management there (see Mishra [Misra] 1962 and Dearden 1968). Richardson, Roy, 1969, An Empirical Study of Fair Pay Perceptions and Time Span of Discretion, Ph. A profile of the way the Army has formalized its ability to learn from experiment at the National Training Center (1980), from experience through after-action reviews, and the rapid codification and dissemination of this learning through the Center for Army Lessons Learned (1985). Information gathered through interviews was compared to the Stratified Systems Theory model of organizational structure and role relationships proposed by Jaques 1983 (see Worth and Brooks 1983). The impact of external requirements on the program management offices was explored.

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