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By: J. Fadi, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, George Washington University Medical School

Army For Trump Prior to the election virus mutation buy 50 mg minocycline with amex, the Trump campaign proliferated the idea that the election was going to be stolen by the Democrats antimitochondrial antibody order minocycline visa, using ballot-fraud claims and other procedural misinformation as well as the weaponization of the red mirage/blue wave prediction infection 5 weeks after surgery 50 mg minocycline free shipping, to spark outcry among supporters infection blood cheap minocycline 50mg fast delivery. This call to action was repeated by President Trump on Twitter and in the first presidential debate in which he urged supporters to "go into the polls and watch very carefully" for fraud. The "Army for Trump" initiative assisted in creating a vast trove of images, videos, and stories of purported incidents that could be selectively chosen, falsely framed, and fed into "voter fraud" narratives. The Evolution of Narratives in the 2020 Election that the "Trump Army" itself was an attempt by the campaign to steal the election. Calls to join the "Army for Trump" thus fed into both left and right-leaning narratives. Right-leaning social media accounts pushed the idea that the election would be stolen, to justify the need for the Army. Incidents and Narratives: the Evolution of Election Misinformation these public calls to watch as incitements to violence, and as an intimidation tactic with the potential for voter suppression. Color Revolution the narratives that the integrity of the election was being strategically and intentionally undermined moved into the conspiracy realm with claims that a Deep State was orchestrating a coup in a "color revolution. But in 2005, autocrats in China and Russia began to redefine the term away from its popular-activism origins, using it instead to imply externally imposed regime change-in particular, regime change designed to look like a popular uprising despite being furtively orchestrated by intelligence services from Western democracies. On September 15, Beattie appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, giving the narrative mainstream attention on a program with an audience of millions. The propagation of the color revolution narrative occurred over several months, waxing and waning in popularity, but gradually gaining adoption as a frame to explain grass-roots Black Lives Matter protests and voting irregularities as part of an elaborate plan by Democratic operatives to steal the election. After Election Day, use of the term "color revolution" spiked a few more times, driven mostly by videos and posts that echoed the pre-election narrative, alleging that the "coup" had happened. Incidents and Narratives: the Evolution of Election Misinformation the broad claim that a color revolution was underway, with nefarious actors purportedly funding protests and destroying ballots, provided a convenient way for those seeking to delegitimize the election to connect unconnected events and to create a compelling villain while doing so. True to top-down narrative dynamics, social media users who found the story appealing moved the narrative into a variety of Facebook Groups and Pages through shares. By promoting this narrative, right-leaning influencers appeared to be priming their audience to read future events surrounding ballots and protests as potentially part of that revolution. Accordingly, in the unsettled period between Election Day and when the race was called by national media outlets for Biden (and, it would turn out, even beyond that), believers of the color revolution narrative were primed to accept challenges to the integrity of the election. As we will see as we progress through this chapter, this would eventually manifest into legal challenges that relied on affidavits from individuals primed to believe election fraud narratives with little to no knowledge of the ins and outs of election procedures. Even on election night itself, the conviction that the election would be stolen seems to have motivated the voters of Arizona to latch on to one specific claim-felt-tip pens had led to the mass disqualification of the ballots of Trump voters-that would give rise to an online movement and a real-world protest. The concern that ballots marked with Sharpie markers would not be counted began to make its way around conservative communities on social media. While the Chicago tweet did not gain much traction, the narrative quickly spread to Parler and Facebook. A video that originally appeared on Facebook went viral: an off-camera videographer (the account name on the video suggests the videographer is right-wing activist Marko Trickovic)49 is broadcasting his conversation with a pair of women who are describing voting machines not reading Sharpie-marked ballots. In the video, the women claimed that Maricopa, Arizona, poll workers were trying to force voters to use Sharpies despite the presence of pens. After West Coast polls closed and it became apparent that certain swing states- particularly Arizona-were closer than polls had predicted, the controversy about Sharpies was offered as an explanation. It became a hashtag, #Sharpiegate, and various pieces of content alleged that poll workers were handing out the markers deliberately to Trump supporters to prevent their votes from being counted. Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden at 11:20 pm on election night, but overall the day ended without a clear winner, as many election experts had predicted. So our goal now is to ensure the integrity for the good of this nation, this is a very big moment. Content appeared on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler alleging that Trump voters specifically had been given Sharpies to invalidate their ballots. Local media and election officials in other swing states in which Sharpie markers had been used, including Pennsylvania and Michigan, posted articles addressing the use of Sharpies in their own jurisdictions, attempting to fact-check what appeared to be turning into a widely disseminated conspiracy theory. The Michigan Attorney General posted a tweet asking members of the public to stop making threatening and harassing phone calls to her staff suggesting they shove Sharpies into inappropriate places. By early evening on November 4, however, the Sharpiegate theory left the realm of internet chatter and became a live-action rallying cry for Trump supporters 79 3. Incidents and Narratives: the Evolution of Election Misinformation who felt the election had been stolen. This time, wellknown conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars showed up, climbed atop a car, and gave a speech about "meth-head Antifa scum," George Soros, and stolen elections, occasionally chanting "1776.

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Thus antibiotic coverage cheap 50 mg minocycline otc, the temporal order between alcohol or cigarettes and marijuana reflects not only the influence of the legal drugs on marijuana initiation but differences in the structure of age effects antibiotic xifaxan side effects discount minocycline online visa, with earlier initiation of alcohol than of cigarettes and marijuana use antibiotic resistance journal pdf order minocycline cheap online. The relative ambiguity in the temporal ordering of initiations between cigarettes and marijuana compared with alcohol and marijuana reflects these age effects rather than a weaker influence of cigarette use on marijuana initiation as compared to the influence of alcohol antibiotic ear drops for dogs order minocycline 50mg without a prescription. Initiation of Illicit Drugs Other Than Marijuana Similar analyses were carried out regarding initiation of illicit drugs other than marijuana. Although the sequences between alcohol and cigarettes and between cigarettes and marijuana are somewhat indeterminate in predicting initiation of illicit drugs other than marijuana, an ordering among drugs was assumed that reflects the dominant sequential patttern, i. The propensity to initiate other illicit drugs increases strongly among men and women who are currently using marijuana or prescribed psychoactive drugs (Model 1). The lack of a statistically significant difference between the coefficients for the use of marijuana and prescribed psychoactives indicates that the additional use of the latter has no effect beyond that attributable to marijuana, an Use of marijuana in the past, even earlier stage in the sequence. There is a steady decline with age in the initiation of other illicit drugs that is similar to that found for marijuana. Selected control variables do not reduce significantly the effect of marijuana use on the initiation of other illicit drugs (Model 2). The elimination or weakening of the effects of adolescent characteristics indicates the dominance of marijuana use in explaining the subsequent initiation of other illicit drugs. The data available prohibit determining whether characteristics measured at the time of initiation, rather than in adolescence, are important. The effects of adolescent characteristics may be weakened by the time-lag between their measurement at ages 15-16 and the subsequent initiation to other illicit drugs. To investigate the predictive effects of these variables as a function of time-lag in measurement, an elaboration of the analysis was carried out for delinquency and marijuana use by friends by introducing interaction terms between these variables and age of initiation to other illicit drugs. Except for delinquency among men, the interactions are strong with the effects significant only under age 18 (data not presented). Among men, there is a strong interaction between age of onset of marijuana use and current or former use of marijuana on the rate of initiation to other illicit drugs (Model 3). Men who initiate marijuana early, especially under age 16, tend to initiate other illicit drug use at a rate even higher than would be expected from the longer period of risk resulting from an early age of onset. The expected proportions of persons who will initiate other illicit drug use as a function of age of onset of marijuana use was calculated for synthetic cohorts who were assumed to have never used other illicit drugs by age 15, and to have continuously used marijuana following onset. Probabilities in the lower triangular matrix refer to the initiation of other illicit drugs without prior use of marijuana. Marijuana use will generate a maximum difference of 68% for men and 53% for women in the probability of initiating other illicit drugs through the age period 15 to 25 between those who initiate marijuana use prior to age 14 and those who never start using marijuana. The probabilities of initiating other illicit drugs are very much reduced when marijuana use is initiated after age 19. Most importantly, persons with no experience with marijuana have very small probabilities of initiating other illicit drugs, ranging from. Marijuana appears to be a necessary condition for the initiation of other illicit drugs this pattern contrasts with the probability of in this cohort. While the temporal order between alcohol and marijuana results in part from differences in age effects on the initiation of these two drugs, the temporal order between initiation of marijuana and other illicit drugs reflects the necessary use of marijuana prior to the use of other illicit drugs. Current cigarette use in the absence of prior marijuana use also has a marginally significant effect (p=. To assess the magnitude of this effect, a synthetic cohort analysis was carried out for age of cigarette onset and initiation of other illicit drug use (unpublished data). In this cohort, women who initiate cigarettes at age 15 and use continuously thereafter, but do not use marijuana, will have a 7% probability of initiating other illicit drugs by age 25. This compares to a 2% probability for women who neither smoke cigarettes nor use marijuana. Initiation of Prescribed Psychoactive Drugs Analyses parallel to those for initiation to marijuana and to other illicit drugs were carried out for initiation to medically prescribed psychoactive drugs (table 9). However the use (current or former) of other illicit drugs promotes the initiation of prescribed psychoactive drugs, an effect that is not eliminated by the introduction of control variables (Model 2). Furthermore, among men and women high depressive symptomatology in adolescence predicts an increased probability of initiating prescribed psychoactive drugs, as does maternal use of psychoactive drugs and dropping out of high school among women.

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Annotation: this briefing paper by the Global Campaign for Education highlights the fact that antibiotic resistance of e. coli in sewage and sludge purchase minocycline with visa, as of 2005 virus mutation rate generic 50mg minocycline with mastercard, many developing nations were still not ensuring equality for girls in education fungal infection purchase cheap minocycline on line. It highlights some of the reasons the goal of educational equality has not been reached and makes recommendations for governments and the international community bacteria animation buy generic minocycline 50mg. The report serves as a reminder of the distance still to be traveled and, though it addresses some of the issues and makes recommendations, it does so in a very broad and general manner. This first monograph focuses on the purpose and context of the conference and looks at issues such as: the impact of culture on education; environmental and health education; adult literacy; and the relationship between economic and social development. Although this is a dated source, it discusses timeless issues that are still relevant today. Annotation: Hannum discusses and analyzes ethnic disparities in education using statistical evidence, including the 1992 National Sample Survey on the Situation of Chinese Children. She proposes three hypotheses: first, geographical differentiation and poverty play a crucial role in creating educational disparities by ethnicity; second, the gender gap is greater among minority groups, and this greater disparity is largely attributable to the poorer socioeconomic backgrounds of minorities; and finally, the onset of market reforms through the 1980s increased educational disparities by ethnicity. She sets out to analyze the relevance and viability of two theoretical approaches to gender stratification and development: the modernization theory and the women in development perspective. The first approach theorizes that, with increased development, a country will experience a decrease in gender inequalities. The "women in development perspective" argues that, with increased development comes an initial widening of the gender gap. Hannum attempts to analyze these theories and investigates various issues, such as the impact of economic circumstances on gender bias in household educational choices, and the trend in gender disparities in the years of market reforms. This article is of particular use to those who are interested in the relationship between development and gender disparities in education. He examines the types of decentralization that China used and examines how much power was really delegated. Within the education reform, Hawkins takes a detailed look at fiscal and management reforms, as well as curriculum reforms. The study carried out was designed and administered by a joint team of Chinese and British psychologists. They conclude that, while perceived gender differences still exist in both countries, they are more prominent in traditional societies like China. Annotation: this report by Human Rights in China provides an account of the true accessibility of education to children of migrant workers. Using official Chinese publications and interviews, it examines how official policies are causing discrimination to migrant families who cannot afford to register in their new cities. These policies then enable local governments to charge higher fees from migrant families, often deterring them from enrolling their children in school. Annotation: this article discusses the closing of private, self-run migrant schools in Beijing in the run-up to the Olympics. While Beijing authorities claimed the closures were due to schools being substandard or unregistered, school operators disagreed. Closing down migrant schools, this article claims, is another example of the Chinese government failing to provide education for all. Administrative and financial policies create great difficulty for migrant families to send their children to school. Now, the government is closing the very schools that have made education possible. Annotation: While surveying education reform in China, the authors highlight the "New Basic Education Project," carried out by East China Normal University. This was one of many projects carried out by Chinese universities concerned with school-level improvements. The primary focus of the project was to research and make improvements to classroom teaching and class construction. Practical changes were made in four classroom areas: curriculum and instruction; class construction; school administration; and teacher development.

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The cochlear duct is then separated from the scala vestibuli by the vestibular membrane and from the scala tympani by the basilar membrane. The lateral wall of the cochlear duct remains attached to the surrounding cartilage by the spiral ligament, whereas its median angle is connected to and partly supported by a long cartilaginous process, the modiolus, the future axis of the bony cochlea. They are covered by the tectorial membrane, a fibrillar gelatinous substance Endolymphatic sac and duct Ultricular portion of otic vesicle attached to the spiral limbus that rests with its tip on the hair cells. Utricle and Semicircular Canals During the sixth week of development, semicircular canals appear as flattened outpocketings of the utricular part of the otic vesicle. Central portions of the walls of these outpocketings eventually appose each other. Because two of the latter type fuse, however, only five crura enter the utricle, three with an ampulla and two without. Chapter 19 Cartilaginous shell Scala vestibuli Ear 323 Basement membrane Cochlear duct Spiral ligament Outer ridge A Cochlear duct (scala media) Vestibular membrane Inner ridge B Scala tympani Scala vestibuli Modiolus Spiral ligament Auditory nerve fibers Basilar membrane Scala tympani Spiral ganglion C Figure 19. The cochlear duct (scala media) is separated from the scala tympani and the scala vestibuli by the basilar and vestibular membranes, respectively. During formation of the otic vesicle, a small group of cells breaks away from its wall and forms the statoacoustic ganglion. This pouch expands in a lateral direction and comes in contact with the floor of the first pharyngeal cleft. The distal part of the pouch, the tubotympanic recess, widens and gives rise to the primitive tympanic Roof of rhombencephalon Endolymphatic duct Ultricular portion of otic vesicle Saccular portion Mesenchymal condensation 1st pharyngeal cleft the malleus and incus are derived from cartilage of the first pharyngeal arch, and the stapes is derived from that of the second arch. Although the ossicles appear during the first half of fetal life, they remain embedded in mesenchyme until the eighth month. The Auditory ossicles embedded in loose mesenchyme Wall of inner ear Auditory tube A B External auditory meatus Meatal plug Primitive tympanic cavity Tubotympanic recess Figure 19. Note the meatal plug extending from the primitive auditory meatus to the tympanic cavity. Chapter 19 Semicircular duct and canal Endolymphatic sac Base of stapes in oval window Stapes Incus Malleus Cochlear aqueduct Ear 325 External acoustic meatus Tympanic membrane Tympanic cavity Duct of cochlea Pharyngotympanic tube Round window Figure 19. The stapedius muscle, which is attached to the stapes, is innervated by the facial nerve, the nerve to the second pharyngeal arch. After birth, the epithelium of the tympanic cavity invades the bone of the developing mastoid process, and epithelium-lined air sacs are formed (pneumatization). Expansion of inflammations of the middle ear into the antrum and mastoid air cells is a common complication of middle ear infections. In the seventh month, this plug dissolves, and the epithelial lining of the floor of the meatus participates in formation of the definitive eardrum. Occasionally, the meatal plug persists until birth, resulting in congenital deafness. Auricle the auricle develops from six mesenchymal proliferations at the dorsal ends of the first and second pharyngeal arches, surrounding the first pharyngeal cleft. As fusion of the auricular hillocks is complicated, developmental abnormalities of the auricle are common. Eardrum or Tympanic Membrane the eardrum is made up of (1) an ectodermal epithelial lining at the bottom of the auditory meatus, (2) an endodermal epithelial lining of the tympanic cavity, and (3) an intermediate layer of connective tissue. Drawing of a 6-week-old embryo showing a lateral view of the head and six auricular hillocks surrounding the dorsal end of the first pharyngeal cleft. Shortly thereafter, the optic vesicle begins to invaginate and forms the double-walled optic cup. Transverse section through the forebrain of a 4-week embryo showing the optic vesicles in contact with the surface ectoderm.

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