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By: P. Vasco, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
With the arrival of Father Serra arthritis pain depression 50mg indomethacin with mastercard, the great project of Galvez scored its historic success arthritis pain how does it feel effective indomethacin 75 mg, a fact w^hich reflected the highest credit upon the man who had planned it to the last detail arthritis pain no inflammation cheap 25mg indomethacin with amex. He never saw the country himself rheumatoid arthritis chest pain discount indomethacin 75mg with amex, but he set the forces in motion which saved it for his king and his flag, at least for a time, and thus he deserves lasting remembrance among the fathers of California. The success of his plans in uniting the four branches of the expedition at San Diego furnished a base from which the larger scheme of settlement could be carried along the coast. Here, in the space of jMarques de Croix, present Viceroy, Governor, and CaptainGeneral of this New Spain, by the most Illustrious Don Joseph de Galvez, of the Council and Chamber of his]Iajesty in the royal and supreme of the Indies, Intendent of the Army, and Visitador General of this New Spain, by the religious of said Apostolic College, San Fernando of Mexico. The military and naval officers were on hand with their troops, who strove to make up in dignity what they lacked in numbers. Father Serra and his priests performed their part with the utmost reverence and solemnity, praying that they might "put to Hight all the hosts of hell and subject to the mild yoke of our holy faith the barbarity of the gentile Dieguinos. Presidio Hill, with its mouldering, tile-strewn ruins, is historic ground and should be preserved as such, forever. They were a h)Ug distance from any reliable base of supplies, and the means of communication were most uncertain. Xeilher physically iioi- iidellectually did they compare with the Indians of Eastern. It was very poor material, and the Mission Fathers did exceedingly well in moulding it into some semblance of civilization. The Indians had their homes mud, and generally grouped in in rude huts, made of sticks and villages. Some of these villages were large, containing hundreds of huts, with a population which often reached a thousand or more. They had some simple laws, which were made from time to time to meet conditions as they arose, and the death penalty was inflicted for certain crimes. They had a vague, instinctive belief in a supreme being, and they showed much reverence for certain animals. The men went naked, but the women wore some clothing, for sake of decency, yet furnished scant patronage for the dressmaker. They wore a single garment of deer skin, or were clad in braided strands of rabbit skins, which hung to the knees. Frequently the garment was adorned with bright beads or grasses, for even Indian women had some concern for their appearance and desired to make themselves attractive. They painted, of course, after their own fashion, smearing their faces with colored mud. The Indian diet cannot be recommended, for they were fond of rats, ground-owls and snakes, and regarded a large, fat loThey caught cust, roasted on a stick, as a particular delicacy. The ^Sa)i Antonio had sailed for San Bias on July 9th, leaving the San Carlos in the harbor to await its return with seamen to take the places of those who had fallen by scurvy and now slept in the sands along the shore. There were forty persons, all told, including priests, soldiers, siek sailors, and Indians from Lower California. These institutions were typical of Spanish civilization the soldier and the priest working side by side, but always with the sword above the Cross in point of authority. It was essentially a military government, and the commandant was empowered to deal out justice, civil and criminal. The San Diego garrison was always pitiably weak and could never have protected the Spanish title to the country against any serious attack. In fact, the whole military establishment along the coast, after the four districts of San Diego, Santa Barbara, ^Monterey, and San Francisco had been organized, was a mere shell, with less than two hundred soldiers. Each soldier had a broadsword, lance, shield, musket, and pistols, together with six horses, a colt, and a mule. As settlement increased, the carrying of the mails between the missions was the most arduous and useful service the soldiers performed. It was no task to assemble the natives, for they swarmed to Presidio Hill in such large numbers as to become a nuisance. It is dreadful to think what would have happened to the w^hite men if the Indians had liked their food as much as their cloth and trinkets they would have been eaten out of house and home As it was, the Indians became so obnoxious that trouble could not be avoided.
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