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By: E. Aila, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Co-Director, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas

In many cultures infection 2 discount 250mg fabramicina overnight delivery, girls approaching or experiencing puberty tend to become concerned about their appearance and worry about how others will respond to them antibiotics stomach fabramicina 250mg without a prescription. Not surprisingly antibiotics vs antimicrobial cheap fabramicina 250mg on-line, research confirms that individual reactions to menarche vary widely virus x the movie buy generic fabramicina 500 mg on-line, with many girls reporting a mixture of positive and negative feelings and some confusion about the process (Koff & Rierdan, 1995; Moore, 1995). Unfortunately, cultural views about menstruation are often negative, and girls internalize these negative myths about what to expect. Many also develop poor body images because they are bothered by the weight gains that typically accompany menarche (Seiffge-Krenke, 1998). But they hope to be tall, hairy, and handsome, and they may become preoccupied with their physical and athletic prowess. Whereas menarche is a memorable event for girls, boys are often unaware of some of the physical changes they are experiencing. They notice their first ejaculation, but they rarely tell anyone about it and often were not prepared for it (Stein & Reiser, 1994). Although males express a mix of positive and negative reactions to becoming sexually mature, they generally react more positively to semenarche than girls do to menarche; 62% of boys regard semenarche positively, whereas only 23% of girls view menarche positively (Seiffge-Krenke, 1998). Adolescents physically distance themselves from their parents by engaging in less body contact, especially with fathers, and they go to great lengths to avoid being seen naked by their parents (Schulz, 1991, in Seiffge-Krenke, 1998). Perhaps as a result of the barriers erected between adolescents and their parents, teens become more independent and less close to their parents (Steinberg, 1989). They are also more likely to experience conflicts with their parents, especially with their mothers-more often about minor issues such as unmade beds, late hours, and loud music than about core values. Hormone changes in early adolescence may contribute to this increased conflict with parents and to moodiness, bouts of depression, lower or more variable energy levels, and restlessness (Buchanan, Eccles, & Becker, 1992). Parents-mothers and fathers alike- can help adolescents adjust successfully to puberty by maintaining close relationships and helping adolescents accept themselves (Swarr & Richards, 1996). Overall, you should not imagine that the physical and hormonal changes of puberty cause direct and straightforward psychological changes in the individual. Instead, biological changes interact with psychological characteristics of the person and with changes in the social environment to influence how adolescence is experienced (Magnusson, 1995; Paikoff & Brooks-Gunn, 1991). Early versus Late Development If "timely" maturation has psychological implications, what is it like to be "off time"-to be an especially early or late developer The answer depends on whether we are talking about males or females and also on whether we examine their adjustment during adolescence or later on. Consider the short-term effect of being an earlydeveloping or late-developing boy. Early-developing boys are judged to be socially competent, attractive, and self-assured, and they enjoy greater social acceptance by their peers (Bulcroft, 1991). The only negative aspect of being an earlymaturing boy is increased risk of earlier involvement in substance use and other problem behaviors such as bullying (Kaltiala-Heino et al. Late-maturing boys tend to be more anxious and less sure of themselves, and they experience more behavior and adjustment problems (Dorn, Susman, & Ponirakis, 2003). As a group, they even score lower than other students do, at least in early adolescence, on school achievement tests (Dubas, Graber, & Petersen, 1991). However, on the positive side, late-maturing boys are less likely to drink alcohol during adolescence (Bratberg et al. In addition, because girls develop about 2 years earlier than boys do, a girl may be subjected to ridicule for a time-the only one in her grade who is developed and thus the target of some teasing. Perhaps for some of these reasons, early maturation appears to be more of a disadvantage than an advantage for girls.

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Nevertheless infection klebsiella purchase fabramicina 100mg amex, some children are less severely damaged and more able to cope than others are antibiotics for dogs cause diarrhea discount 100 mg fabramicina overnight delivery. Children are likely to recover better if they have high-quality relationships with their mother and friends (Adams & Bukowski infection x private server buy generic fabramicina, 2007; Aspelmeier 10th antimicrobial workshop fabramicina 500 mg line, Elliott, & Smith, 2007). Psychotherapy aimed at treating the anxiety and depression many victims experience and teaching them coping and problem-solving skills so that they will not be revictimized can also contribute to the healing process (Finkelhor & Berliner, 1995). Adolescent Sexuality Although infants and children are sexual beings, sexuality assumes far greater importance once sexual maturity is achieved. Adolescents must incorporate into their identities as males or females concepts of themselves as sexual males or females. As part of their search for identity, teenagers raise questions about their sexual attractiveness, their sexual values, and their goals in close relationships. They also experiment with sexual behavior-sometimes with good outcomes, sometimes with bad ones. Sexual orientation exists on a continuum; not all cultures categorize sexual preferences as ours does (Paul, 1993), but we commonly describe people as having primarily heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual orientations. Most adolescents establish a heterosexual sexual orientation without much soulsearching. For youths attracted to members of their own sex, however, the process of accepting that they have a homosexual orientation and establishing a positive identity in the face of negative societal attitudes can be a long and torturous one. Many have an initial awareness of their sexual preference before reaching puberty but do not accept being gay or lesbian, or gather the courage to "come out," until their mid-20s (SavinWilliams, 1995). Among 17- to 25-year-olds with same-sex attractions, fewer than half have told both their parents and about one-third have not told either parent about their sexual orientation (Savin-Williams & Ream, 2003). By this age, most Two problems seem to be especially linked to being sexually abused. First, about a third of victims engage in sexualized behavior, acting out sexually by putting objects in their vaginas, masturbating in public, behaving seductively, or if they are older, behaving promiscuously (Kendall-Tackett et al. One theory is that this sexualized behavior helps victims master or control the traumatic events they experienced (Tharinger, 1990). Second, about a third of victims display the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. This clinical disorder, involving nightmares, flashbacks to the traumatizing events, and feelings of helplessness and anxiety in the face of danger, affects some soldiers who have experienced combat and other victims of extreme trauma (Kendall-Tackett et al. In a few children, sexual abuse may contribute to severe psychological disorders including multiple-personality disorder, the splitting of the psyche into distinct personalities (Cole & Putnam, 1992; Ross et al. Yet about a third of children seem to experience no psychological symptoms (KendallTackett et al. Experimentation with homosexual activity is fairly common during adolescence, but few adolescents become part of the estimated 5 to 6% of adults who establish an enduring homosexual or bisexual sexual orientation (Savin-Williams & Ream, 2007). Contrary to societal stereotypes of gay men as effeminate and lesbian women as masculine, gay and lesbian individuals have the same range of psychological and social attributes that heterosexual adults do. Knowing that someone prefers same-sex romantic partners reveals no more about his personality than knowing that someone is heterosexual. Twin studies have established that identical twins are more alike in sexual orientation than fraternal twins (Bailey & Pillard, 1991; Bailey et al. This means that environment contributes at least as much as genes to the development of sexual orientation (Bailey, Dunne, & Martin, 2000). Research also shows that many gay men and lesbian women expressed strong cross-sex interests when they were young, despite being subjected to the usual pressures to adopt a traditional gender role (Bailey et al. Richard Green (1987), for example, studied a group of highly feminine boys who did not just engage in cross-sex play now and then but who strongly and consistently preferred female roles, toys, and friends. He found that 75% of these boys (compared with 2% of a control group of gender-typical boys) were exclusively homosexual or bisexual 15 years later. Michael Bailey and Richard Pillard suggests that sexual orientation is every bit as heritable among gay men who were typically masculine boys and lesbian women who were typically feminine girls as among those who showed early cross-sex interests (Bailey & Pillard, 1991; Bailey et al. What environmental factors may help determine whether a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality is actualized

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Kinds of Torts There are three kinds of torts: intentional torts infection under eye generic fabramicina 500mg otc, negligent torts infection zombie book order 100 mg fabramicina otc, and strict liability torts antimicrobial yoga flooring buy 250mg fabramicina. Intentional torts arise from intentional acts virus 20 furaffinity buy fabramicina 250mg low cost, whereas unintentional torts often result from carelessness (e. Both intentional torts and negligent torts imply some fault on the part of the defendant. Dimensions of Tort Liability There is a clear moral basis for recovery through the legal system where the defendant has been careless (negligent) or has intentionally caused harm. Using the concepts that we are free and autonomous beings with basic rights, we can see that when others interfere with either our freedom or our autonomy, we will usually react negatively. Under a capitalistic market system, rational economic rules also call for no negative externalities. That is, actions of individuals, either alone or in concert with others, should not negatively impact third parties. The law will try to compensate third parties who are harmed by your actions, even as it knows that a money judgment cannot actually mend a badly injured victim. Like criminal law, tort law requires a wrongful act by a defendant for the plaintiff to recover. An innocent act or a relatively innocent one may still provide the basis for liability. Nevertheless, tort law-except for strict liability-relies on standards of fault, or blameworthiness. Thus all crimes resulting in injury to a person or property (murder, assault, arson, etc. They are based, rather, on negligent conduct that in the circumstances is careless or poses unreasonable risks of causing damage. Most automobile accident and medical malpractice suits are examples of negligence suits. At the other end is conduct that most would consider entirely blameless, in the moral sense. The defendant may have observed all possible precautions and yet still be held liable. An example is that incurred by the manufacturer of a defective product that is placed on the market despite all possible precautions, including quality-control inspection. In many states, if the product causes injury, the manufacturer will be held liable. Dimensions of Tort: Nature of Injury Tort liability varies by the type of injury caused. The most obvious type is physical harm to the person (assault, battery, infliction of emotional distress, negligent exposure to toxic pollutants, wrongful death) or property (trespass, nuisance, arson, interference with contract). Dimensions of Tort: Excuses A third element in the law of torts is the excuse for committing an apparent wrong. A baseball fan who sits along the third base line close to the infield assumes the risk that a line drive foul ball may fly toward him and strike him. He will not be permitted to complain in court that the batter should have been more careful or that management should have either warned him or put up a protective barrier. If two drivers are careless and hit each other on the highway, some states will refuse to permit either to recover from the other. Still another excuse is consent: two boxers in the ring consent to being struck with fists (but not to being bitten on the ear). Damages Since the purpose of tort law is to compensate the victim for harm actually done, damages are usually measured by the extent of the injury. Expressed in money terms, these include replacement of property destroyed, compensation for lost wages, reimbursement for medical expenses, and dollars that are supposed to approximate the pain that is suffered. Because a punitive award (sometimes called exemplary damages) is at odds with the general purpose of tort law, it is allowable only in aggravated situations. The law in most states permits recovery of punitive damages only when the defendant has deliberately committed a wrong with malicious intent or has otherwise done something outrageous.

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