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By: O. Uruk, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.
Co-Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
If maintenance therapy is discontinued virus 0f2490 buy tanezox amex, pernicious anemia will recur within 5 years antibiotics drinking buy generic tanezox online. Today antibiotics for staph discount tanezox 100mg visa, she comes to the emergency department with a 4-week history of frequent (three to five per day) stools containing bright red blood antibiotics gram negative purchase 100mg tanezox. She reports continued lethargy, dizziness, ataxia, and paresthesias in her hands and feet. A subsequent bone marrow aspirate demonstrates megaloblastic erythropoiesis, giant metamyelocytes, and a low stainable iron. A barium swallow and follow-through show numerous jejunal and duodenal diverticuli. What signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings are typical for vitamin B12 deficiency in P. About 50% of a 1 to 2 mcg dose of vitamin B12 is absorbed, whereas only about 5% of a 20 mcg dose is absorbed. Oral therapy for pernicious anemia using high dosages of oral cyanocobalamin (1,000 to 2,000 mcg) may be indicated in certain patients, especially those who refuse or cannot receive parenteral therapy. Patients receiving oral vitamin B12 therapy should be monitored more frequently to ensure compliance with therapy. What form(s) of anemia would be expected to develop in a patient after gastrectomy? For example, her lethargy may be the result of prolonged blood loss secondary to diverticulitis. The presence of megaloblastic erythropoiesis and giant metamyelocytes in the bone marrow also is consistent with vitamin B12 deficiency. Partial or total gastrectomy often results in anemia, particularly pernicious anemia, because the source of intrinsic factor is lost, and oral vitamin B12 absorption will be impaired. The hematologic and neurologic abnormalities associated with B12 deficiency do not develop until existing vitamin B12 stores are depleted (about 2 to 3 years). Nevertheless, prophylactic vitamin B12 should be administered to this patient after total gastrectomy. Because the vitamin B12 stores are not currently depleted, maintenance therapy, as discussed in Question 12, should be adequate for F. The presence of diverticuli is not the cause of vitamin B12 malabsorption because diverticuli typically do not extend into the distal ileum. Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia Folic Acid Metabolism Folate is abundant in virtually all food sources, especially fresh green vegetables, fruits, yeast, and animal protein. As a result of food fortification, the average American diet provides 50 to 2,000 mcg of folate per day; however, excessive or prolonged cooking (>15 minutes) in large quantities of water destroys a high percentage of the folate that is contained in food. Folate requirements are increased in conditions in which the metabolic rate and rate of cellular division are increased. The following are estimates of daily folate requirements based on age and growth demands: children, 80 mcg; infants, 65 mcg; pregnant or lactating women, 400 to 800 mcg. Therefore, deficiency and subsequent megaloblastic anemia can occur within 3 to 4 months of decreased folate intake. Predisposing Factors Folate deficiency is most commonly associated with alcoholism, rapid cell turnover, and dietary deficiency. In alcoholics, the daily intake of the folate contained in food may be restricted or absent. In addition, enterohepatic recirculation of folate can become impaired by the toxic effect of alcohol on hepatic cells. Folate deficiency also can develop during the third trimester of pregnancy as a result of a marginal diet and the rapid metabolism of the fetus. Therefore, folate deficiency will develop in any condition of rapid cellular turnover. Folate deficiency also can occur with chronic hemodialysis, diseases that impair absorption from the small intestine. Large doses of folate can partially reverse hematologic abnormalities caused by vitamin B12 deficiency; however, folate cannot correct neurologic damage caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.
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Embolism and embolus Embolism is the process in which the thrombus or a part of it is detached and carried in bloodstream and occludes the small blood vessels antimicrobial eye drops tanezox 100 mg sale, resulting in arrests of blood flow to any organ or region of the body antibiotic spacer tanezox 100mg otc. The obstruction of blood flow by embolism is common in lungs (pulmonary embolism) antibiotics for uti during lactation buy 500 mg tanezox with amex, brain (cerebral embolism) or heart (coronary embolism) antibiotics fragile x cheap 100 mg tanezox with visa. Ischemia Insufficient blood supply to an organ or area of the body by the obstruction of blood vessels is called ischemia. Ischemia also causes discomfort, 138 Section 2 t Blood and Body Fluids pain and tissue death. Necrosis and infarction Necrosis is a general term that refers to tissue death caused by loss of blood supply, injury, infection, inflammation, physical agents or chemical substances. Loss of blood supply is usually caused by occlusion of an artery by thrombus or embolus and sometimes by atherosclerosis (Chapter 67). But, why clumping occurs in some cases and not in other cases remained a mystery until the discovery of blood groups by the Austrian Scientist Karl Landsteiner, in 1901. However, a particular agglutinogen and the corresponding agglutinin cannot be present together. Though the second part of Landsteiner law is a fact, it is not applicable to Rh factor. These two blood group systems are the most important ones that are determined before blood transfusions. Percentage of people among Asian and European population belonging to different blood group is given in Table 21. Agglutination occurs if an antigen is mixed with its corresponding antibody which is called isoagglutinin. One drop of antiserum A is placed on one end of a glass slide (or a tile) and one drop of antiserum B on the other end. The presence or absence of agglutination is observed by naked eyes and if necessary, it is confirmed by using microscope. Chapter 21 t Blood Groups 141 person needs blood transfusion, another test called cross-matching is done after the blood is typed. Agglutinin is produced in response to A or B agglutinogens which enter the body through respiratory system or digestive system along with bacteria. The reactions may be mild causing only fever and hives (skin disorder characterized by itching) or may be severe leading to renal failure, shock and death. While transfusing the blood, antigen of the donor and the antibody of the recipient are considered. Moreover, toxic substances released from hemolyzed cells reduce the arterial blood pressure and develop circulatory shock. The toxic substances from hemolyzed cells cause constriction of blood vessels in kidney. In addition, the toxic substances along with free hemoglobin are filtered through glomerular membrane and enter renal tubules. Because of poor rate of reabsorption from renal tubules, all these substances precipitate and obstruct the renal tubule. If not treated with artificial kidney, the person dies within 10 to 12 days because of jaundice, circulatory shock and more specifically due to renal shutdown and anuria. Severity of Transfusion Reactions Severity of transfusion reactions varies from mild (fever and chills) to severe (acute kidney failure, shock and death). Severity depends upon the amount of blood transfused, type of reaction and general health of the patient. Cause for Transfusion Reactions Transfusion of incompatible blood produces hemolytic reactions. Signs and Symptoms of Transfusion Reactions Non-hemolytic transfusion reaction Non-hemolytic transfusion reaction develops within a few minutes to hours after the commencement of blood transfusion. Hemolytic transfusion reaction Hemolytic transfusion reaction may be acute or delayed.
Ameboid Movement Neutrophils antimicrobial rinse bad breath tanezox 500mg mastercard, monocytes and lymphocytes show amebic movement treatment for dogs cough purchase 250 mg tanezox mastercard, characterized by protrusion of the cytoplasm and change in the shape virus lyrics buy 100 mg tanezox visa. Phagocytosis Neutrophils and monocytes engulf the foreign bodies by means of phagocytosis (Chapter 3) antibiotic used for bladder infection tanezox 100mg visa. After reaching the area, the neutrophils surround the area and get adhered to the infected tissues. Chemoattractants increase the adhesive nature of neutrophils so that all the neutrophils become sticky and get attached firmly to the infected area. First, these cells engulf the bacteria and then destroy them by means of phagocytosis (Chapter 3). Respiratory Burst Respiratory burst is a rapid increase in oxygen consumption during the process of phagocytosis by neutrophils and other phagocytic cells. It consists of white blood cells, bacteria or other foreign bodies and cellular debris. During parasitic infections, there is a production of a large number of eosinophils which move towards the tissues affected by parasites. Eosinophils are responsible for detoxification, disintegration and removal of foreign proteins. Mechanism of Action of Eosinophils Eosinophils are neither markedly motile nor phagocytic like the neutrophils. Still eosinophils attack them by some special type of cytotoxic substances present in their granules. These cells protect the body from invading organisms or foreign bodies, either by destroying or inactivating them. Along with monocytes, the neutrophils provide the first line of defense against the invading microorganisms. The neutrophils are the free cells in the body and wander freely through the tissue and practically, no part of the body is spared by these leukocytes. Substances Present in Granules and Cytoplasm of Neutrophils Granules of neutrophils contain enzymes like proteases, myeloperoxidases, elastases and metalloproteinases (Table 16. The granules also contain antibody like peptides called cathelicidins and defensins, which are antimicrobial peptides and are active against bacteria and fungi. All these substances present in the granules and cell membrane make the neutrophil a powerful and effective killer machine. It accelerates the aggregation of platelets during injury to the blood vessel, resulting in prevention of excess loss of blood. Mechanism of Action of Neutrophils Neutrophils are released in large number at the site of infection from the blood. All the neutrophils move by diapedesis towards the site of infection due to chemotaxis. Gamma interferon T lymphocytes Lysosomal enzymes Tumor necrosis factor Chemokines 104 Section 2 t Blood and Body Fluids Immunoglobulins B lymphocytes Tumor necrosis factor Chemokines Destruction of invading organisms Necrosis of tumor Activation of immune system Acceleration of inflammatory response Chemotaxis released over the invading parasites from the granules, these substances become lethal and destroy the parasites. The lethal substances present in the granules of eosinophils and released at the time of exposure to parasites or foreign proteins are: 1. Eosinophil peroxidase: this enzyme is capable of destroying helminths (parasitic worms), bacteria and tumor cells. It destroys the parasitic worms by causing distension (ballooning) and detachment of the tegumental sheath (skin-like covering) of these organisms. Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin: It destroys the nerve fibers particularly, the myelinated nerve fibers. Cytokines: Cytokines such as interleukin-4 and interleukin-5 accelerate inflammatory responses by activating eosinophils. Basophils also play an important role in allergy or acute hypersensitivity reactions (allergy). Mechanism of Action of Basophils Functions of basophils are executed by the release of some important substances from their granules such as: 1. Histamine, slow-reacting substances of anaphylaxis, bradykinin and serotonin: Theses substances produce the acute hypersensitivity reactions by causing vascular and tissue responses.