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The termination date may be extended for successive five (5) year terms by written amendment to this Agreement, which must be signed by each of the Parties after obtaining any necessary approvals; provided, however, in no event shall the term of this Agreement extend beyond August 21, 2053, inclusive of all extensions. Extension of the Agreement beyond June 30, 2025 is contingent on the development and successful execution of the Operational Plan described in Section 7. The Foundation shall additionally require and cause the Agent and each contractor and subcontractor to agree: (i) not to discriminate in its employment practices; and (ii) to render services under this contract without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, veteran status, political affiliation, or disabilities. Any act of discrimination committed by the Foundation or the Agent or failure to comply with these statutory obligations when applicable shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. The Foundation shall at all times remain an "independent contractor" with respect to the Services to be performed under this Agreement. If any clause or provision of this Agreement is deemed to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future Applicable Law effective during the term of this Agreement, then and in that event, it is the intention of the parties hereto that the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Louisiana. The 19th Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, shall be the exclusive court of jurisdiction and venue for any litigation, special proceeding or other proceeding by and among the Parties in connection with, or by reason of, this Agreement. Any notice required or permitted to be given under or in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by: (1) hand; (2) U. Postal Service, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested; (3) by private, commercial carrier; or (4) sent by telecopy or other form of rapid electronic transmission when the receipt is confirmed in writing by the addressee. This Ground Lease, together with the exhibits attached hereto, contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the matters set forth herein and contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon with respect to such matters, and no other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Ground Lease shall be deemed to exist or to bind the Parties; it being the intent of the parties that neither shall be bound by any term, condition, or representations not herein written. No amendment, modification, or alteration of the terms of this Agreement shall be binding unless the same is in writing, dated on or subsequent to the date hereof and duly executed by the Parties and all required approvals have been obtained. In entering this Agreement, the Parties represent that they have relied upon the advice of their attorneys, who are attorneys of their own choice, and that the terms of this Agreement have been completely read and explained to them by their attorneys, and that those terms are fully understood and voluntarily accepted by them. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall together constitute one and the same instrument. All exhibits attached to this Agreement constitute a part of this Agreement and are incorporated herein. From time to time hereafter, each Party shall execute and deliver such additional instruments, certificates or documents, and take all such actions as the other Party may reasonably request, for the purpose of fulfilling its obligations hereunder. No covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be the covenant or agreement of any official, trustee, board member, officer, agent or employee of any Party hereto in his individual capacity, and those persons executing this Agreement on behalf of a Party to this Agreement shall not be liable personally with respect to this Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution and delivery of this Agreement except to the extent required by Applicable Law. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy accruing to a Party upon any breach by the other Party under this Agreement shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver of any breach theretofore or thereafter occurring. The waiver of any condition or the breach of any term, covenant, or condition herein or therein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other condition or of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition herein or therein contained. Each Party shall comply, and shall cause all Persons using the Property (including the Agent, the Tenants and any contractors, subcontractors, vendors and suppliers) to comply, with Applicable Law, including, without limitation, all applicable Environmental Laws, in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. The obligations of each party to this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with all Applicable Law. This Agreement began on the Effective Date and shall terminate on June 30, 2025, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms hereof. The approval for a recurring expense only needs to be at the time ofthe initial expenditure. Cooper Title: ChiefExecutive Officer Exhibit to Amendment A - Property Covered [Signature Page for Cooperative Endeavor Agreement] 7 Exhibit 1 the following property is covered by this agreement: I. The transfer of title or ownership to any immovable property to or from the Board, whether by sale, assignment, donation, or other mechanism. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the properties exchanged herein are subject to: all rights-of-way, servitudes, mineral servitudes, and easements recorded in the public records of Iberville Parish, Louisiana; all unrecorded legal servitudes including those established through use and/or maintenance; and those servitudes which may arise by virtue of the location of the property, such as servitude for drains or the rights of others to use the banks of any navigable streams (the beds of which are owned by the State of Louisiana) which meander through or are adjacent to the subject property.
Even in the face of soaring un employment erectile dysfunction treatment vancouver best levitra soft 20 mg, they staged only a smattering of strikes and waited patiently for the therapeutic part of their shock therapy to take effect erectile dysfunction symptoms age generic levitra soft 20mg with amex. The extreme dissatisfaction was reflected in a marked increase in the number of strikes: in 1990 erectile dysfunction drugs walgreens purchase 20mg levitra soft amex, when workers were still giving Solidarity a free pass erectile dysfunction pills made in china generic levitra soft 20 mg overnight delivery, there were only 250 strikes; by 1992 there were more than 6,000 such protests. The wave of strikes unquestionably saved hundreds of thou sands of jobs that would otherwise have been lost if these supposedly ineffi cient firms had been allowed to close or be radically downsized and sold off. The most dramatic trouncing came on Sep tember 19, 1993, when a coalition of left parties, including the former ruling Communists (rebranded Democratic Left Alliance), won 66 percent of the seats in parliament. The trade union faction won less than 5 percent, losing official party status in the parliament, and a new party led by Mazowiecki, the prime min ister, won just 10. Yet somehow, in the years to come, as dozens of countries struggled with how to reform their economies, the inconvenient details -the strikes, the election defeats, the policy reversals-would be lost. Instead, Poland would be held up as a model, proof that radical free-market makeovers can take place democratically and peacefully. But it was better than the truth: in Poland, democracy was used as a weapon against "free markets" on the streets and at the polls. Meanwhile in China, where the drive for free-wheeling capitalism rolled over democracy in Tiananmen Square, shock and terror unleashed one of the most lucrative and sustained investor booms in modern history. A n d for the m, freedom t r a n s l a t e s into having a s u p p l y of clean water, having electricity on tap; being able to live in a decent h o m e and have a g o o d job; to be able to s e n d your children to s c h o o l and to have accessible health care. It is trying to negotiate a kind of s w a p where it will give up the right to run the country its w a y in exchange for the right to stop b l a c k s f r o m running it their o w n way. Black economic empowerment is a goal we fully sup port and encourage, but in our situation state control of certain sectors of the economy is unavoidable. That belief had formed the basis of the policy of the African National Congress for thirty-five years, ever since it was spelled out in its statement of core principles, the Freedom Charter. The process began in 1955, when the party dispatched fifty thousand volunteers into the town ships and countryside. The task of the volunteers was to collect "freedom de mands" from the people-their vision of a postapartheid world in which all South Africans had equal rights. The demands were handwritten on scraps of paper: "Land to be given to all landless people," "Living wages and shorter hours of work," "Free and compulsory education, irrespective of color, race or nationality," "The right to reside and move about freely" and many more. Roughly three thousand delegates-black, In dian, "colored" and a few white-sat together in an empty field to vote on the contents of the document. In the 1980s, it was picked up by a new generation of young militants who emerged in the townships. Fed up with patience and good be havior and braced to do whatever it took to topple white domination, the young radicals stunned their parents with their fearlessness. They took to the streets without illusion, chanting, "Neither bullets nor tear gas will stop us. When the militants were asked what they were fighting against, they answered, "Apartheid" or "Racism"; asked what they were fighting for, many replied "Freedom" and, often, "The Freedom Charter. What was taken as a given by all factions of the liberation struggle was that apartheid was not only a political system regulating who was allowed to vote and move freely. In the mines, whites were paid up to ten times more than blacks, and, as in Latin America, the large industrialists worked closely with the military to have unruly workers disappeared. South Africa could no longer be a country with Californian living standards for whites and Congolese living standards for blacks, as the country was described during the apartheid years; freedom meant that it would have to find some thing in the middle. That was what Mandela was confirming with his two-sentence note from prison: he still believed in the bottom line that there would be no freedom without redistribution. With so many other countries now also "in transition," it was a statement with enormous implications. On February 11, 1990, two weeks after writing that note, Mandela walked out of prison a free man, as close to a living saint as existed anywhere in the world. Mandela, for his part, was suffering from such an epic case of culture shock that he mistook a camera microphone for "some new fangled weapon developed while I was in prison. When Mandela was arrested in 1962, a wave of Third World nationalism was sweeping the African continent; now it was torn apart by war. The late eighties and early nineties saw the fall of the Berlin Wall, the repression in Tiananmen Square and the collapse of Communism. Amid all this change there was little time for catching up: immediately on his release, Mandela had a people to lead to freedom while preventing a civil war and an economic collapse-both of which looked like distinct possibilities.
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Narcolepsy and cataplexy Narcolepsy is an under-recognized cause of excessive daytime sleepiness (see b p erectile dysfunction over the counter drugs buy levitra soft 20 mg with mastercard. Cataplexy is a sudden loss of muscle tone typically precipitated by laughter or startle that is a common feature of narcolepsy particularly by early adulthood (although there are other causes) erectile dysfunction treatment in jamshedpur order 20 mg levitra soft otc. Recognition and appropriate management of functional symptoms is an important skill for the child neurologist erectile dysfunction age young buy levitra soft 20mg otc. There are some adult data suggesting that pre-existing brain disease increases the risk of functional symptoms erectile dysfunction questionnaire uk discount 20 mg levitra soft otc, but little evidence that neurological presentations are more common than other presentations of functional disease. It is important to be aware that families may be accessing professional or patient support group material on the internet, and they need to understand that, although a variety of terms are in widespread use they are referring to essentially the same clinical problem. Although psychiatric diagnostic schemes emphasize distinctions between deliberate and subconscious intent, and possible motivations (e. Even if the movement is not performed there is usually an involuntary postural adjustment anticipating the lifting of the leg, felt as increased downward pressure of the held heel into the couch, which would not occur if legs were truly paralysed. Sensory Whole limb anaesthesia, hemisensory loss for all modalities to the midline. It is rare for a functional diagnosis to be subsequently revised to a somatic condition. Probably the most problematic areas relate to unwitnessed seizures (video footage or direct observation are often extremely helpful), and bizarre postures that may turn out to be dystonia. Such feelings are rapidly sensed by families and tend to exacerbate and perpetuate symptoms. In the case of functional seizures, keep open the possibility that a (small) proportion of events may be due to epilepsy. In some situations however it may be more appropriate to hand over ongoing management to other services. Be particularly careful to respect confidentiality in discussions with the school. Perceptions of the illness by other professionals involved with the child need to be addressed. A multidisciplinary physical-psychosocial-schooling rehabilitation approach as used in children with acquired brain injuries may be useful for complex situations. Many activists and patient groups resent any suggestion of psychological contributions to causation or prolongation of symptoms for whom an organic (e. The controversy amongst some support groups about graded exercise relates to understandable fear of over-exhaustion and setback. In practice these fears can be explictly addressed and review arrangements agreed. There are pointers that are suggestive, but none are intrinsically diagnostic and there is always a differential diagnosis. A spectrum of problems exists from fictitious (reporting something that is not occurring), through fabrication of documentation and charts, to direct induction of symptoms or signs in a child. Common neurological symptoms include reported seizures, collapse, drowsiness, and developmental delay. Verbal fabrications are much more common than induced physical signs of illness: this poses particular problems in the context of reported seizures, which by their nature are typically unobserved. The key is a story that does not hang together: symptoms not congruent with known diseases; symptoms, signs, and investigation results that do not correlate treatments that do not produce the expected results. Repeated presentations to multiple specialties, the reporting of new symptoms following resolution of the previous ones and particular reported symptoms (stopping breathing, loss of consciousness, seizures, choking, or collapse) are concerning. Working together to safeguard children: a guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Persisting concerns If concerns cannot be allayed, further assessment is mandatory. Procedures will vary by jurisdiction, and local policies should be followed, but it is clear that adequate assessment must involve other agencies able to evaluate concerns in the context of familiarity with the wider family background.
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