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By: L. Dudley, M.A., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Table number 2 skin care korean products discount 20 mg flexresan amex. A meta-analysis by Vincent and colleagues (2008) suggested that at some juvenile justice contact points skin care questions and answers purchase 40 mg flexresan otc, as many as 70 percent of youths have a diagnosable mental health problem skin care essentials buy genuine flexresan on line. This is consistent with other studies that point to the overrepresentation of youths with mental/behavioral health disorders within the juvenile justice system (Shufelt and Cocozza 2006; Meservey and Skowyra 2015; Teplin et al acne wash cost of flexresan. However, prevalence varies depending on the stage in the justice system at which youths are assessed. In a nationwide study, the prevalence of diagnosed disorders increased the further that youths were processed in the juvenile justice system (Wasserman et al. While there appears to be a prevalence of youths with mental health issues in the juvenile justice system, the relationship between mental health problems and involvement in the system is complicated, and it can be hard to disentangle correlational from causal relationships between the two (Shubert and Mulvey 2014). This literature review will focus on the scope of mental health problems of at-risk and justice-involved youths; the impact of mental health on justice involvement as well as the impact of justice involvement on mental health; disparities in mental health treatment in the juvenile justice system; and evidencebased programs that have been shown to improve outcomes for youths with mental health issues. Defining Mental Health and Identifying Mental Health Needs Defining Mental Health. Mental disorders relate to issues or difficulties a person may experience with his or her psychological, emotional, and social well-being. As Stein and colleagues explained, "each of the mental disorders is conceptualized as a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition is a standard classification tool for mental disorders used by many mental health professionals in the United States (American Psychiatric Association 2013). It includes 20 chapters of mental health disorders, including the following: Suggested Reference: Development Services Group, Inc. Internalizing disorders, which are negative behaviors focused inward, include depression, anxiety, and dissociative disorders. Juvenile justice systems use a variety of tools to identify mental health needs, although most fall into one of two categories: Screening. The purpose of screening is to identify youths who might require an immediate response to their mental health needs and to identify those with a higher likelihood of requiring special attention (Vincent 2012). The purpose of assessment is to gather a more comprehensive and individualized profile of a youth. Assessment is performed selectively with those youths with higher needs, often identified through screening. Mental health assessments tend to involve specialized clinicians and generally take longer to administer than screening tools (Vincent 2012). One widely studied assessment is the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (Achenbach and Rescorla 2001), which includes three instruments completed by youths (Youth Self-Report), parents (Child Behavior Checklist), or teachers (Teachers Report Form)2. Scope of the Problem Multiple studies confirm that a large proportion of youths in the juvenile justice system have a diagnosable mental health disorder. Studies have suggested that about two thirds of youth in detention or correctional settings have at least one diagnosable mental health problem, compared with an 1 A separate Model Programs Guide literature review on intellectual/development disabilities among youths in the justice system can be accessed here:. Similarly, a systematic review by Fazel and Langstrom (2008) found that youths in detention and correctional facilities were almost 10 times more likely to suffer from psychosis than youths in the general population. The prevalence of each of these diagnoses, however, varies considerably among youths in the juvenile justice system. A multisite study by Wasserman and colleagues (2010) across three justice settings (system intake, detention, and secure post-adjudication) found that over half of all youths (51 percent) met the criteria for one or more psychiatric disorders. Specifically, one third of youths (34 percent) met the criteria for substance use disorder, 30 percent met the criteria for disruptive behavior disorders, 20 percent met the criteria for anxiety disorders, and 8 percent met the criteria for affective disorder. For example, the Pathways to Desistance study found that 39 percent of youths met the threshold for more than one mental health problem (Schubert, Mulvey, and Glasheen 2011). Similarly, the Northwestern Juvenile Project (a longitudinal study that followed over 1,800 youths who were arrested and detained in Cook County, Illinois) found that 46 percent of males and 57 percent of females had two or more psychiatric disorders (Teplin et al. In a study of youths in contact with the juvenile justice systems (including community-based programs, detention centers, and secure residential facilities), in Texas, Louisiana, and Washington, Shufelt and Cocozza (2006) found that 79 percent of the youths diagnosed for one mental health disorder also met the criteria for two or more diagnoses. Impact of Mental Health Problems on Juvenile Justice Involvement As previously mentioned, the relationship between mental health problems and involvement in the juvenile justice system is complex. As Schubert and Mulvey explained, "although these two problems often go hand in hand, it is not clear that one causes the other. Many youths who offend do not have a mental health problem, and many youths who have a mental health problem do not offend" (2014, 3).

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Therefore employers and professionals can be made Substance Use Disorder in the Workplace 73 aware of their legal obligations to report diversion to appropriate criminal or administrative authorities without the threat of being sued acne nose discount flexresan 10 mg with amex. Nurses and nursing management will need to know how to access a board of nursing complaint form acne canada scarf cheap 40mg flexresan otc, how to fill it out completely acne disease flexresan 5mg with mastercard, who to send the completed form with supporting documentation to acne 4 weeks pregnant buy flexresan us, and who to call if there are any questions about the form or the complaint process. Some states have rules that allow nurses to report directly to the nurse assistance program in lieu of a formal complaint to the board as long as certain conditions are met. It would also ensure that nurses who were previous alternative program participants (something which may be unknown to the supervisor) are not funneled into the program again when discipline is probably more appropriate. Perhaps most importantly, it eliminates the possibility of a supervisor making a referral to the alternative program 74 Chapter Six and failing to follow up to verify that the nurse did in fact enroll. The basic requirements and what is expected of the nurse participant are the same regardless of whether the nurse is in the alternative programs or the discipline program. Therefore, a co-worker does not need to have any hesitation in filing a complaint with the board as opposed to reporting the alternative program for fear that the requirements for the nurse would be stricter. Nursing management can contact the board of nursing for a listing of alternative programs and develop an open and ongoing relationship between the alternative program manager and nursing management whether or not laws and rules exist regarding alternative programs. These programs often maintain materials and can provide assistance to nursing management on how to handle such situations. It is important for nursing management and staff to know the regulations governing these programs, what these programs consist of, what their role will be in the monitoring of employees and the importance of continuous contact with the program coordinator and other personnel. A nurse manager who also has a greater understanding and good grasp of the interworking of the board of nursing, has knowledge about existing substance use disorder assistance programs as well as about the nursing statutes and regulations will be better equipped to educate other nurses about such things. Boards of nursing can assist nursing management in developing comprehensive educational programs for nurses. These parties must further work together to identify, document, report and generally work together to reduce complaints related to any substance use disorders in the workplace. In addition, alternative programs and boards of nursing can be cognizant of their potential role in impacting these issues through various educational materials and resources. Substance Use Disorder in the Workplace 75 the nurse manager is in a unique position to play a primary role in carrying out policies and practices designed to timely address any substance use disorders in the workplace. A nurse manager who is knowledgeable, prepared, proactive, sets clear limits and is compassionate is likely to be more successful with a staff whose practice may be unsafe due to a substance use disorder. The nurse manager who fails to act, who has a poor attitude or has unrealistic expectations can make a significant negative impact on the safety and morale of patients, co-workers and the identified nurse. Protecting patients while helping colleagues may best be accomplished by treating others as we would wish to be treated. It is critical to understand that a substance use disorder is a disease and is not a matter of will. Intervention is conducive to a better environment for patients, staff and management and for healthier outcomes for the nurse. Attitudes accentuate attributes in social judgment: the combined effects of substance use, depression and technical incompetence on judgments of professional impairment. Reporting peer wrongdoing in the health care profession: the role of incompetence and substance abuse information. Presented at the 103rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York. Workplace screening & brief intervention: What employers can and should do about excessive alcohol use. Alcoholism and addiction treatment using alternative approaches and music therapy in building self esteem. Enhancing awareness of nursing regulation through a board of nursing orientation program for chief nursing officers. Chemical dependency handbook for nurse managers: A guide for managing chemically dependent employees.

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The latter type of ads is generally not as effective in motivating quit attempts as the type of ads that focuses on the health consequences of smoking and evokes fear or negative emotions (Durkin et al acne antibiotic treatment cheap flexresan 30mg overnight delivery. Very few ads and no ad campaigns have attempted to systematically provide smokers with evidence-based recommendations on how to quit smoking skin care companies cheap 5 mg flexresan free shipping, as recommended in the Clinical Practice Guideline skin care now pueblo co discount flexresan 30mg on-line. Clinical- skin care tips in hindi buy cheap flexresan 10 mg online, System-, and Population-Level Strategies that Promote Smoking Cessation 603 A Report of the Surgeon General advertisements. Features of Antismoking Campaigns that Support the Use of Cessation Resources Mass media antismoking campaigns are frequently tagged with phone numbers for quitlines, an approach that serves several purposes. From a marketing and psychological perspective, inclusion of the quitline number extends a helping hand to smokers and serves to soften the message of hard-hitting campaigns that feature emotional ads with graphic images or personal testimonials about the consequences of smoking. Studies of antismoking media campaigns have found this approach to advertising to be most effective (Wakefield et al. The effectiveness of tagging ads with a quitline number is illustrated in Figure 7. In addition to quitline numbers, mass media antismoking ads have been tagged with website addresses that provide cessation support, including information about referral centers that can direct interested persons to a range of cessation resources, including in-person services (ClearWay Minnesota n. Other means of advertising quitline services that have been shown to be effective include systematic encouragement of referrals from healthcare providers (Curry et al. Effectiveness of Campaigns the Fairness Doctrine campaign was associated with significant declines in cigarette smoking rates among both adults and youth (Hamilton 1972). An analysis of nationally representative cohorts of 3,051 smokers who completed baseline and follow-up assessments during the first 3 months of the 2012 Tips campaign, found that quit attempts among smokers increased significantly from 31. In 1997, Australia began a national tobacco cessation campaign with an intense and long-running mass media component that targeted adults (Hill and Carroll 2003). An analysis of quit attempts in a cohort of 3,047 Australian smokers exposed to the national tobacco cessation television ad campaign between 2002 and 2008 found that exposure to tobacco control advertising in the previous 3 months was associated with a greater likelihood of making a quit attempt, with each 1,000 increase in gross ratings points per quarter corresponding to an 11% increase in making a quit attempt (Wakefield et al. In a detailed review of 70 studies (from January 2000 to July 2012) about mass-reach health communications campaigns for tobacco cessation, the Community Preventive Services Task Force identified 64 studies that assessed intervention campaigns in which television was the primary medium. Overall, the mass-reach campaigns were associated with decreased prevalence of tobacco use, increased cessation, and increased use of available cessation services and decreased tobacco use initiation among young persons. Studies also showed that a dose-response relationship between quitting rates and greater exposure to mass media campaigns was associated with increased calls to a quitline and increased quit rates (The Community Guide 2013). Since that review, Davis and colleagues (2012) reported a 13% relative reduction in the prevalence of smoking and a 35% increase in quit attempts after a smoking cessation campaign in New York. Minnesota has also conducted extensive media campaigns to promote cessation, noting "a positive relation between weekly broadcast targeted rating points and the number of weekly calls to a cessation quitline and the number of weekly registrations to a web-based cessation program" (Schillo et al. Overall, the evidence is sufficient to infer that mass media campaigns increase the number of calls to quitlines and increase smoking cessation. The Community Preventive Services Task Force concluded that, based on the evidence, comprehensive tobacco control programs are effective in reducing tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke (The Community Guide 2014). Evidence indicates that such programs reduce the prevalence of tobacco use among adults and young people, increase the rate of quitting, and contribute to reductions in tobacco-related diseases and deaths. The Task Force concluded that comprehensive tobacco control programs are cost-effective, with savings from averted healthcare costs exceeding the costs of cessation interventions (The Community Guide 2014). The Task Force reviewed 61 studies (through August 2014) on the impact of comprehensive tobacco control programs (The Community Guide 2014). Comprehensive tobacco control programs implemented over a median of 9 years were associated with an overall median decrease of 3. One of the studies reviewed by the Task Force compared California, a state with a comprehensive tobacco control program, with two states (New Jersey and New York) with similar policy climates but without comprehensive tobacco control programs from 1992 to 2002. The study found that long-term smoking cessation rates among adults were significantly higher in California compared with the other two states (Messer et al. In another study, Farrelly and colleagues (2008) examined the association between cumulative expenditures for state-specific antitobacco programs and changes in the prevalence of smoking among adults from 1985 to 2003. The authors concluded that expenditures on state tobacco control programs were associated with overall reductions in adult smoking.

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Vaginal delivery is associated with less blood loss and infection risk compared with caesarean delivery acne homemade mask buy flexresan from india, which also increases the risk of venous thrombosis and thrombo-embolism skin care professionals 30mg flexresan. There is no consensus regarding absolute contraindications to vaginal delivery as this is very much dependent on maternal status at the time of delivery and the anticipated cardiopulmonary tolerance of the patient skin care doctors cheap 30mg flexresan otc. If an intervention is absolutely necessary acne attack buy flexresan with mastercard, the best time to intervene is considered to be after the fourth month in the second trimester. By this time organogenesis is complete, the fetal thyroid is still inactive, and the volume of the uterus is still small, so there is a greater distance between the fetus and the chest than in later months. Fluoroscopy and cineangiography times should be as brief as possible and the gravid uterus should be shielded from direct radiation. We know from previous studies that gestational age has a large impact on neonatal outcome. At 26 weeks, survival is generally 80%, with 20% having serious neurological impairment. For this reason, caesarean delivery may be considered before cardiopulmonary bypass if gestational age is. When gestational age is 28 weeks or more, delivery before surgery should be considered. Before surgery a full course (at least 24 h) of corticosteroids should be administered to the mother, whenever possible. During cardiopulmonary bypass, fetal heart rate and uterine tone should be monitored in addition to standard patient monitoring. Normothermic perfusion, when feasible, is advocated, and state of the art pH management is preferred to avoid hypocapnia responsible for uteroplacental vasoconstriction and fetal hypoxia. Caesarean delivery may be considered in patients with mechanical heart valve prostheses to prevent problems with planned vaginal delivery. Haemodynamic monitoring Systemic arterial pressure and maternal heart rate are monitored, because lumbar epidural anaesthesia may cause hypotension. Continuous lumbar epidural analgesia with local anaesthetics or opiates, or continuous opioid spinal anaesthesia can be safely administered. Regional anaesthesia can, however, cause systemic hypotension and must be used with caution in patients with obstructive valve lesions. Urgent delivery in a patient with a mechanical valve taking therapeutic anticoagulation may be necessary, and there is a high risk of severe maternal haemorrhage. Ventricular arrhythmias during pregnancy and labour Arrhythmias are the most common cardiac complication during pregnancy in women with and without structural heart disease. Use of b-blockers during labour does not prevent uterine contractions and vaginal delivery. Haemodynamic monitoring should therefore be continued for at least 24 h after delivery. Patients with the highest risk for infective endocarditis are those with a prosthetic valve or prosthetic material used for cardiac valve repair, a history of previous infective endocarditis, and some special patients with congenital heart disease. During delivery the indication for prophylaxis has been controversial and, given the lack of convincing evidence that infective endocarditis is related to either vaginal or caesarean delivery, antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended during vaginal or caesarean delivery. Heart failure due to acute valve regurgitation is the most common complication, requiring urgent surgery when medical treatment cannot stabilize the patient. If infective endocarditis is diagnosed, antibiotics should be given guided by culture and antibiotic sensitivity results and local treatment protocols.

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