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By: O. Kippler, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas

The selection of the appropriate local therapy to be used in cancer treatment varies with the individual cancer type and the site of involvement diabetes urine test strips purchase dapagliflozin without prescription. In many instances diabetes symptoms related to chronic pancreatitis dapagliflozin 10mg with amex, definitive surgical therapy that encompasses a sufficient margin of normal tissue is sufficient local therapy diabetic log printable generic dapagliflozin 10mg with mastercard. The treatment of many solid tumors falls into this category blood sugar 76 cheap 5mg dapagliflozin, including the wide excision of primary melanomas in the skin that can be cured locally by surgery alone in approximately 90% of cases. The resection of colon cancers with a 5-cm margin from the tumor results in anastomotic recurrences in fewer than 5% of cases. In other instances, surgery is used to obtain histologic confirmation of diagnosis, but primary local therapy is achieved through the use of a nonsurgical modality, such as radiation therapy. In each instance, selection of the definitive local treatment involves careful consideration of the likelihood of cure balanced against the morbidity of the treatment modality. The magnitude of surgical resection is modified in the treatment of many cancers by the use of adjuvant treatment modalities. Rationally integrating surgery with other treatments requires a careful consideration of all effective treatment options. The surgical oncologist must be thoroughly familiar with adjuncts and alternatives to surgical treatment. It is a knowledge of this rapidly changing field that separates the surgical oncologist from the general surgeon most distinctly. In some instances, effective adjuvant modalities have led to a decrease in the magnitude of surgery. The evolution of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma treatment is a striking example of the successful integration of adjuvant therapies with surgery in the treatment of cancer. Before 1970, surgery alone was used almost exclusively, and 5-year survival rates of 10% to 20% were commonly reported. Local surgery alone failed in patients with rhabdomyosarcomas of the prostate and extremities because of extensive invasion of surrounding tissues and the early development of metastatic disease. The failure of surgery alone to control local disease in patients with childhood rhabdomyosarcoma led to the introduction of adjuvant radiation therapy. This resulted in a marked improvement in local control rates that was further improved dramatically by the introduction of combination chemotherapy with vincristine, dactinomycin, and cyclophosphamide. Many other examples of the integration of surgery with other treatment modalities appear throughout this book. Residual Disease the concept of cytoreductive surgery has received much attention in recent years. The surgical resection of bulk disease in the treatment of selected cancers may well lead to improvements in the ability to control residual gross disease that has not been resected. Enthusiasm for cytoreductive surgery has led to the inappropriate use of surgery for reducing the bulk of tumor in some cases. Clearly, cytoreductive surgery is of benefit only when other effective treatments are available to control the residual disease that is unresectable. Except in rare palliative settings, there is no role for cytoreductive surgery in patients for whom little other effective therapy exists. Metastatic Disease the value of surgery in the cure of patients with metastatic disease tends to be overlooked. As a general principle, patients with a single site of metastatic disease that can be resected without major morbidity should undergo resection of that metastatic cancer. Many patients with few metastases to lung or liver or brain can be cured by surgical resection. This approach is especially true for cancers that do not respond well to systemic chemotherapy. The resection of pulmonary metastases of soft tissue and bony sarcomas can cure disease in as many as 30% of patients. As effective systemic therapy is developed for the treatment of these diseases, cure rates may increase.

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Modification to give a uniform dose of radiation across the beam is done with a flattening filter (unnecessary in cobalt units) somogyi effect diabetes in dogs dapagliflozin 10mg online. For the beam to be limited to the designated size diabetes symptoms 8 weeks cheap dapagliflozin 10 mg online, collimators are placed in the head of the machine diabetes and alcohol consumption order 5 mg dapagliflozin with mastercard. These usually are made of materials that have a high Z value and can be varied to conform to the exact rectangular beam dimensions desired managing diabetes in jail discount dapagliflozin 10mg with visa. It is sometimes desirable for the beam to be more intense on one side than the other. These wedge-shaped pieces of metal absorb the beam differentially, depending on the thickness that produces the desired angled isodose curves. This rectangle may be varied for individual patients using the secondary collimators in the head of the machine. These can then be further modified by individually constructed blocks shaped to the contour of the normal tissue (. The newest equipment has multileaf collimators, which permit the collimator to follow closely the desired portal contour, rather than being restricted to a rectangular shape. This type of collimator can be moved while the radiation beam is on, allowing the physicist to shape the dose distribution within each radiation field in a desired fashion. The result of multiple fields treated in such a fashion can greatly improve the dose distribution so that the transited normal tissue dose is greatly reduced. A: A film made on a therapy simulator on which outlines for shielding blocks are drawn. First, the target volume must be accurately localized and the dose-limiting, transited normal tissues must be determined. Before this step, the clinician must understand the natural history of the disease and its patterns of spread. Once localization has been completed, the treatment planning process begins, in which alternative techniques of treatment are considered. The selection of the appropriate treatment plan is made by the clinician in consultation with the radiologic physicist and dosimetrist. This team effort must consider the best beam distribution, homogeneity within the target volume, and appropriate minimizing of dose in the transit volume. Once the appropriate treatment plan has been accepted, the technique is tested using a radiation simulator. This device mimics the treatment machine but produces superficial radiation that can be used for direct imaging with an image intensifier and for producing radiographs that delineate exactly the beam location. Treatment simulation often causes modifications to be made in the treatment plan, allowing further sparing of normal tissues. Simulator films must be compared with the check, or portal, films made with the supervoltage machine, which confirm the treatment plan. Image quality is poor because these films do not distinguish bone from soft tissue. This is because supervoltage radiation is absorbed primarily by the Compton process, which does not depend on Z. In contrast, the simulator films are made with radiations of 80 to 110 keV, which are in the photoelectric range and therefore dependent on Z3. For the treatment to be applied as designed on the radiation simulator, proper immobilization and marking techniques must be used. Usually, temporary marks are used to supplement the permanent small dots, or "tattoos," ensuring that the treatment is given to the same volume each day. Should the patient require further therapy at a later date, these markings accurately indicate the location of previous treatment portals. Within the treatment room, light localizers describe the outline of the field, and small laser dots are used to check whether the patient is in the correct position. It is most important that the patient be put in a position that is comfortable and easily reproduced from day to day. It is the most useful radiation in the treatment of superficial tumors because the deeper tissue is spared by the prompt fall in the radiation dose. With higher electron energy, the penetration is greater and the fall in depth dose not as steep. A major problem with electrons is that absorption can be modified greatly by bone or air-containing tissues. Bone greatly reduces the depth dose because it absorbs much more of the radiation; the contrary is true for air-containing spaces.

Accurate localization of tumor to specific hepatic segments can be performed when key vascular structures are defined diabetes type 2 but not overweight purchase generic dapagliflozin on line. The enhancement pattern diabetic diet resources generic dapagliflozin 5 mg, as well as lesion attenuation values diabetic diet guide best buy dapagliflozin, allow specific classification of a lesion as benign (cyst or hemangioma) or malignant (primary vs diabetes youtube purchase dapagliflozin 10 mg online. B: After infusion of contrast, the vascularity and necrotic nature of the tumor are best defined. There has been much discussion over the last several years, with various conclusions, as to the optimum imaging protocol for the detection of hepatic tumors. By combining a vascular map from the arterial phase with a venous map from the portal phase, the radiologist can generate key road maps and vascular anatomy in a noninvasive format. With technical advances such as this, curative resection of some primary and metastatic tumors is now possible. Accurate tumor volumetrics can be accomplished and captured to measure and quantify therapeutic response accurately. Three-dimensional size measurements have been shown to be reproducible and clinically useful for following up response of liver tumors to treatment. Although the 5-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer in general remains poor, in selected patients, survival can be increased. Patients with a mass of 2 cm or less limited to the pancreatic head or patients without major vessel encasement or spread to lymph nodes who are treated with a pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure) have a 30% or greater 5-year survival. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is usually a hypodense lesion relative to the normally enhancing pancreatic gland. However, such an obvious contour change usually indicated a relatively large mass. The degree of major vascular involvement by pancreatic cancer is useful in predicting which patients will have surgically resectable tumors. Major vessels with less than one-fourth of their circumference involved by tumor are almost always resectable; tumors that surround more than three-fourths of the circumference are almost always unresectable. Metastatic disease to the liver and lymph nodes is easier to detect, particularly for lesions that are hypodense and measure at least 1 cm in diameter. Three-dimensional image reveals narrowing of the confluence of the portal vein and superior mesenteric vein (arrowheads) from an unresectable cancer. In a small percentage of cases, there is an overlap, and an indeterminate diagnosis is made. Computed tomography demonstrates a vascular tumor of the left kidney, with paraaortic nodes. Sequence of computed tomography scans demonstrates tumor extension into the renal vein and the inferior vena cava. One of the current controversies in imaging the kidney is the timing of data acquisition in relation to contrast injection. These techniques are important if such procedures as partial nephrectomy are being considered. The 3D images assist the surgeon by providing preoperative information in a flexible display that aids in determining whether nephron-sparing surgery is possible. Three-dimensional image demonstrates mass in the upper pole of the right kidney (curved arrow). Metastases to the kidney from such processes as lymphoma or lung cancer are best detected on these delayed scan examinations, especially since these tumors may not distort the renal outline and are best seen only with differential contrast enhancement. Adrenal enlargement can be due to a wide range of pathologies, from adrenal adenoma and hyperplasia to primary and metastatic adrenal tumors. Even in the oncology patient, the most common adrenal mass is a benign adrenal adenoma. Malignant adrenal lesions can be divided into primary and metastatic lesions (. Other adrenal tumors that can be confused with a primary adrenal malignancy include pheochromocytoma (which is malignant in up to 10% of cases), neuroblastoma (usually in younger patients), and myelolipoma (usually containing fat and calcification).

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