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By: H. Yokian, M.A., Ph.D.

Program Director, A. T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine

The specific facility features women's health issues statistics generic premarin 0.625 mg with mastercard, equipment women's health center white plains md buy generic premarin line, and safety practices to be employed will depend women's health of central ma generic premarin 0.625 mg amex, to a considerable extent pregnancy weeks generic premarin 0.625mg online, on whether a specific hazard is a particulate, volatile, or both. Facility features applicable to all hazards include isolation of the animals and their waste, provision of sealed Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. A number of references are available to provide an overview of the issues related to hazardous material containment (Frazier and Talka 2005; Lehner et al. It is frequently necessary to maintain animals in an environment, especially during periods of testing and observation, with strict control over auditory, visual, tactile, and olfactory stimuli. The facility site, as well as the engineering and construction methods used, should be carefully selected to minimize airborne transmission of noise and groundborne transmission of vibration. The frequencies and intensity of sound, which stimulate auditory responses in the species being investigated, should guide the selection of construction materials, techniques, and equipment to minimize intrusions. Attention should be given to the control of aberrant visual cues, especially in circadian studies. The selection of the type, intensity, and control of lighting will likely differ from other animal facility areas. A variety of specialized housing and testing systems may also need to be accommodated in the facility. Double-door vestibule entries to the behavioral facility, testing suites, or individual testing rooms may be useful as they can prevent noise, odors, and light from entering the behavioral testing area. Testing rooms may require floor drains, water sources, and increased floor loading to support specific behavioral testing apparatus. When possible, testing equipment should be designed in such a way as to allow surface disinfection between studies. Components that cannot be cleaned or disinfected, such as computers and recording equipment, should be located in areas where contact with animals is unlikely and should be covered when not in use (the use of computer keyboard covers may also be beneficial). Provision of sufficient space for storage of behavioral apparatus and equipment should also be considered. As transportation to and from the testing area may alter behavioral responses, consideration should be given to providing housing areas contiguous with those used for testing; if such areas are provided, they should meet the requirements specified in the Guide. Aquatic Species Housing Many of the construction features described above are applicable to those for aquatic species, but particular consideration should be given to the housing systems used and the methods for maintaining the aquatic environment. The complexity of the life support system depends on the species housed and the size, type, and number of tanks and animals supported. Holding areas for aquatic species should be provided with drains of a suitable size and number to accommodate water released during system operation and maintenance or as a result of life support system or tank failure. Drains should not permit passage of animals or hazardous materials into the sanitary system without appropriate treatment. Materials used for floors, walls, and ceilings should be impervious to water while floors should be slip resistant and able to withstand the loads inherent with large quantities of water. Electrical receptacles or circuits should be ground-fault interrupted to prevent electrocution of personnel and animals. Housing systems, life support system components, and plumbing used to distribute water after treatment, including adhesives to connect components, should be constructed of materials that are nontoxic and biologically inert. Most animals maintained for research are vulnerable to infection with adventitious agents and therefore access to them should be strictly controlled and made available only to personnel who have received appropriate training and have a legitimate need for access. When possible, the animal facility should be located within another structure with its own independent set of security features. Security and access control are generally provided in zones, starting at the perimeter with areas of highest security located within other zones. Control measures may consist of security personnel, physical barriers, and control devices. The scope of the security system should depend on the size of the facility as well as the nature of the activities conducted within. Microprocessor-controlled security systems are frequently employed because of the large number of control points and staff requiring access.


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  • Treating poor circulation that can lead to varicose veins and other conditions.Treating leg ulcers.Reducing blood levels of certain fats called triglycerides.Reducing pain when walking in people with a disease called peripheral arterial disease.Improving thinking and quality of life in people with limited blood flow to the brain (cerebrovascular disease).
  • What is Mesoglycan?
  • How does Mesoglycan work?

Source: http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=96973

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