Co-Director, Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans
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Carson Street, Suite 2134 Carson City, Nevada 89701 South Nevada Location: Grant Sawyer Office Building 555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 4412 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Please check with staff to verify room location Teleconference: Access Code: (775) 687-0999 43722 Place of Meeting: Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically challenged persons desiring to attend the meeting. Public Comment Drug Class Review Presentation OptumRx For Possible Action: Committee Discussion and Action a. Drug Class Review Presentation OptumRx For Possible Action: Committee Discussion and Action a. Respiratory Agents Respiratory Anti-inflammatory Agents Respiratory Corticosteroids 1. Report by OptumRx on New Drugs to Market, New Generic Drugs to Market and New Line Extensions Closing Discussion a. If an action item is not completed within the time frame that has been allotted, that action item will be continued at a future time designated and announced at this meeting by the chairperson. The agenda posting of this meeting can be viewed at the following locations: Nevada State Library; Carson City Library; Churchill County Library; Las Vegas Library; Douglas County Library; Elko County Library; Lincoln County Library; Lyon County Library; Mineral County Library; Tonopah Public Library; Pershing County Library; Goldfield Public Library; Eureka Branch Library; Lander County Library; Storey County Library; Washoe County Library; and White Pine County Library and may be reviewed during normal business hours. Requests and/or written comments on the proposed changes may be sent to the Colleen McLachlan at the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy, 1100 E. All persons that have requested in writing to receive the Public Hearings agenda have been duly notified by mail or e-mail. Standard Preferred Drug List Exception Criteria Drugs that have a "non-preferred" status are a covered benefit for recipients if they meet the coverage criteria. Contraindication to or drug-to-drug interaction with all preferred medications within the same class; 3. History of unacceptable/toxic side effects to all preferred medications within the same class; 4. If there are not two preferred medications within the same class therapeutic failure only needs to occur on the one preferred medication; 6. Recipients discharged from acute mental health facilities on a nonpreferred antidepressant will be allowed to continue on that drug for up to 90 days following discharge. For atypical or typical antipsychotic, anticonvulsant and antidiabetic medications the recipient demonstrated therapeutic failure on one preferred agent. The Department shall, by regulation, develop a list of preferred prescription drugs to be used for the Medicaid program. The list established pursuant to this subsection must include, without limitation: (a) Prescription drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of the human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, including, without limitation, protease inhibitors and antiretroviral medications; (b) Antirejection medications for organ transplants; (c) Antihemophilic medications; and (d) Any prescription drug which the Committee identifies as appropriate for exclusion from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs. The regulations must provide that the Committee makes the final determination of: (a) Whether a class of therapeutic prescription drugs is included on the list of preferred prescription drugs and is excluded from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs; (b) Which therapeutically equivalent prescription drugs will be reviewed for inclusion on the list of preferred prescription drugs and for exclusion from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs; (c) Which prescription drugs should be excluded from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs based on continuity of care concerning a specific diagnosis, condition, class of therapeutic prescription drugs or medical specialty; and (d) the criteria for prescribing an atypical or typical antipsychotic medication, anticonvulsant medication or antidiabetic medication that is not on the list of preferred drugs to a patient who experiences a therapeutic failure while taking a prescription drug that is on the list of preferred prescription drugs. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the list of preferred prescription drugs established pursuant to subsection 1 must include, without limitation, every therapeutic prescription drug that is classified as an anticonvulsant medication or antidiabetic medication that was covered by the Medicaid program on June 30, 2010. If a therapeutic prescription drug that is included on the list of preferred prescription drugs pursuant to this subsection is prescribed for a clinical indication other than the indication for which it was approved as of June 30, 2010, the Committee shall review the new clinical indication for that drug pursuant to the provisions of subsection 5. The regulations adopted pursuant to this section must provide that each new pharmaceutical product and each existing pharmaceutical product for which there is new clinical evidence supporting its inclusion on the list of preferred prescription drugs must be made available pursuant to the Medicaid program with prior authorization until the Committee reviews the product or the evidence. The Medicaid program must make available without prior authorization atypical and typical antipsychotic medications that are prescribed for the treatment of a mental illness, anticonvulsant medications and antidiabetic medications for a patient who is receiving services pursuant to Medicaid if the patient: (a) Was prescribed the prescription drug on or before June 30, 2010, and takes the prescription drug continuously, as prescribed, on and after that date; (b) Maintains continuous eligibility for Medicaid; and (c) Complies with all other requirements of this section and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The Department shall, by regulation, establish a list of prescription drugs which must be excluded from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs established pursuant to subsection 1. The list established pursuant to this subsection must include, without limitation: (a) Atypical and typical antipsychotic medications that are prescribed for the treatment of a mental illness of a patient who is receiving services pursuant to Medicaid; 33 (b) Prescription drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of the human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, including, without limitation, protease inhibitors and antiretroviral medications; (c) Anticonvulsant medications; (d) Antirejection medications for organ transplants; (e) Antidiabetic medications; (f) Antihemophilic medications; and (g) Any prescription drug which the Committee identifies as appropriate for exclusion from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs. The regulations must provide that the Committee makes the final determination of: (a) Whether a class of therapeutic prescription drugs is included on the list of preferred prescription drugs and is excluded from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs; (b) Which therapeutically equivalent prescription drugs will be reviewed for inclusion on the list of preferred prescription drugs and for exclusion from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs; and (c) Which prescription drugs should be excluded from any restrictions that are imposed on drugs that are on the list of preferred prescription drugs based on continuity of care concerning a specific diagnosis, condition, class of therapeutic prescription drugs or medical specialty. The regulations must provide that each new pharmaceutical product and each existing pharmaceutical product for which there is new clinical evidence supporting its inclusion on the list of preferred prescription drugs must be made available pursuant to the Medicaid program with prior authorization until the Committee reviews the product or the evidence.
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Unspecified tic disorder also applies to cases in which there are symptoms characteristic of a tic disorder that cause significant distress or impairment but do not meet the full criteria for a tic disorder or for any of the disorders in the neurodevelopmental disorders diagnostic class metabolic disorder journal cheap 10 mg glucotrol xl visa. However diabetes xanthelasma order 10mg glucotrol xl with mastercard, this diagnosis is used in situations in which the clinician chooses not to specify the reason that the criteria are not met for a tic disorder or for a specific neurodevelopmental disorder diabetic diet 7 day meal plan discount glucotrol xl amex. It includes presentations in which there is insufficient information to make a more specific diagnosis diabetes handouts buy generic glucotrol xl 10 mg. Because this subcategory is not common, the Collection will focus on more prevalent motor disorders. Males are affected more than females, with a ratio of between 2:1 and 4:1 Stereotypic movement disorder · · Tourette disorder · · · There is insufficient data available about the prevalence of persistent (chronic) motor or vocal tic disorder, provisional tic disorder, other specified tic disorder, or unspecified tic disorder. Causes and Risk Factors Underlying causes for the development of motor disorders are not well understood (United States National Library of Medicine, 2015). However, as with many psychological disorders, the evidence suggests that numerous factors, such as genetic vulnerability, learning, and environment, may contribute to the development of these disorders. Studies of families suggest the presence of genetic underpinnings in the development of tic disorders. For example, relatives of individuals with Tourette disorder are 10 to 15 percent more likely to develop the disorder, and 15 to 20 percent more likely to have another tic disorder. Studies of the human genome have identified specific genes thought to be related to Tourette disorder (Woods, Flessner, & Conelea, 2008). Studies have also shown that 25 percent of youth with stereotypic motor disorder have an affected relative (Mills & Hedderly, 2014). There is also likely to be a family history of obsessive tendencies often in the form of counting rituals. There is also reason to believe that learning factors are significant in the development and maintenance of motor disorders. In stressful situations, for example, youth can develop the urge to trigger their tics or to self-injure. After the tic or self-injury becomes habitual, all similar situations may elicit the same response. Youth with motor disorders report an uncomfortable urge that is satisfied by the tic or self-injury. The satisfaction or reduction of the urge may reinforce the habit and thus increase the likelihood that the youth will repeat the behavior. Environmental factors have also been implicated in the development of motor disorders. There have also been cases in which individuals who 118 Motor Disorders suffered from a traumatic head injury. Assessment Assessments of motor disorders vary slightly by the type of motor disorder. Assessment of tic disorders should include a medical examination to rule out conditions that can mimic tic disorders, such as behaviors related to allergies, eye problems that mimic tics, and stereotypic movement disorders (Woods, Piacentini, & Himle, 2007). Screening, followed by more in-depth assessment, is critical to accurate diagnosis due to the comorbidity that occurs frequently in youth with motor disorders. Developmental Coordination Disorder For developmental coordination disorder, it is important to recognize that symptoms may be confused with those of other conditions. Stereotypic Movement Disorder It can be difficult to distinguish stereotypic movement disorder from symptoms of other disorders such as autistic spectrum disorder, intellectual disabilities, genetic syndromes, and sensory impairment. A tailored assessment is critical in order to define a precise developmental profile and to avoid misdiagnosis (Cardona et al. It consists of 43 items, rated on a fourpoint Likert scale ranging from "behavior does not occur" to "behavior occurs and is a severe problem," where higher scores indicate frequent dysfunctional behaviors (Di Renzo et al. Tic Disorders In conjunction with a thorough medical examination, a structured or semi-structured interview can be particularly helpful in gathering information about the expression of tics, including frequency, location and nature of the tic, complexity, controllability, intensity, level of distress, and temporal stability (Woods, Piacentini, & Himle, 2007). This assessment helps to gather information about tic topography, symptom severity, and impairment (Woods et al. Comorbidity Youth with motor disorders frequently experience other kinds of problems (Scahill, Sukhodolsky, & King, 2007; Woods et al. A recent study that extended the period of follow-up through adolescence assessed the course of movement abnormalities with stereotypic movement disorder as well as documented comorbidities.
An attack or show of force on a front where a decision is not sought diabetes mellitus origin order glucotrol xl pills in toronto, made with the aim of deceiving the enemy diabetes type 1 hypo generic glucotrol xl 10 mg without a prescription. In military deception diabetes insipidus urinary incontinence buy glucotrol xl no prescription, a show of force in an area where a decision is not sought that is made to deceive an adversary diabetes diet sugar order glucotrol xl in india. In tactical operations, the perception of an object of possible military interest but unconfirmed by recognition. In surveillance, the determination and transmission by a surveillance system that an event has occurred. In arms control, the first step in the process of ascertaining the occurrence of a violation of an arms control agreement. In chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear environments, the act of locating chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards by use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear detectors or monitoring and/or survey teams. Programs, projects, and activities carried out by the United States Agency for International Development that improve the lives of the citizens of developing countries while furthering United States foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and promoting free market economic growth. See also directed energy; directedenergy device; directed-energy weapon; electromagnetic spectrum; electronic warfare. See also displaced person; evacuee; internally displaced person; migrant; refugee; stateless person. The spreading or separating of troops, materiel, establishments, or activities, which are usually concentrated in limited areas to reduce vulnerability. In chemical and biological operations, the dissemination of agents in liquid or aerosol form. In naval control of shipping, the reberthing of a ship in the periphery of the port area or in the vicinity of the port for its own protection in order to minimize the risk of damage from attack. The operational process of synchronizing all elements of the logistic system to deliver the "right things" to the "right place" at the "right time" to support the geographic combatant commander. See also distribution; distribution system; theater distribution; theater distribution system. The act of drawing the attention and forces of an enemy from the point of the principal operation; an attack, alarm, or feint that diverts attention. A change made in a prescribed route for operational or tactical reasons that does not constitute a change of destination. A rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new transshipment point or destination or on a different mode of transportation prior to arrival at ultimate destination. In naval mine warfare, a route or channel bypassing a dangerous area by connecting one channel to another or it may branch from a channel and rejoin it on the other side of the danger. The period of time between the release from involuntary active and the reporting date for a subsequent tour of active duty pursuant to Title 10, United States Code, Section 12302. Such time includes any voluntary active duty performed between two periods of involuntary active duty pursuant to Title 10, United States Code, Section 12302. The physical or behavioral state of a system that results from an action, a set of actions, or another effect. See also electromagnetic spectrum; electromagnetic spectrum management; electronic warfare. See also electronic warfare; foreign instrumentation signals intelligence; intelligence; signals intelligence. See also directed energy; electromagnetic spectrum; electronic attack; electronic protection; electronic warfare support. In air defense, a fire control order used to direct or authorize units and/or weapon systems to fire on a designated target. Espionage is a violation of Title 18 United States Code, Sections 792798 and Article 106, Uniform Code of Military Justice. An analysis of a foreign situation, development, or trend that identifies its major elements, interprets the significance, and appraises the future possibilities and the prospective results of the various actions that might be taken. An appraisal of the capabilities, vulnerabilities, and potential courses of action of a foreign nation or combination of nations in consequence of a specific national plan, policy, decision, or contemplated course of action. An analysis of an actual or contemplated clandestine operation in relation to the situation in which it is or would be conducted in order to identify and appraise such factors as available as well as needed assets and potential obstacles, accomplishments, and consequences. Removal of a patient by any of a variety of transport means from a theater of military operation, or between health services capabilities, for the purpose of preventing further illness or injury, providing additional care, or providing disposition of patients from the military health care system.
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