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By: D. Sibur-Narad, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Medical Instructor, University of South Carolina School of Medicine
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The Pro12Ala variant at the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma gene and change in obesity-related traits in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Through a series of studies conducted over several decades he was able to document and expand the list of metabolic abnormalities associated with syndrome X, and they are presented in Table 50. As not to repeat extensive discussions on this topic here, the reader is referred to several reviews on this issue. On this basis, although insulin resistance can indeed be found as a rare condition in lean individuals,31,32 we have proposed that the most prevalent form of insulin resistance is observed among sedentary individuals with excess levels of visceral adipose tissue. There is therefore a need to develop simple tools to screen for the presence of features of insulin resistance. Finally, a moderately increased fasting glucose concentration was considered a very crude marker of impaired glucose homeostasis, probably revealing a state of insulin resistance. On this basis, the panel proposed that the presence of three out of the five simple criteria could be sufficient to diagnose the presence of the metabolic syndrome. First, many have referred to these criteria as the definition of the metabolic syndrome. Second, the severity of the metabolic syndrome is not assessed by current approaches; it is an "all or none" diagnosis. Therefore, we cannot use the presence/absence of the metabolic syndrome as a therapeutic end point. As a simple example, an individual meeting all five variables could improve on all criteria in response to whichever lifestyle modification program or therapy he/she wants to try, but if he or she still meets three out of the five criteria, he or she would nevertheless be considered as a nonresponder to treatment. This example clearly shows that the metabolic syndrome cannot be used as a therapeutic target and that changes in its individual components should rather be considered. We have suggested that the presence/absence of the metabolic syndrome could increase/decrease the level of risk predicted by the Framingham algorithm. These results clearly indicate that the metabolic syndrome is infrequently observed among lean individuals and that some excess of abdominal fat accompanies this constellation of metabolic abnormalities. However, the cutoff values defining abdominal obesity have not been defined on solid scientific grounds, and further work in this area is clearly warranted. Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome 553 130 125 Waist circumference (cm) 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 Clinical criteria Waist girth >102 cm Triglycerides 1. Although the most prevalent form of the metabolic syndrome is found among sedentary individuals who have too much visceral adipose tissue, the reasons for this relationship are not fully understood and are still under investigation. Elegant animal studies by Bergman and colleagues64 have even suggested that the nocturnal rise in free fatty acid levels associated with excess visceral adiposity could be particularly detrimental to insulin resistance and related metabolic abnormalities. Finally, the third possibility does not exclude the two aforementioned scenarios: excess visceral adiposity may also be a marker of the relative inability of subcutaneous adipose tissue to store excess energy. Altered metabolic pro le: Insulin resistant milieu Pro-inflammatory state Pro-thrombotic state Pro-hypertensive state Ectopic fat deposition: Liver fat Intramuscular lipids Pancreas fat Perivascular fat Epi/pericardial fat Renal fat Etc. However, when facing the same energy surplus the individual who cannot expand his or her adipose tissue mass through hyperplasia will first accumulate energy through hypertrophy of adipose cells. As fat cell size expansion has limits, the storage capacity of adipose tissue will eventually reach saturation, leading to an energy spillover and to the accumulation of lipids at undesirable sites such as the liver, heart, muscle, pancreas, and kidney, a process referred to as ectopic fat deposition, which has been associated with insulin resistance and with the clustering abnormalities of the metabolic syndrome.
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Further women's health clinic deland fluoxetine 20mg generic, the deposition of ectopic fat in skeletal muscle is more prominent in women womens health specialists of dallas order 20mg fluoxetine fast delivery, a process called "marbling" of the muscles (Figure 55 women's health clinic warilla purchase 20 mg fluoxetine overnight delivery. Thus menstruation headaches purchase fluoxetine canada, the greater mar bling of muscles among women than men may explain the sex specific associations of lean mass with asthma in this study. One possible explana tion is that asthma itself results in preferential abdominal fat accumulation among women. Obesity is thus believed to be a heterogeneous disorder that involves multiple related phenotypes. It is plausible that excess ectopic body fat (fat that is present in nonadipose tissues like skeletal muscles and viscera) is more strongly associated with asthma than physiological fat depots. Ectopic body fat might also be related to proinflammatory cytokines (adipokines) that are associated with asthma, as discussed later in Section 55. Interestingly, asthma risk appears to be strongly associated with the development of android pattern of obesity in women. On the other hand, the gynoid pattern of obesity is not so strongly associated with asthma. The figure also demonstrates sexrelated differences in the distribution of lean and fat mass including physiologi cal fat and ectopic fat mass (the latter term further includes hepatic, visceral, and intramuscular fat depots). Although the specific obesity phenotype that is best associated with asthma is unclear, ectopic fat in the truncal viscera and skeletal muscle may play an important role in women. Ectopic fat in the trun cal viscera and skeletal muscle may play an important role. To confirm this hypothesis, future studies using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of visceral fat and magnetic resonance spectroscopy of skeletal muscle fat need to be performed. It produces over 50 pro teins called adipokines that regulate various body functions. These include energyregulating adipokines such as leptin and adiponectin that play an important role in systemic inflammatory conditions such as diabetes mellitus and ath erosclerosis. Recent research suggests that leptin and adipo nectin may also play a role in inflammatory lung conditions such as asthma. Leptin, along with the leptin receptor, is expressed by many cells in the human lung, including bronchial epithelial cells. Animal studies have demonstrated that obese mice have innate airway hyperresponsiveness that is independent of the cause of obesity48 and that may at least be partly explained by excess systemic leptin levels. The evidence suggests that high systemic leptin concentra tions may be associated with greater asthma prevalence and severity in select populations such as prepubertal boys, peri pubertal/postpubertal girls, and premenopausal women. Under certain conditions, however, adiponectin may have proinflammatory effects as well. The relative hypoxia present in obese individuals results in the necrosis of adipocytes and, consequently, a decreased production of adiponectin. Adiponectin and its multiple receptors are expressed on multiple cell types in the lung. Adiponectin circulates in low, medium, and highmolecularweight complexes that may vary in efficacy regarding their effects on target tissues. Studies suggest that the highmolecularweight isoform is the most biologically active isoform of systemic adiponectin in regulating insulin resistance. Some studies demonstrate that low serum adiponectin concentrations are independently associated with greater asthma prevalence among premenopausal women and peri pubertal girls. These diseases include gastroesophageal reflux disease, obstructive sleep apnea, and depression.