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By: K. Hurit, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Associate Professor, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

For example antibiotic 850mg buy generic clearsing on line, Lewis (2001) found that logging at a density of six stems per hectare had little effect on the diversity and structure of butterfly assemblages in Belize antibiotic resistance neisseria gonorrhoeae quality 500 mg clearsing, while Meijaard and Sheil (2008) concluded that only a few terrestrial mammal species have shown marked population declines following logging in Borneo bacteria 3 shapes buy discount clearsing online. These studies suggest that different species groups exhibit significantly different responses to logging impacts depending on their life-history strategies and resource requirements bacteria quiz questions purchase 100mg clearsing amex. Within any one group it is invariably the forest dependent and specialist species that decline, while generalist and omnivorous species are unaffected or even increase in abundance and diversity. For most of the world we lack detailed information on the extent to which specific management practices can enhance levels of biodiversity in managed natural forests. Nevertheless, many best practice general guidelines do exist, which, if implemented more broadly, could greatly improve the value of logged forests for wildlife (Fimbel et al. These guidelines include stand-level practices such as the retention of structural complexity (including dead wood), long-rotation times, maintenance of canopy cover, and fire control and timber removal techniques. In addition many landscape scale measures can greatly improve the value of logged forests for conservation, including the designation of no-take areas, careful road design and maintenance of landscape connectivity with intact corridors and riparian buffers (Gillies and St Clair 2008). More work is urgently needed to prescribe strategies for effective biodiversity conservation in managed forests. Despite receiving criticism from conservation biologists on the adequacy of criteria to support conservation, timber certification authorities such as the Forest Stewardship Council ( Its main purpose is to diversify production for increased social, economic and environmental benefits, and has attracted increasing attention from scientists working at the interface between integrated natural resource management and biodiversity conservation, especially in tropical countries (Schroth et al. Farmers in many traditional agricultural systems have maintained or actively included trees as parts of the landscape for thousands of years to provide benefits such as shade, shelter, animal and human food (McNeely 2004). Complex agroforestry is an extension of the swidden agriculture system where tree seedlings are co-planted with annual crops and left in fallow. Home-gardens are small areas of agricultural land located near to houses that are cultivated with a mixture of annuals and perennials, including trees and shrubs. They are semi-permanent and typically more intensively managed than complex agroforests. Because of their high levels of floristic diversity and complex vegetation, agroforests represent a mid-point in forest structural integrity between monoculture plantations and primary forest (Figure 13. Agroforestry can benefit biodiversity conservation in three ways; the provision of suitable habitat for forest species in areas that have suffered Figure 13. In areas of the tropics that have lost the majority of old-growth forest the dominant near-forest vegetation is frequently comprised of some form of agro-forestry, highlighting the importance of these systems for conservation in some regions, including shade-coffee in Central America, shade-cacao in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, jungle rubber in the Sumatran lowlands, and home-gardens in countries across the world. The majority of studies that have examined the biodiversity value of agroforestry systems have found that although some species are invariably lost following conversion of native habitat, a large proportion of the original fauna and flora is maintained when compared to more intensified agricultural land-uses (Ranganathan et al. Although existing studies have not revealed any clear pattern regarding which groups of species are unlikely to be conserved within agroforestry systems, it appears that rare and range-restricted species are often those that suffer the greatest declines following forest conversion, while those that increase in abundance are often open-habitat and generalist taxa (Scales and Marsden 2008). However, even species that are usually only found in areas of native vegetation may use agroforests to move between forest remnants, as is the case for two species of sloth in Costa Rica that frequently use shade-cacao plantations as a source of food and resting sites (Vaughan et al. Differences in the amount of biodiversity that is retained in different agroforestry systems can often be explained by differences in the intensity of past and present management regimes (Bhagwat et al. Points below zero show species loss relative to forests, and points above zero show significant increases in species richness compared with forests. Despite the potential value of agroforestry systems for biodiversity, it is important to recognize key limitations in their contribution towards long-term conservation strategies. First, the ability of agroforestry systems to maintain a significant proportion of the regional biota depends on the maintenance of sufficient areas of natural habitat, both to support highly sensitive species (Schroth and Harvey 2007) and to provide source populations (Anand et al. By encompassing sufficient areas of native forest within an agroforestry landscape it is possible to ensure the persistence of a large number of species for very long time periods, as recently demonstrated by Ranganathan et al. Second, appropriate regulations on hunting and resource extraction are vital to ensure that keystone vertebrate and plant species are not depleted from otherwise diverse systems. Finally, and most importantly, agroforestry systems can only survive with the support of market incentives and favorable land-use policies that maintain viable livelihoods of local people, and prevent conversion to more intensified land-uses (SteffanDewenter et al. As demands for timber and wood fiber continue to increase around the world, it is highly likely that these upward trends will persist or even accelerate. Many tree plantations have been traditionally labeled as "green deserts", and are presumed or found to be hostile to native species and largely devoid of wildlife (Kanowski et al.

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Mg2 is eliminated in the urine and therapy with magnesium salts should be avoided or the dose reduced (and frequency of determination of plasma Mg2 concentration increased) in patients with glomerular filtration rates 20 mL/min. Case history A 66-year-old man made a good recovery from a transmural (Q-wave) anterior myocardial infarction complicated by mild transient left ventricular dysfunction, and was sent home taking aspirin, atenolol, enalapril and simvastatin. Three months later, when he is seen in outpatients, he is feeling reasonably well, but is worried by palpitations. Question Decide whether management might appropriately include each of the following: (a) consideration of cardiac catheterization; (b) invasive electrophysiological studies, including provocation of dysrhythmia; (c) adding flecainide; (d) stopping atenolol; (e) adding verapamil; (f) adding amiodarone. Answer (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) True False False False False False Drug interactions Magnesium salts form precipitates if they are mixed with sodium bicarbonate and, as with calcium chloride, magnesium salts should not be administered at the same time as sodium bicarbonate, or through the same line without an intervening saline flush. Hypermagnesaemia increases neuromuscular blockade caused by drugs with nicotinic-receptor-antagonist properties. Case history A 16-year-old girl is brought to the Accident and Emergency Department by her mother having collapsed at home. As a baby she had cardiac surgery and was followed up by a paediatric cardiologist until the age of 12 years, when she rebelled. On examination, she is ill and unable to give a history, and has a heart rate of 160 beats per minute (regular) and blood pressure of 80/60 mmHg. It is appropriate to consider cardiac catheterization to define his coronary anatomy and to identify whether he would benefit from some revascularization procedure. Other classes of anti-dysrhythmic drugs have not been demonstrated to prolong life in this setting. If the symptom of palpitation is sufficiently troublesome, it would be reasonable to consider switching from atenolol to regular. He looks pale but otherwise well, his pulse is 155 beats per minute and regular, his blood pressure is 110/60 mmHg and the examination is otherwise unremarkable. Question Decide whether initial management might reasonably include each of the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) i. Answer (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) False True False True False True False Comment Students who are studying for examinations often consume excessive amounts of coffee and a history of caffeine intake should be sought. Vagal manoeuvres may terminate the dysrhythmia but, if not, overnight observation may see the rhythm revert spontaneously to sinus. These symptoms are due to a combination of constriction of bronchial smooth muscle, oedema of the mucosa lining the small bronchi, and plugging of the bronchial lumen with viscous mucus and inflammatory cells (Figure 33. Asthma is broadly categorized into non-allergic and allergic, but there is considerable overlap. In allergic asthma, which is usually of early onset, extrinsic allergens produce a type I allergic reaction in atopic subjects. Type I reactions are triggered via reaginic antibodies (IgE) on the surface of mast cells and other immune effector cells, especially activated Th2 lymphocytes, which release cytokines that recruit eosinophils and promote further IgE synthesis and sensitivity. Patients with non-allergic (late-onset) asthma do not appear to be sensitive to any single well-defined antigen, although infection (usually viral) often precipitates an attack. Increased parasympathetic tone due to local and centrally mediated stimuli also promotes bronchoconstriction. Oral preparations have a role in young children who cannot co-ordinate inhalation with activation of a metered-dose inhaler. There are several alternative approaches, including breath-activated devices and devices that administer the dose in the form of a dry powder that is sucked into the airways. Patients should contact their physician promptly if their clinical state deteriorates or their 2-agonist use is increasing. Step 1 is for mild asthmatics with intermittent symptoms occurring only once or twice a week; step 2 is for patients with more symptoms (more than three episodes of asthma symptoms per week or nocturnal symptoms). Step 3 is for patients who have continuing symptoms despite step 2 treatment and steps 4 and 5 are for more chronically symptomatic patients or patients with worsening symptoms, despite step 3 or 4 treatment.

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Type I (ventilation/perfusion inequality) is characterized by a low PaO2 and a normal or low PaO2 antibiotic justification form definition order 100mg clearsing fast delivery. Key points Leukotriene modulation in asthma Leukotriene B4 is a powerful chemo-attractant (eosinophils and neutrophils) and increases vascular permeability producing mucosal oedema antibiotic treatment for gonorrhea discount 250mg clearsing mastercard. Montelukast has anti-inflammatory properties and is a mild antimicrobial mouth rinses 500 mg clearsing free shipping, slow-onset bronchodilator antibiotic used for acne safe clearsing 250mg. Antihistamines are not widely used in the treatment of asthma, but have an adjunctive role in asthmatics with severe hay fever. Cetirizine and loratadine are non-sedating H1-antagonists with a plasma t1/2 of 6. Oxygen Oxygen improves tissue oxygenation, but high concentrations may further depress respiration by removing the hypoxic respiratory drive. A small increase in the concentration of inspired oxygen to 24% using a Venturi-type mask should be tried. If oxygen produces respiratory depression, assisted ventilation may be needed urgently. Specific measures Respiratory failure can be precipitated in chronic bronchitis by infection, fluid overload. Bronchospasm may respond to salbutamol given frequently via nebulizer (often supplemented by nebulized ipratropium). Codeine depresses the medullary cough centre and is effective as are pholcodine and dextromethorphan, other opioid analogues. Various expectorants and mucolytic agents are available, but they are not very efficacious. This combination is less harmful than anticipated, probably because the doses of most of its components are too low to exert much of an effect. They are sometimes called mucolytics, and the traditional agents are unhelpful because they reduce the efficacy of mucociliary clearance (which depends on beating cilia being mechanically coupled to viscous mucus). The increased viscosity of infected sputum is due to nucleic acids rather than mucopolysaccharides, and is not affected by drugs such as bromhexine or acetyl cysteine, which are therefore ineffective. The reflex is usually initiated by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and is co-ordinated by a centre in the medulla. Ideally, treatment should not impair elimination of bronchopulmonary secretions nor a thorough diagnostic search. A number of antitussive drugs are available, but critical evaluation of their efficacy is difficult. Patients with chronic cough are often poor judges of the antitussive effect of drugs. Objective recording methods have demonstrated dose-dependent antitussive effects for cough suppressants, such as codeine and dextromethorphan. However, cough should not be routinely suppressed, because of its protective function. Exceptions include intractable cough in carcinoma of the bronchus and cases in which an unproductive cough interferes with sleep or causes exhaustion. It reduces complications, including pneumothorax and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and improves survival. Colfosceril is given via the endotracheal tube, repeated after 12 hours if still intubated. The administered surfactant is rapidly dispersed and undergoes the same recycling as natural surfactant. Its principal adverse effects are obstruction of the endotracheal tubes by mucus, increased incidence of pulmonary haemorrhage and acute hyperoxaemia due to a rapid improvement in the condition. Aerosolized administration on a weekly basis appears safe and effective in children. The use of recombinant 1-antitrypsin is being more widely investigated and 1-antitrypsin gene therapy is now in early stage clinical investigation. Case history A 35-year-old woman with a history of mild asthma in childhood (when she was diagnosed as being sensitive to aspirin) was seen in the Medical Outpatients Department because of sinus ache, some mild nasal stuffiness and itchy eyes. For her asthma she was currently taking prn salbutamol (2 100 g puffs) and beclomethasone 500 g/day.

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