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By age twelve menstruation after tubal ligation cheap alendronate 70mg without prescription, the best violinists had a head start of about 1 menopause irritability generic 35 mg alendronate with amex,000 hours on the future teachers menstrual art purchase alendronate without prescription. And even though the top two groups were spending identical amounts of time on their craft at the academy zoladex menstrual cycle order alendronate 70mg otc, the future international soloists had accumulated, on average, 7,410 hours of solitary practice by age eighteen, compared with 5,301 hours for the "good" group, and 3,420 hours for the future teachers. Remarkably, the psychologists found that expert pianists had, on average, accumulated a similar number of practice hours as the top violinists, as if there were some universal rule of expertise. The researchers used the weekly practice estimates to suggest that expert musicians, regardless of the instrument, accumulate 10,000 hours of practice by age twenty, and that skilled performers engage in greater quantities of "deliberate practice," the kind of effortful exercises that strain the capacity of the trainee. Accumulated hours of practice, they suggested, were masquerading as innate talent in both music and sports. Anders Ericsson, now at Florida State, came to be viewed as the father of the "10,000 hours" to expertise rule-though he himself never called it a "rule"-or the "deliberate practice framework," as it is often known among those who study skill acquisition. He and other proponents of the framework went on to suggest that accumulated practice is the real wizard behind the curtain of innate talent in fields from sprinting to surgery. No one, the idea goes, achieves expertise with less, and everyone achieves expertise with that amount. On the backs of several bestselling books and reams of articles, the 10,000-hours rule (alternately known as the ten-year rule) has become embedded in the world of athlete development and an impetus for starting children early in hard training. During the reporting of this book, I saw the 10,000 hours referenced as the recipe for success in arenas as disparate as an interview given by a U. I even became acquainted with a golfer who is putting the rule to a very personal test. After completing his journalism degree at the University of Georgia in 2003, he took pictures for newspapers for two years, and then worked in various forms of advertising and product photography. After six years at a desk job that centered on snapping photos of dental equipment, McLaughlin needed a venture more suited to his taste for challenge. He read about the 10,000-hours rule, the "magic number of greatness," as it is called in Outliers, and about the idea that skills that appear to be predicated on innate gifts are often nothing more than the manifestations of thousands of hours of practice. So, six days a week, McLaughlin puts in six hours of deliberate practice, a workday that consumes eight hours because he takes frequent breaks to think about what he did well and what can be improved-like closing the club face on impact-and because it is exhausting to maintain strict focus for hours on end. When I first spoke with him, 1,776 hours into his journey, he had yet to wield a driver. I love the game more every day, and I gave a presentation at a conference at Florida State, where I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Dr. All of the data in support of the 10,000-hours rule have been what scientists call "cross-sectional" and "retrospective. In the case of the original 10,000-hours study, the subjects were musicians who had already gained admission to a world-famous academy, so most of humanity had long since been screened out. A study that is restricted to only prescreened performers is hopelessly biased against discovering evidence of innate talent. A "longitudinal" study, on the other hand, is a much higher standard of experimentation that follows subjects as they accumulate those hours in order to watch how their skills progress. There is, however, a way to track the acquisition of skill expertise without at least some of the problems of subjective human recall. A master, the bare minimum level to make a living playing chess, has between 2,200 and 2,400 points. An international master has 2,400 to 2,500, and a grandmaster has more than 2,500 Elo points. In 2007, psychologists Guillermo Campitelli, of the Universidad Abierta Interamericana in Buenos Aires, and Fernand Gobet, director of the Centre for the Study of Expertise at Brunel University in West London, recruited 104 competitive chess players of varying skill levels for a study of chess expertise. Campitelli had coached future grandmasters, and Gobet, who logged eight to ten hours a day of chess practice in his youth, had been an international master and the second-ranked player in Switzerland. Campitelli and Gobet found that 10,000 hours was not far off in terms of the amount of practice required to attain master status, or 2,200 Elo points, and to make it as a pro. More informative than the average number of practice hours required to attain master status, however, was the range of hours. One player in the study reached master level in just 3,000 hours of practice, while another player needed 23,000 hours. The renowned 10,000-hours violin study only reports the average number of hours of practice. It does not report the range of hours required for the attainment of expertise, so it is impossible to tell whether any individual in the study actually became an elite violinist in 10,000 hours, or whether that was just an average of disparate individual differences.
A supportive environment stimulates good interpersonal relationships breast cancer 2014 game buy genuine alendronate, fostering a continuous desire to implement change for improved student reading outcomes pregnancy options buy cheap alendronate 70 mg on-line. C h a p t e r 4 2 How can instructional leadership make a difference and improve reading outcomes? Instructional leadership teams can foster change that results in improved reading outcomes for all students young women's health tips cheap alendronate 70mg visa. Effective instructional leadership can make a difference by clearly communicating Reading First goals menopause for men symptoms order alendronate 70mg, focusing on a plan of action, facilitating organizational support, providing continuous professional development and support in the classroom, monitoring progress, and promoting schoolwide and classroom accountability. The leadership team provides teachers, students, parents, and the community with a clear picture of the goals and expectations of Reading First: improving student outcomes in reading. Instructional leadership also promotes a sense of instructional urgency, the need for change and improvement to ensure that all students are reading on or above grade level by the end of third grade. Instructional leadership also protects and maintains the focus on Reading First goals. This involves overcoming resistance to change, including barriers and problems that arise. It also requires administrators to eliminate conflicting messages and competing initiatives. Leadership teams also must establish and communicate high expectations for teachers and students. The leadership team works with teachers and staff to develop a course of action for achieving Reading First goals. Are high expectations for both teachers and students established and clearly communicated? Have programs, materials, space, professional development, and other resources been determined and/or procured? Is the course of action considered a high priority by everyone, including administrators, the reading coach, instructional staff, teachers, and parents? Mobilizing resources, especially for struggling readers, is one way to help teachers provide high-quality instruction. Schools need to have systems and procedures for scheduling a minimum of 90 minutes of core reading instruction and additional instructional time for intervention with few interruptions. Professional development necessitates collaboration among administrators, teachers, and other staff. Instructional leaders need to attend the same professional development sessions that teachers attend. They need to use professional vocabulary that teachers are learning and using in their instruction. An Instructional Leadership Self-Assessment Survey is located in the Coaching Tools and Resources section of this chapter, page 21. Continuing professional development through classroom guidance and support to individuals and small groups of teachers. Promoting schoolwide success involves: Full-scale implementation of instructional and intervention programs from day one through the final day of the school year. Effective classroom management that maximizes student engagement in academic learning activities. Implementation of a progress monitoring system to identify students who need intervention and teachers who need assistance, to track student progress, and to inform instructional decisionmaking. C h a p t e r 4 6 Effective coaching is a powerful tool that can inspire professional learning and improve teacher effectiveness. Sharing information with teachers about overall school progress, plans, and current information. Scheduling times for one-on-one teacher conferences, demonstrations, observations, and other professional development to improve instruction. A Sample Coaching Schedule is provided in the Coaching Tools and Resources section of this chapter, page 23. R3 Ensuring that grade-level teams have opportunities to review current student data, to problem solve, and to discuss different classroom experiences with administrators.
Research continues to support the need for early identification and assessment (Birsh menstrual blood cookies buy discount alendronate 70mg, 2011; Sousa women's health derry nh order cheap alendronate, 2005; Nevills & Wolfe womens health fresno ca purchase alendronate line, 2009) menstruation 2 days only generic alendronate 35 mg otc. The rapid growth of the brain and its responsiveness to instruction in the primary years make the time from birth to age eight a critical period for literacy development (Nevills & Wolfe, 2009). Characteristics associated with reading difficulties are connected to spoken language. Difficulties in young children can be assessed through screenings of phonemic awareness and other phonological skills (Sousa, 2005). Keeping the above-referenced information in mind, it is important that the school district not delay identification and intervention processes until second or third grade for students suspected of having dyslexia. This identification process should be an individualized evaluation rather than a screening. These processes involve both state and federal requirements that must be followed. Generally in Texas, however, dyslexia identification and intervention most often happen through general education rather than special education. In fact, state law requires the use of early reading assessments that are built on substantial evidence of best practices. Early intervention is further emphasized as the result of research using neuroimaging. Diehl, Frost, Mencl, and Pugh (2011) discuss the need to determine the role that deficits in phonological awareness and phonemic awareness play in reading acquisition, thus improving our methodology for early intervention. The authors note that future research will be enabled by longitudinal studies of phonology remediation using various treatments. Evaluation followed by structured intervention that incorporate new scientific research must be embraced. Progression through tiered intervention is not required in order to begin the identification of dyslexia. The use of a tiered intervention process should not delay or deny an evaluation for dyslexia, especially when parent or teacher observations reveal the common characteristics of dyslexia. Frequently, a child with dyslexia may be making what appears to be progress in the general education classroom based on report card grades or minor gains on progress measures. The use of a tiered process should not delay the inclusion of a student in dyslexia intervention once dyslexia is identified. Parents/guardians always have the right to request a referral for a dyslexia assessment at any time. If a disability is suspected, the student needs to be evaluated following the guidelines outlined in this chapter. If the school does not suspect a disability and determines that evaluation would not be warranted, the parents/guardians must be given a copy of their due process rights. State and Federal Law Regarding Early Identification and Intervention Prior to Formal Assessment Both state and federal legislation emphasize early identification and intervention for students who may be at risk for reading disabilities, such as dyslexia. Those professionals responsible for working with students with reading difficulties should be familiar with the legislation listed in Figure 2. While schools must follow federal and state guidelines, they must also develop procedures that address the needs of their student populations. Data Gathering Schools collect data on all students to ensure that instruction is appropriate and scientifically based. This information should include data that demonstrates that the student was provided appropriate instruction and include data-based documentation of repeated assessments of achievement at reasonable intervals (progress monitoring), reflecting formal assessment of student progress during instruction. This data supports the determination that difficulties in learning are not due to cultural factors or environmental or economic disadvantage. Studies that have examined language development and the effects of home experiences on young children indicate that home experiences and socioeconomic status have dramatic effects on cumulative vocabulary development (Hart & Risley, 1995). Formal Assessment After data gathering, the next step in the evaluation process is formal assessment. This is not a screening; rather, it is an individualized assessment used to gather evaluation data.
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If this information is not included in the home study women's health clinic buffalo ny generic alendronate 70 mg with visa, an updated or amended home study will be necessary if the applicant seeks to adopt a handicapped or special needs child women's health danvers ma best alendronate 35mg. The home study must include the number of children the applicant may adopt at the same time pregnancy zicam purchase genuine alendronate on-line. If the home study preparer has approved the applicant for a handicapped or special needs adoption women's health center in lansdale purchase 35mg alendronate mastercard, this fact must be clearly stated. In the case of a married petitioner, one spouse cannot sign for the other, even under a power of attorney or similar agency arrangement. Paragraphs (c)(2) and (3) of this section provide special rules for determining that this requirement has been met. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, the investigation may include, but is not limited to , document checks, telephone checks, interview(s) with the birth or prior adoptive parent(s), a field investigation, and any other appropriate investigatory actions. The written description must include a citation to the relevant State statutes or regulations and specify how the petitioner intends to comply with any requirements that can be satisfied only after the child arrives in the United States. A petition filed on behalf of the son or daughter, however, will remain valid for the duration of the relationship to accord preference status under section 203(a)(3) of the Act. If the new petition is approved, it will be given the priority date of the previously approved petition. Provided that all requirements of section 204(f) of the Act continue to be met, however, the petition is to be considered valid for purposes of according the beneficiary preference classification under section 203(a)(3) of the Act. Revocation of the approval of a petition of self-petition under paragraph (a) of this section will be made only on notice to the petitioner or self-petitioner. If, upon reconsideration, the approval previously granted is revoked, the director shall provide the petitioner or the selfpetitioner with a written notification of the decision that explains the specific reasons for the revocation. The director shall notify the consular officer having jurisdiction over the visa application, if applicable, of the revocation of an approval. In determining whether or not an applicant is firmly resettled in a foreign country, the officer reviewing the matter shall consider the conditions under which other residents of the country live: (1) Whether permanent or temporary housing is available to the refugee in the foreign country; (2) Nature of employment available to the refugee in the foreign country; and (3) Other benefits offered or denied to the refugee by the foreign country which are available to other residents, such as right to property ownership, travel documentation, education, public welfare, and citizenship. Any applicant for refugee status who qualifies as an immediate relative or as a special immigrant shall not be processed as a refugee unless it is in the public interest. Each applicant 14 years old or older shall appear in person before an immigration officer for inquiry under oath to determine his or her eligibility for admission as a refugee. As refugee status is authorized for each applicant, the total count is reduced correspondingly from the appropriate group so that information is readily available to indicate how many refugee numbers remain available for issuance. Refugees or groups of refugees may be selected from these lists in a manner that will best support the policies and interests of the United States.
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