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By: L. Tom, M.B.A., M.D.

Deputy Director, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine

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Much more insidious and pervasive is the wider story of chronic disease that massive overuse of antibiotics is contributing too hiv infection icd 10 buy zovirax 400 mg mastercard. Antibiotics do not work all the time hiv infection on prep cheap 400 mg zovirax overnight delivery, their inappropriate use hiv infection drugs cheap zovirax 200mg amex, nosocomal infections antiviral innate immunity best order zovirax, and possible reservoirs of antibiotic resistant animal organisms causing human diseases will then lead us to an update on the present situation, highlighting the nanopore revolution in genomic sequencing of drug-resistant bacteria, precious nanometals, and look forward to the future of antibiotics. Howard Florey and Ernst Chain who were brewing up extracts of a mold called Penicillium chrysogenum and had synthesized a very small amount of penicillin. While having been discovered in 1938 by Alexander Fleming, that drug had never actually been used to treat a human. Whereas that story did not end well, millions of other people have since lived because of it, and global health had been transformed. Unfortunately, antibiotics have also been used in situations when not really needed and commercially for animal husbandry. That massive use of antibiotics around the world has imposed such large selection pressure on bacteria that resistance has become a serious global problem. Penicillin is now available in copious amounts, as are other bacteria-killing antibiotics. I will discuss the several modes of action of antibiotics, their clinical activity, and the factors that determine the response to therapy. I will subsequently review the major epidemics of human diseases that were enhanced through the proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Brief History of Antibiotics Development Antibiotics are natural or synthetic chemicals able to affect the survival of microorganisms through inhibiting their growth or killing them. In recorded history and probably before: Fermenting yeasts and fungi that comprise the sediment in all grain-synthesized alcohol products were the source of many medicinal effects. In the early 1940s: Selman Waksman found or named over twenty potential antibiotics (other than penicillin) and later identified 200 of them, including streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracyclines, and erythromycin. In 1940: Chain and Abraham suspecting the limitations of penicillin reported on the existence of a bacterial enzyme (penicillinase) with the ability to inactivate penicillin. In or about 1943: Discovery of an enzyme in bacteria that could break off the molecular core of penicillin, the beta-lactam ring. In 1896: Ernest Duchesne demonstrated a similar bacteriostatic (that is, controlling or limiting the growth of bacteria) effect from Penicillium molds. In 1899: Rudolph Emmerich and Otto Low used the residues left after cultivating the bacterium Pseudomonas pyocyanea to kill other bacteria (an example of "antibiosis"). Farben Industries prepared whole batteries of synthetic chemicals, truly antibacterial drugs in the sulfa family. In 1947: A Chloromycetes organism was identified as the source of chloramphenicol, one of the most potent antibiotics known. In 1952: Tsutomu Watanabe isolated an organism that was simultaneously resistant to several different antibiotics. Ochai and co-workers reported that the genes for antibiotic resistance could be passed intact from Schigella to Escherichia coli (the major bacterium of the human intestinal tract). McConnell found identical patterns of antibiotic resistance by the organism Salmonella. Mode of Action 2016: Development of new platforms for producing antibiotics from scratch. Effective in treating typhoid fever and meningitis Used prophylactically to prevent blood-borne infection with Streptococcus strains capable of producing endocarditis o Carbenicillin o Spectinomycin o Flucloxacillin o Rifampicin o Methicillin o Dicloxacillin #1 o Upper respiratory system o Synthesized derivative of penicillin family. Effective against sepsis Oral, penicillinase-resistant penicillin o Partially effective against Pseudomonas and Proteus bacteria. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res Streptomycins o Streptomycin o Sulfanilamide (superseded by Sulfonamides) o Dihydrostreptomycin o Upper respiratory system infection Volume 1- Issue 1: 2017 Sulfa drugs o Sulfisoxazole Gantrisin) o Sulfamethoxazole (=Bactrim) (= Mode # 5 o Wide variety of infections (such as middle ear, urine, respiratory and intestinal). Rare serious adverse effects: muscle weakness, mental/mood changes, blood in urine, change in urine amount, extreme drowsiness, signs of low blood sugar (such as nervousness, shakiness, sweating, hunger), persistent headache, neck stiffness, seizures, slow/irregular heartbeat o Rare serious (possibly fatal) allergic reactions, severe peeling skin rash (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), blood disorders (agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia), liver damage, lung injury. Mode # 2 o Potent for treating tract infections, bladder and kidney infections o Syphillis Source: Modified and adapted from D. Creation of new antibiotics continues to this date albeit at a slower pace while only some forty or so are in general clinical practice at any one time (10-15 in Czechoslovakia and China, keeping potent antibiotics like tobramycin "in reserve" for emergencies). To treat acute gonorrhea caused by penicillin-resistant gonococci Folic acid inhibitor, combined with sulfamethoxazole the above history continues today as a unilateral quest for chemical rather than homeostatic or immunological solutions advocated earlier by Louis Pasteur and Elie Metchnikoff. In 2014, a 69 completely new antibiotic named Teixobactin is the latest medicine discovery against multi-resistant organisms.

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Eat breakfast-You can try any of the breakfast options in this guide or use the nutritional guidelines as outlined in Chapter 14 of the book to create your own recipes hiv transmission statistics male to male buy zovirax 400 mg amex. You can try any of the snacks in this guide or use the nutritional guidelines as outlined in Chapter 14 of the book to create your own hiv infection rates dc buy zovirax 200 mg on-line. Eat lunch-You can try any of the lunch options in this guide or use the nutritional guidelines as outlined in Chapter 14 of the book to create your own recipes hiv infection in pregnancy discount 200mg zovirax amex. In Chapter 14 of the UltraMind Solution hiv infection rates graph order 800 mg zovirax, I outlined the nutritional principles and eating guidelines you need to follow while on the program. While those guidelines are enough for you to get and stay on the program successfully, I am aware that many people like to have a bit more guidance regarding what to eat and when. People especially love learning healthy new brain-food recipes they can use to develop an UltraMind. In reality, you can use any of the recipes in the pages that follow any day you are on the UltraMind Solution. If you want to keep the program extremely easy, follow the menus as outlined for the first 14 days. After two weeks using these recipes, you will have a good sense of what your body and brain crave and how to nourish them properly. At that stage, you can either pick and choose daily menus for the remaining four weeks or you can just pick out recipes you fall in love with and make those as you wish. Just print out the list, take it to the grocery store with you, purchase what is on it, and you should have all the supplies you need to create these meals. Following this plan should make optimizing your brain function more fun and more delicious. Increase the heat to medium-high and add the cooked sweet potatoes, oregano, black pepper, and paprika. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until the vegetables are soft and lightly brown. Meanwhile, heat the remaining 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil in a large, preferably nonstick skillet over medium heat. One at a time, break the eggs into a small bowl, and then slide them into the skillet. Gently turn the eggs over and cook for about 1 minute for over easy or about 2 minutes for over well. The UltraShake provides essential protein for detoxification, omega-3 fatty acids from flax oil, fiber for healthy digestion, increased elimination from flaxseeds, and antioxidants and phytonutrients from the berries and fruit. It will sustain you, even out your blood sugar, and help you control your appetite throughout the day. While it can be expensive, it replaces meals and facilitates your detoxifying and weight loss during the week. To save time in the morning, you can combine all ingredients except the walnuts in a covered saucepan the night before, store in your refrigerator, and cook in the morning. Cover pan and simmer on low heat for approximately 25-30 minutes, until amaranth is soft. Wrap the tortilla in foil and heat at 300 degrees F, until steaming, about 5 minutes. Cover pan and simmer on low heat for approximately 20 minutes, until quinoa is tender. Nutritional Analysis: Per Serving: Calories 396, Carbohydrates 48g, Fiber 6 g, Protein 14g, Fat 18g, Cholesterol 0 mg, Sodium 128 mg, Calcium 330 mg the UltraMind Recipes: Your Six-Week Eating Plan to an UltraMind 61 Ratatouille Omelet Serves: 1 Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes this omelet is a great use for leftover ratatouille (see dinner recipes). Using a rubber spatula, lift the eggs that are set near the edge of the pan, and let most of the liquid eggs run underneath to cook. Using a large spatula, carefully lift and then fold the other side of the omelet over the ratatouille. Turn the heat to low and continue to cook for about 1 minute, to heat the ratatouille. Added to a salad like this, it results in a light, refreshing dish full of flavor. Place the spinach, scallions, snow peas, bean sprouts, and beans in a large salad bowl.

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